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the free woman

  • 1 free

    1. adjective,
    1) frei

    get free — freikommen; sich befreien

    go free(escape unpunished) straffrei ausgehen

    let somebody go free(leave captivity) jemanden freilassen; (unpunished) jemanden freisprechen

    set free — freilassen; (fig.) erlösen

    free of something(without) frei von etwas

    free of charge/cost — gebührenfrei/kostenlos

    free and easy — ungezwungen; locker (ugs.)

    give free rein to somethingeiner Sache (Dat.) freien Lauf lassen

    somebody is free to do somethinges steht jemandem frei, etwas zu tun

    you're free to choosedu kannst frei [aus]wählen

    leave somebody free to do something — es jemandem ermöglichen, etwas zu tun

    feel free!nur zu! (ugs.)

    feel free to correct medu darfst mich gerne korrigieren

    it's a free country(coll.) wir leben in einem freien Land

    free from pain/troubles — schmerz-/sorgenfrei

    3) (provided without payment) kostenlos; frei [Überfahrt, Unterkunft, Versand, Verpflegung]; Frei[karte, -exemplar, -fahrt]; Gratis[probe, -vorstellung]

    ‘admission free’ — "Eintritt frei"

    for free(coll.) umsonst

    4) (not occupied, not reserved, not being used) frei

    free time — Freizeit, die

    he's free in the morningser hat morgens Zeit

    6) (frank, open) offen; freimütig
    7) (not strict) frei [Übersetzung, Interpretation, Bearbeitung usw.]
    2. adverb
    (without cost or payment) gratis; umsonst
    3. transitive verb
    (set at liberty) freilassen; (disentangle) befreien (of, from von)

    free somebody/oneself from — jemanden/sich befreien von [Tyrannei, Unterdrückung, Tradition]; jemanden/sich befreien aus [Gefängnis, Sklaverei, Umklammerung]

    free somebody/oneself of — jemanden/sich befreien od. freimachen von

    * * *
    [fri:] 1. adjective
    1) (allowed to move where one wants; not shut in, tied, fastened etc: The prison door opened, and he was a free man.) frei
    2) (not forced or persuaded to act, think, speak etc in a particular way: free speech; You are free to think what you like.) frei
    3) ((with with) generous: He is always free with his money/advice.) freigiebig
    4) (frank, open and ready to speak: a free manner.) frei
    5) (costing nothing: a free gift.) kostenlos
    6) (not working or having another appointment; not busy: I shall be free at five o'clock.) frei
    7) (not occupied, not in use: Is this table free?) frei
    8) ((with of or from) without or no longer having (especially something or someone unpleasant etc): She is free from pain now; free of charge.) ohne, frei
    2. verb
    1) (to make or set (someone) free: He freed all the prisoners.) freilassen, befreien
    2) ((with from or of) to rid or relieve (someone) of something: She was able to free herself from her debts by working at an additional job.) entlasten
    - academic.ru/29289/freedom">freedom
    - freely
    - free-for-all
    - freehand
    - freehold
    - freelance
    3. verb
    (to work in this way: He is freelancing now.) freiberuflich tätig sein
    - Freepost
    - free skating
    - free speech
    - free trade
    - freeway
    - freewheel
    - free will
    - a free hand
    - set free
    * * *
    I. adj
    1. (not physically impeded) frei
    to break \free [of [or from] sth] ( also fig) sich akk [aus etw dat] befreien
    to break [or cut] \free [of [or from] sb] ( also fig) sich akk [von jdm] losreißen a. fig
    to roam/run \free frei herumlaufen
    to set sb/an animal \free ( also fig) jdn/ein Tier freilassen
    2. (not confined) frei
    she left the court a \free woman sie verließ das Gericht als freie Frau
    to go [or walk] \free straffrei ausgehen
    3. (not under compulsion) frei
    you are \free to come and go as you please Sie können kommen und gehen, wann Sie wollen
    you're \free to refuse es steht Ihnen frei abzulehnen
    am I \free to leave now? kann ich jetzt gehen?
    did you do this of your own \free will? haben Sie das aus freiem Willen getan?
    \free choice freie Wahl
    to feel \free sich dat keinen Zwang antun
    can I get myself a drink? — feel \free kann ich mir etwas zu trinken nehmen? — bedienen Sie sich nur
    feel \free to interrupt me unterbrechen Sie mich ruhig
    4. (without obstruction) frei
    \free movement of capital freier Kapitalverkehr
    \free movement of labour Freizügigkeit f für Arbeitnehmer und Selbstständige
    \free play MECH Spielraum m
    to allow [or give] one's emotions \free play [or \free play to one's emotions] seinen Gefühlen freien Lauf lassen
    5. (disposable) frei
    \free capital freies Kapital
    \free reserves freie Rücklagen
    6. POL elections, press frei
    it's a \free country! das ist ein freies Land!
    \free speech Redefreiheit f
    7. pred (rid of) frei (of/from von + dat)
    to be \free of [or from] a disease eine Krankheit nicht haben
    my doctor told me I would never be completely \free of the disease mein Arzt sagte mir, dass ich die Krankheit niemals ganz loswerden würde fam
    \free of charge kostenlos
    to be \free of [or from] customs/tax zoll-/steuerfrei sein
    \free of [or from] dirt schmutzfrei
    \free of pain schmerzfrei
    to be \free of sb jdn los sein fam
    8. inv (not attached or entangled) lose
    I want the bookcase to stand \free of the wall ich will, dass der Bücherschrank nicht an der Wand steht
    to get/pull sth \free etw freibekommen/losreißen
    to work [itself/sth] \free [sich/etw akk] lösen
    9. pred (not busy) person
    to leave sb \free to do sth es jdm ermöglichen, etw zu tun
    to be \free [to do sth] Zeit haben[, etw zu tun]
    I've got a \free evening next Monday ich habe nächsten Montag einen freien Abend
    \free time Freizeit f
    11. inv (not occupied) object frei; seat unbesetzt
    excuse me, is this seat \free? Entschuldigung, ist dieser Platz frei?
    if you take these bags that will give me a free hand to open the door wenn Sie diese Tüten nehmen, habe ich die Hand frei, um die Türe zu öffnen
    to leave sth \free etw freilassen
    12. inv (costing nothing) gratis, unentgeltlich
    admission is \free der Eintritt ist frei
    entrance is \free for pensioners Rentner haben freien Eintritt
    \free copy Freiexemplar nt
    \free issue STOCKEX Emission f von Gratisaktien
    \free ticket Freikarte f
    13. (generous) freigiebig
    to be \free with sth mit etw dat großzügig sein
    to make \free with sth mit etw dat großzügig umgehen
    don't her parents mind her making \free with their house while they're on holiday? haben ihre Eltern nichts dagegen, dass sie so frei über ihr Haus verfügt, während sie im Urlaub sind?
    14. (inexact) frei, nicht wörtlich
    \free translation freie Übersetzung
    15. (frank) offen; (casual) manners ungezwungen; ( pej) unverschämt
    16. (public) library öffentlich
    17. LIT, MUS, SPORT (not restricted by convention) frei
    \free section Kür f
    18. CHEM oxygen, radical frei, nicht gebunden
    to be as \free as the air [or a bird] frei wie ein Vogel sein
    the best things in life are \free ( saying) das Beste im Leben ist umsonst
    \free and easy entspannt, locker
    there's no such thing as a \free lunch nichts ist umsonst
    II. adv inv frei, gratis
    \free of charge kostenlos
    \free, gratis, and for nothing ( hum) gratis und umsonst
    for \free ( fam) gratis, umsonst
    III. vt
    1. (release)
    to \free sb/an animal jdn/ein Tier freilassen
    to \free sb/an animal [from sth] jdn/ein Tier [von [o aus] etw dat] befreien
    to \free sth [from sth] part of the body etw [von etw dat] frei machen
    he tried to \free his hands from the rope er versuchte, seine Hände aus dem Seil zu befreien
    to \free sb/sth/oneself from [or of] sth jdn/etw/sich von etw dat befreien [o frei machen]
    to \free sb from a contract jdn aus einem Vertrag entlassen
    3. (make available)
    to \free sth etw frei machen
    I need to \free the afternoon to write this report ich muss mir den Nachmittag frei machen, um diesen Bericht zu schreiben
    to \free funds Gelder flüssigmachen
    to \free a space Platz schaffen
    to \free sb to do sth jdm Freiraum geben, etw zu tun
    4. (loosen)
    to \free sth rusty bolt, cog, tap etw lösen
    we managed to \free the propeller from the rope wir konnten den Propeller vom Seil losmachen
    * * *
    1. adj (+er)
    1) (= at liberty, unrestricted) person, animal, state, activity, translation, choice frei

    you're free to go now — Sie können jetzt gehen(, wenn Sie wollen)

    I'm not free to do it — es steht mir nicht frei, es zu tun

    (do) feel free to help yourself/ask questions — nehmen Sie sich/fragen Sie ruhig

    feel free! (inf) — bitte, gern(e)!


    (+prep) free from worry — sorgenfrei

    free from blame/responsibility — frei von Schuld/Verantwortung

    3) (= costing nothing) kostenlos, Gratis-; (COMM) gratis

    free, gratis and for nothing — gratis und umsonst

    4) (= not occupied) room, seat, hour, person frei

    I wasn't free earlier —

    5) (= lavish, profuse) großzügig, freigebig; (= licentious, improper) language, behaviour frei, lose; (= overfamiliar) plumpvertraulich
    2. vt
    prisoner (= release) freilassen; (= help escape) befreien; caged animal freilassen; nation befreien; (= untie) person losbinden; tangle (auf)lösen; pipe frei machen; rusty screw, caught fabric lösen; (= make available) person frei machen
    * * *
    free [friː]
    A adj (adv freely)
    1. allg frei:
    a) unabhängig
    b) selbstständig
    c) ungebunden
    d) ungehindert
    e) uneingeschränkt
    f) in Freiheit (befindlich):
    he left the court a free man, he walked free from court er verließ das Gericht als freier Mann;
    he’s always free SPORT er ist immer anspielbar;
    he is free to go, it is free for him to go es steht ihm frei zu gehen;
    please be free to ask questions Sie können gerne Fragen stellen;
    it’s ( oder this is) a free country umg ist das etwa verboten?, hier kann jeder tun und lassen, was er will;
    mind if I sit here? - it’s a free country ich kann dich nicht daran hindern;
    give sb a free hand jemandem freie Hand lassen; set C 2, swing C 1, will2 A 3
    2. frei:
    a) unbeschäftigt:
    he is free after 5 o’clock
    b) ohne Verpflichtungen (Abend etc)
    c) nicht besetzt:
    3. frei:
    free practice (Motorsport) freies Training;
    free skating (Eis-, Rollkunstlauf) Kür(laufen) f(n);
    free skater Kürläufer(in);
    c) frei gestaltet (Version etc)
    4. (from, of) frei (von), ohne (akk):
    free of alcohol alkoholfrei;
    free of damage WIRTSCH unbeschädigt;
    free from error fehlerfrei;
    free from infection MED frei von ansteckenden Krankheiten;
    stay free of injury SPORT von Verletzungen verschont bleiben;
    free from prejudice ( oder bias) vorurteilsfrei, unvoreingenommen;
    the judge wasn’t free from prejudice JUR der Richter war befangen
    5. frei, befreit ( beide:
    from, of von):
    free from contradiction widerspruchsfrei;
    free of debt schuldenfrei;
    free from distortion TECH verzerrungsfrei;
    free of income tax einkommensteuerfrei;
    free of pain schmerzfrei;
    free of taxes steuerfrei;
    free and unencumbered JUR unbelastet, hypothekenfrei; charge C 7
    6. gefeit, im’mun, gesichert ( alle:
    from gegen)
    7. CHEM nicht gebunden, frei
    8. los(e), frei:
    get one’s arm free seinen Arm freibekommen
    9. frei (stehend oder schwebend)
    10. ungezwungen, natürlich, unbefangen:
    11. a) offen(herzig), freimütig
    b) unverblümt
    c) dreist, plump-vertraulich:
    make free with sich Freiheiten herausnehmen gegen jemanden; sich (ungeniert) gütlich tun an einer Sache
    12. allzu frei:
    free talk lockere Reden pl
    13. freigebig, großzügig:
    be free with großzügig sein oder umgehen mit
    14. reichlich: flow A 1
    15. leicht, flott, zügig
    16. a) (kosten-, gebühren)frei, kostenlos, unentgeltlich, gratis:
    free admission freier Eintritt;
    free copy Freiexemplar n;
    free fares pl Nulltarif m;
    free gift (Werbe)Geschenk n, Zugabe f;
    free sample Gratisprobe f;
    free ticket Freikarte f, BAHN etc Freifahrkarte f, -schein m;
    free transport Beförderung f zum Nulltarif;
    for free umg umsonst;
    get sth for free umg etwas geschenkt bekommen; pass C 2 b
    b) TEL gebührenfrei, zum Nulltarif
    17. WIRTSCH frei (Handelsklausel):
    free alongside ship frei Längsseite Schiff;
    free on board frei an Bord;
    free on rail frei Waggon;
    free domicile frei Haus
    18. WIRTSCH zoll- oder genehmigungsfrei (Importe etc)
    19. WIRTSCH frei verfügbar (Vermögenswerte etc)
    20. öffentlich, allen zugänglich:
    free library Volksbücherei f;
    be (made) free of sth freien Zutritt zu etwas haben
    21. willig, bereit ( beide:
    to do zu tun)
    22. Turnen: ohne Geräte:
    free gymnastics Freiübungen
    23. (frei) beweglich:
    free balloon Freiballon m;
    be free of the harbo(u)r aus dem Hafen heraus sein
    24. TECH leer (Maschine):
    run free leerlaufen
    25. LING
    a) in einer offenen Silbe stehend (Vokal)
    b) frei, nicht fest (Wortakzent)
    B v/t
    1. befreien ( from von, aus) (auch fig):
    free o.s. sich befreien;
    free o.s. of sich frei machen von
    2. freilassen
    3. entlasten (from, of von)
    4. auch free up WIRTSCH Preise freigeben
    C adv allg frei:
    call us free on … rufen Sie uns gebührenfrei oder zum Nulltarif an unter …;
    go free SCHIFF raumschots segeln
    * * *
    1. adjective,
    1) frei

    get free — freikommen; sich befreien

    go free (escape unpunished) straffrei ausgehen

    let somebody go free (leave captivity) jemanden freilassen; (unpunished) jemanden freisprechen

    set free — freilassen; (fig.) erlösen

    free of something (without) frei von etwas

    free of charge/cost — gebührenfrei/kostenlos

    free and easy — ungezwungen; locker (ugs.)

    give free rein to somethingeiner Sache (Dat.) freien Lauf lassen

    somebody is free to do something — es steht jemandem frei, etwas zu tun

    you're free to choose — du kannst frei [aus]wählen

    leave somebody free to do something — es jemandem ermöglichen, etwas zu tun

    feel free!nur zu! (ugs.)

    it's a free country(coll.) wir leben in einem freien Land

    free from pain/troubles — schmerz-/sorgenfrei

    3) (provided without payment) kostenlos; frei [Überfahrt, Unterkunft, Versand, Verpflegung]; Frei[karte, -exemplar, -fahrt]; Gratis[probe, -vorstellung]

    ‘admission free’ — "Eintritt frei"

    for free(coll.) umsonst

    4) (not occupied, not reserved, not being used) frei

    free time — Freizeit, die

    6) (frank, open) offen; freimütig
    7) (not strict) frei [Übersetzung, Interpretation, Bearbeitung usw.]
    2. adverb
    (without cost or payment) gratis; umsonst
    3. transitive verb
    (set at liberty) freilassen; (disentangle) befreien (of, from von)

    free somebody/oneself from — jemanden/sich befreien von [Tyrannei, Unterdrückung, Tradition]; jemanden/sich befreien aus [Gefängnis, Sklaverei, Umklammerung]

    free somebody/oneself of — jemanden/sich befreien od. freimachen von

    * * *
    frei adj.
    offenherzig adj.
    umsonst adj. (from) v.
    befreien (von) v. v.
    befreien v.
    freigeben v.

    English-german dictionary > free

  • 2 free

    [fri:] adj
    she left the court a \free woman sie verließ das Gericht als freie Frau;
    to break \free [of [or from] sth] (a. fig) sich akk [aus etw dat] befreien;
    to break [or cut] \free [of [or from] sb] (a. fig) sich akk [von jdm] losreißen (a. fig)
    to go [or walk] \free straffrei ausgehen;
    to roam/run \free frei herumlaufen;
    to set sb/an animal \free (a. fig) jdn/ein Tier freilassen
    2) ( not restricted) frei;
    am I \free to leave now? kann ich jetzt gehen?;
    did you do this of your own \free will? haben Sie das aus freiem Willen getan?;
    can I get myself a drink? - feel \free kann ich mir etwas zu trinken nehmen? - bedienen Sie sich;
    \free choice freie Wahl;
    \free play mech Spielraum m;
    to allow [or give] one's emotions \free play [or \free play to one's emotions] seinen Gefühlen freien Lauf lassen
    3) pol frei;
    it's a \free country! das ist ein freies Land!;
    \free elections freie Wahlen;
    \free press freie Presse;
    \free speech Redefreiheit f
    4) pred ( unaffected) frei (of/ from von +dat);
    to be \free of [or from] a disease eine Krankheit losgeworden sein ( fam)
    to be \free of sb jdn los sein ( fam)
    when the tide rose, the boat floated \free of the sandbank als die Flut einsetzte, kam das Boot von der Sandbank los;
    to get/pull sth \free etw freibekommen/losreißen;
    to work [itself/sth] \free [sich/etw akk] lösen
    to leave sb \free to do sth es jdm ermöglichen, etw zu tun;
    to be \free [to do sth] Zeit haben[, etw zu tun]
    7) inv ( not busy) of time frei;
    I've got a \free evening next Monday ich habe nächsten Montag einen freien Abend
    8) inv ( not occupied) of object frei, unbesetzt;
    excuse me, is this seat \free? Entschuldigung, ist dieser Platz frei?;
    to leave sth \free etw freilassen
    9) phys ( independent) frei, nicht gebunden
    10) inv ( costing nothing) gratis;
    admission is \free der Eintritt ist frei;
    entrance is \free for pensioners Rentner haben freien Eintritt;
    \free of charge kostenlos;
    to be \free of [or from] customs/ tax zoll-/steuerfrei sein;
    \free ticket Freikarte f
    11) ( generous) freigiebig;
    to be \free with sth mit etw dat großzügig sein;
    to make \free with sth mit etw dat großzügig umgehen;
    ( help oneself) sich akk großzügig einer S. gen bedienen
    12) ( inexact) frei, nicht wörtlich;
    \free translation/ version freie Übersetzung
    13) ( frank) offen
    to be as \free as the air [or a bird] frei wie ein Vogel sein;
    the best things in life are \free (are \free) das Beste im Leben ist umsonst;
    there's no such thing as a \free lunch nichts ist umsonst;
    \free and easy entspannt, locker adv
    inv frei, gratis;
    \free of charge kostenlos;
    \free, gratis, and for nothing ( hum) gratis und umsonst;
    for \free ( fam) gratis, umsonst vt
    1) ( release)
    to \free sb hostage jdn freilassen;
    to \free sb [from sth] trapped person jdn [von [o aus] etw dat] befreien;
    to \free sth [from sth] part of the body etw [von etw dat] frei machen;
    he tried vainly to \free his hands from the rope er versuchte vergebens, seine Hände aus dem Seil zu befreien
    2) ( relieve)
    to \free sb/ sth/ oneself from [or of] sth jdn/etw/sich von etw dat befreien [o frei machen];
    to \free sb from a contract jdn aus einem Vertrag entlassen
    to \free funds/ a space Gelder flüssigmachen/Platz schaffen;
    to \free sb to do sth jdm Freiraum geben, etw zu tun
    to \free sth rusty bolt, cog, tap etw lösen;
    we managed to \free the propeller from the rope wir konnten den Propeller vom Seil losmachen

    English-German students dictionary > free

  • 3 frayed at the edges

    (frayed (или rubbed) at (around или round) the edges (тж. worn about, around или round the edges))

    Before a log cabin, in a sway-sided rocker, creaked a tall, white, flabby woman, once nearly beautiful, now rubbed at the edges. (S. Lewis, ‘Free Air’, ch. XXI) — Перед деревянной хижиной в скрипучем кресле-качалке покачивалась высокая, рыхлая белая женщина, когда-то миловидная, но теперь уже поблекшая.

    ...here he was in his early fifties, a little worn around the edges, but still dapper... and still optimistic. (E. O'Connor, ‘The Edge of Sadness’, part IV, ch. XI) — Дану было пятьдесят с хвостиком. Он несколько потрепан жизнью, но сохранил элегантность... и оптимизм.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > frayed at the edges

  • 4

    ὁ, ἡ, τό pl. οἱ, αἱ, τά article, derived fr. a demonstrative pronoun, ‘the’. Since the treatment of the inclusion and omission of the art. belongs to the field of grammar, the lexicon can limit itself to exhibiting the main features of its usage. It is difficult to set hard and fast rules for the employment of the art., since the writer’s style had special freedom of play here—Kühner-G. I p. 589ff; B-D-F §249–76; Mlt. 80–84; Rob. 754–96; W-S. §17ff; Rdm.2 112–18; Abel §28–32; HKallenberg, RhM 69, 1914, 642ff; FVölker, Syntax d. griech. Papyri I, Der Artikel, Progr. d. Realgymn. Münster 1903; FEakin, AJP 37, 1916, 333ff; CMiller, ibid. 341ff; EColwell, JBL 52, ’33, 12–21 (for a critique s. Mlt-H.-Turner III 183f); ASvensson, D. Gebr. des bestimmten Art. in d. nachklass. Epik ’37; RFink, The Syntax of the Greek Article ’53; JRoberts, Exegetical Helps, The Greek Noun with and without the Article: Restoration Qtly 14, ’71, 28–44; HTeeple, The Greek Article with Personal Names in the Synoptic Gospels: NTS 19, ’73, 302–17; Mussies 186–97.
    this one, that one, the art. funct. as demonstrative pronoun
    in accordance w. epic usage (Hes., Works 450: ἡ=this [voice]) in the quot. fr. Arat., Phaenom. 5 τοῦ γὰρ καὶ γένος ἐσμέν for we are also his (lit. this One’s) offspring Ac 17:28.
    ὁ μὲν … ὁ δέ the one … the other (Polyaenus 6, 2, 1 ὁ μὲν … ὁ δὲ … ὁ δε; PSI 512, 21 [253 B.C.]); pl. οἱ μὲν … οἱ δέ (PSI 341, 9 [256 B.C.]; TestJob 29:1) some … others w. ref. to a noun preceding: ἐσχίσθη τὸ πλῆθος … οἱ μὲν ἦσαν σὺν τοῖς Ἰουδαίοις, οἱ δὲ σὺν τοῖς ἀποστόλοις Ac 14:4; 17:32; 28:24; 1 Cor 7:7; Gal 4:23; Phil 1:16f. Also without such a relationship expressed τοὺς μὲν ἀποστόλους, τοὺς δὲ προφήτας, τοὺς δὲ εὐαγγελιστάς Eph 4:11. οἱ μὲν … ὁ δέ Hb 7:5f, 20f. οἱ μὲν … ἄλλοι (δέ) J 7:12. οἱ μὲν … ἄλλοι δὲ … ἕτεροι δέ Mt 16:14. τινὲς … οἱ δέ Ac 17:18 (cp. Pla., Leg. 1, 627a; 2, 658 B.; Aelian, VH 2, 34; Palaeph. 6, 5).—Mt 26:67; 28:17 οἱ δέ introduces a second class; just before this, instead of the first class, the whole group is mentioned (cp. X., Hell. 1, 2, 14, Cyr. 3, 2, 12; KMcKay, JSNT 24, ’85, 71f)= but some (as Arrian, Anab. 5, 2, 7; 5, 14, 4; Lucian, Tim. 4 p. 107; Hesych. Miles. [VI A.D.]: 390 Fgm. 1, 35 end Jac.).
    To indicate the progress of the narrative, ὁ δέ, οἱ δέ but he, but they (lit. this one, they) is also used without ὁ μέν preceding (likew. Il. 1, 43; Pla., X.; also Clearchus, Fgm. 76b τὸν δὲ εἰπεῖν=but this man said; pap examples in Mayser II/1, 1926, 57f) e.g. Mt 2:9, 14; 4:4; 9:31; Mk 14:31 (cp. Just., A II, 2, 3). ὁ μὲν οὖν Ac 23:18; 28:5. οἱ μὲν οὖν 1:6; 5:41; 15:3, 30.—JO’Rourke, Paul’s Use of the Art. as a Pronoun, CBQ 34, ’72, 59–65.
    the, funct. to define or limit an entity, event, or state
    w. nouns
    α. w. appellatives, or common nouns, where, as in Pla., Thu., Demosth. et al., the art. has double significance, specific or individualizing, and generic.
    א. In its individualizing use it focuses attention on a single thing or single concept, as already known or otherwise more definitely limited: things and pers. that are unique in kind: ὁ ἥλιος, ἡ σελήνη, ὁ οὐρανός, ἡ γῆ, ἡ θάλασσα, ὁ κόσμος, ἡ κτίσις, ὁ θεός (BWeiss [s. on θεός, beg.]), ὁ διάβολος, ὁ λόγος (J 1:1, 14), τὸ φῶς, ἡ σκοτία, ἡ ζωή, ὁ θάνατος etc. (but somet. the art. is omitted, esp. when nouns are used w. preps.; B-D-F §253, 1–4; Rob. 791f; Mlt-Turner 171). ἐν συναγωγῇ καὶ ἐν τῷ ἱερῷ J 18:20.—Virtues, vices, etc. (contrary to Engl. usage): ἡ ἀγάπη, ἡ ἀλήθεια, ἡ ἁμαρτία, ἡ δικαιοσύνη, ἡ σοφία et al.—The individualizing art. stands before a common noun that was previously mentioned (without the art.): τοὺς πέντε ἄρτους Lk 9:16 (after πέντε ἄρτοι vs. 13). τὸ βιβλίον 4:17b (after βιβλίον, vs. 17a), τοὺς μάγους Mt 2:7 (after μάγοι, vs. 1). J 4:43 (40); 12:6 (5); 20:1 (19:41); Ac 9:17 (11); Js 2:3 (2); Rv 15:6 (1).—The individ. art. also stands before a common noun which, in a given situation, is given special attention as the only or obvious one of its kind (Hipponax [VI B.C.] 13, 2 West=D.3 16 ὁ παῖς the [attending] slave; Diod S 18, 29, 2 ὁ ἀδελφός=his brother; Artem. 4, 71 p. 245, 19 ἡ γυνή=your wife; ApcEsdr 6:12 p. 31, 17 μετὰ Μωσῆ … ἐν τῷ ὄρει [Sinai]; Demetr. (?): 722 fgm 7 Jac. [in Eus., PE 9, 19, 4] ἐπὶ τὸ ὄρος [Moriah]) τῷ ὑπηρέτῃ to the attendant (who took care of the synagogue) Lk 4:20. εἰς τὸν νιπτῆρα into the basin (that was there for the purpose) J 13:5. ἰδοὺ ὁ ἄνθρωπο here is this (wretched) man 19:5. ἐκ τῆς παιδίσκης or ἐλευθέρας by the (well-known) slave woman or the free woman (Hagar and Sarah) Gal 4:22f. τὸν σῖτον Ac 27:38. ἐν τῇ ἐπιστολῇ 1 Cor 5:9 (s. ἐπιστολή) τὸ ὄρος the mountain (nearby) Mt 5:1; 8:1; 14:23; Mk 3:13; 6:46; Lk 6:12; 9:28 al.; ἡ πεισμονή this (kind of) persuasion Gal 5:8. ἡ μαρτυρία the (required) witness or testimony J 5:36.—The art. takes on the idea of κατʼ ἐξοχήν ‘par excellence’ (Porphyr., Abst. 24, 7 ὁ Αἰγύπτιος) ὁ ἐρχόμενος the one who is (was) to come or the coming one par excellence=The Messiah Mt 11:3; Lk 7:19. ὁ προφήτης J 1:21, 25; 7:40. ὁ διδάσκαλος τ. Ἰσραήλ 3:10 (Ps.-Clem., Hom. 5, 18 of Socrates: ὁ τῆς Ἑλλάδος διδάσκαλος); cp. MPol 12:2. With things (Stephan. Byz. s.v. Μάρπησσα: οἱ λίθοι=the famous stones [of the Parian Marble]) ἡ κρίσις the (last) judgment Mt 12:41. ἡ ἡμέρα the day of decision 1 Cor 3:13; (cp. Mi 4:6 Mt); Hb 10:25. ἡ σωτηρία (our) salvation at the consummation of the age Ro 13:11.
    ב. In its generic use it singles out an individual who is typical of a class, rather than the class itself: ὁ ἀγαθὸς ἄνθρωπος Mt 12:35. κοινοῖ τὸν ἄνθρωπον 15:11. ὥσπερ ὁ ἐθνικός 18:17. ὁ ἐργάτης Lk 10:7. ἐγίνωσκεν τί ἦν ἐν τῷ ἀνθρώπῳ J 2:25. τὰ σημεῖα τοῦ ἀποστόλου 2 Cor 12:12. ὁ κληρονόμος Gal 4:1. So also in parables and allegories: ὁ οἰκοδεσπότης Mt 24:43. Cp. J 10:11b, 12. The generic art. in Gk. is often rendered in Engl. by the indef. art. or omitted entirely.
    β. The use of the art. w. personal names is varied; as a general rule the presence of the art. w. a personal name indicates that the pers. is known; without the art. focus is on the name as such (s. Dssm., BPhW 22, 1902, 1467f; BWeiss, D. Gebr. des Art. b. d. Eigennamen [im NT]: StKr 86, 1913, 349–89). Nevertheless, there is an unmistakable drift in the direction of Mod. Gk. usage, in which every proper name has the art. (B-D-F §260; Rob. 759–61; Mlt-Turner 165f). The ms. tradition varies considerably. In the gospels the art. is usu. found w. Ἰησοῦς; yet it is commonly absent when Ἰ. is accompanied by an appositive that has the art. Ἰ. ὁ Γαλιλαῖος Mt 26:69; Ἰ. ὁ Ναζωραῖος vs. 71; Ἰ. ὁ λεγόμενος Χριστός 27:17, 22. Sim. Μαριὰμ ἡ μήτηρ τοῦ Ἰ. Ac 1:14. The art. somet. stands before oblique cases of indecl. proper names, apparently to indicate their case (B-D-F §260, 2; Rob. 760). But here, too, there is no hard and fast rule.—HTeeple, NTS 19, ’73, 302–17 (synopt.).
    γ. The art. is customarily found w. the names of countries (B-D-F §261, 4; W-S. § 18, 5 d; Rob. 759f); less freq. w. names of cities (B-D-F §261, 1; 2; Rob. 760; Mlt-Turner 170–72). W. Ἰερουσαλήμ, Ἱεροσόλυμα it is usu. absent (s. Ἱεροσόλυμα); it is only when this name has modifiers that it must have the art. ἡ νῦν Ἰ. Gal 4:25; ἡ ἄνω Ἰ. vs. 26; ἡ καινὴ Ἰ. Rv 3:12. But even in this case it lacks the art. when the modifier follows: Hb 12:22.—Names of rivers have the art. ὁ Ἰορδάνης, ὁ Εὐφράτης, ὁ Τίβερις Hv 1, 1, 2 (B-D-F §261, 8; Rob. 760; Mlt-Turner 172). Likew. names of seas ὁ Ἀδρίας Ac 27:27.
    δ. The art. comes before nouns that are accompanied by the gen. of a pronoun (μοῦ, σοῦ, ἡμῶν, ὑμῶν, αὐτοῦ, ἑαυτοῦ, αὐτῶν) Mt 1:21, 25; 5:45; 6:10–12; 12:49; Mk 9:17; Lk 6:27; 10:7; 16:6; Ro 4:19; 6:6 and very oft. (only rarely is it absent: Mt 19:28; Lk 1:72; 2:32; 2 Cor 8:23; Js 5:20 al.).
    ε. When accompanied by the possessive pronouns ἐμός, σός, ἡμέτερος, ὑμέτερος the noun always has the art., and the pron. stands mostly betw. art. and noun: Mt 18:20; Mk 8:38; Lk 9:26; Ac 26:5; Ro 3:7 and oft. But only rarely so in John: J 4:42; 5:47; 7:16. He prefers to repeat the article w. the possessive following the noun ἡ κρίσις ἡ ἐμή J 5:30; cp. 7:6; 17:17; 1J 1:3 al.
    ζ. Adjectives (or participles), when they modify nouns that have the art., also come either betw. the art. and noun: ἡ ἀγαθὴ μερίς Lk 10:42; τὸ ἅγιον πνεῦμα 12:10; Ac 1:8; ἡ δικαία κρίσις J 7:24 and oft., or after the noun w. the art. repeated τὸ πνεῦμα τὸ ἅγιον Mk 3:29; J 14:26; Ac 1:16; Hb 3:7; 9:8; 10:15. ἡ ζωὴ ἡ αἰώνιος 1J 1:2; 2:25. τὴν πύλην τὴν σιδηρᾶν Ac 12:10. Only rarely does an adj. without the art. stand before a noun that has an art. (s. B-D-F §270, 1; Rob. 777; Mlt-Turner 185f): ἀκατακαλύπτῳ τῇ κεφαλῇ 1 Cor 11:5. εἶπεν μεγάλῃ τῇ φωνῇ Ac 14:10 v.l.; cp. 26:24. κοιναῖς ταῖς χερσίν Mk 7:5 D.—Double modifier τὸ πῦρ τὸ αἰώνιον τὸ ἡτοιμασμένον τῷ διαβόλῳ Mt 25:41. τὸ θυσιαστήριον τὸ χρυσοῦν τὸ ἐνώπιον τοῦ θρόνου Rv 8:3; 9:13. ἡ πόρνη ἡ μεγάλη ἡ καθημένη 17:1.—Mk 5:36 τὸν λόγον λαλούμενον is prob. a wrong rdg. (B has τὸν λαλ., D τοῦτον τὸν λ. without λαλούμενον).—On the art. w. ὅλος, πᾶς, πολύς s. the words in question.
    η. As in the case of the poss. pron. (ε) and adj. (ζ), so it is w. other expressions that can modify a noun: ἡ κατʼ ἐκλογὴν πρόθεσις Ro 9:11. ἡ παρʼ ἐμοῦ διαθήκη 11:27. ὁ λόγος ὁ τοῦ σταυροῦ 1 Cor 1:18. ἡ ἐντολὴ ἡ εἰς ζωήν Ro 7:10. ἡ πίστις ὑμῶν ἡ πρὸς τὸν θεόν 1 Th 1:8. ἡ διακονία ἡ εἰς τοὺς ἁγίους 2 Cor 8:4.
    θ. The art. precedes the noun when a demonstrative pron. (ὅδε, οὗτος, ἐκεῖνος) belonging with it comes before or after; e.g.: οὗτος ὁ ἄνθρωπος Lk 14:30; J 9:24. οὗτος ὁ λαός Mk 7:6. οὗτος ὁ υἱός μου Lk 15:24. οὗτος ὁ τελώνης 18:11 and oft. ὁ ἄνθρωπος οὗτος Mk 14:71; Lk 2:25; 23:4, 14, 47. ὁ λαὸς οὗτος Mt 15:8. ὁ υἱός σου οὗτος Lk 15:30 and oft.—ἐκείνη ἡ ἡμέρα Mt 7:22; 22:46. ἐκ. ἡ ὥρα 10:19; 18:1; 26:55. ἐκ. ὁ καιρός 11:25; 12:1; 14:1. ἐκ. ὁ πλάνος 27:63 and oft. ἡ οἰκία ἐκείνη Mt 7:25, 27. ἡ ὥρα ἐκ. 8:13; 9:22; ἡ γῆ ἐκ. 9:26, 31; ἡ ἡμέρα ἐκ. 13:1. ὁ ἀγρὸς ἐκ. vs. 44 and oft.—ὁ αὐτός s. αὐτός 3b.
    ι. An art. before a nom. noun makes it a vocative (as early as Hom.; s. KBrugman4-AThumb, Griech. Gramm. 1913, 431; Schwyzer II 63f; B-D-F §147; Rob. 769. On the LXX Johannessohn, Kasus 14f.—ParJer 1:1 Ἰερεμία ὁ ἐκλεκτός μου; 7:2 χαῖρε Βαρούχι ὁ οἰκονόμος τῆς πίστεως) ναί, ὁ πατήρ Mt 11:26. τὸ κοράσιον, ἔγειρε Mk 5:41. Cp. Mt 7:23; 27:29 v.l.; Lk 8:54; 11:39; 18:11, 13 (Goodsp, Probs. 85–87); J 19:3 and oft.
    Adjectives become substantives by the addition of the art.
    α. ὁ πονηρός Eph 6:16. οἱ σοφοί 1 Cor 1:27. οἱ ἅγιοι, οἱ πλούσιοι, οἱ πολλοί al. Likew. the neut. τὸ κρυπτόν Mt 6:4. τὸ ἅγιον 7:6. τὸ μέσον Mk 3:3. τὸ θνητόν 2 Cor 5:4. τὰ ἀδύνατα Lk 18:27. τὸ ἔλαττον Hb 7:7. Also w. gen. foll. τὰ ἀγαθά σου Lk 16:25. τὸ μωρόν, τὸ ἀσθενὲς τοῦ θεοῦ 1 Cor 1:25; cp. vs. 27f. τὸ γνωστὸν τοῦ θεοῦ Ro 1:19. τὰ ἀόρατα τοῦ θεοῦ vs. 20. τὸ ἀδύνατον τοῦ νόμου 8:3. τὰ κρυπτὰ τῆς αἰσχύνης 2 Cor 4:2.
    β. Adj. attributes whose noun is customarily omitted come to have substantive force and therefore receive the art. (B-D-F §241; Rob. 652–54) ἡ περίχωρος Mt 3:5; ἡ ξηρά 23:15 (i.e. γῆ). ἡ ἀριστερά, ἡ δεξιά (sc. χείρ) 6:3. ἡ ἐπιοῦσα (sc. ἡμέρα) Ac 16:11. ἡ ἔρημος (sc. χώρα) Mt 11:7.
    γ. The neut. of the adj. w. the art. can take on the mng. of an abstract noun (Thu. 1, 36, 1 τὸ δεδιός=fear; Herodian 1, 6, 9; 1, 11, 5 τὸ σεμνὸν τῆς παρθένου; M. Ant. 1, 1; Just., D. 27, 2 διὰ τὸ σκληροκάρδιον ὑμῶν καὶ ἀχάριστον εἰς αὐτόν) τὸ χρηστὸν τοῦ θεοῦ God’s kindness Ro 2:4. τὸ δυνατόν power 9:22. τὸ σύμφορον benefit 1 Cor 7:35. τὸ γνήσιον genuineness 2 Cor 8:8. τὸ ἐπιεικές Phil 4:5 al.
    δ. The art. w. numerals indicates, as in Il. 5, 271f; X. et al. (HKallenberg, RhM 69, 1914, 662ff), that a part of a number already known is being mentioned (Diod S 18, 10, 2 τρεῖς μὲν φυλὰς … τὰς δὲ ἑπτά=‘but the seven others’; Plut., Cleom. 804 [8, 4] οἱ τέσσαρες=‘the other four’; Polyaenus 6, 5 οἱ τρεῖς=‘the remaining three’; Diog. L. 1, 82 Βίας προκεκριμένος τῶν ἑπτά=Bias was preferred before the others of the seven [wise men]. B-D-F §265): οἱ ἐννέα the other nine Lk 17:17. Cp. 15:4; Mt 18:12f. οἱ δέκα the other ten (disciples) 20:24; Mk 10:41; lepers Lk 17:17. οἱ πέντε … ὁ εἷς … ὁ ἄλλος five of them … one … the last one Rv 17:10.
    The ptc. w. the art. receives
    α. the mng. of a subst. ὁ πειράζων the tempter Mt 4:3; 1 Th 3:5. ὁ βαπτίζων Mk 6:14. ὁ σπείρων Mt 13:3; Lk 8:5. ὁ ὀλεθρεύων Hb 11:28. τὸ ὀφειλόμενον Mt 18:30, 34. τὸ αὐλούμενον 1 Cor 14:7. τὸ λαλούμενον vs. 9 (Just., D. 32, 3 τὸ ζητούμενον). τὰ γινόμενα Lk 9:7. τὰ ἐρχόμενα J 16:13. τὰ ἐξουθενημένα 1 Cor 1:28. τὰ ὑπάρχοντα (s. ὑπάρχω 1). In Engl. usage many of these neuters are transl. by a relative clause, as in β below. B-D-F §413; Rob. 1108f.
    β. the mng. of a relative clause (Ar. 4, 2 al. οἱ νομίζοντες) ὁ δεχόμενος ὑμᾶς whoever receives you Mt 10:40. τῷ τύπτοντί σε Lk 6:29. ὁ ἐμὲ μισῶν J 15:23. οὐδὲ γὰρ ὄνομά ἐστιν ἕτερον τὸ δεδομένον (ὸ̔ δέδοται) Ac 4:12. τινές εἰσιν οἱ ταράσσοντες ὑμᾶς Gal 1:7. Cp. Lk 7:32; 18:9; J 12:12; Col 2:8; 1 Pt 1:7; 2J 7; Jd 4 al. So esp. after πᾶς: πᾶς ὁ ὀργιζόμενος everyone who becomes angry Mt 5:22. πᾶς ὁ κρίνων Ro 2:1 al. After μακάριος Mt 5:4, 6, 10. After οὐαὶ ὑμῖν Lk 6:25.
    The inf. w. neut. art. (B-D-F §398ff; Rob. 1062–68) is used in a number of ways.
    α. It stands for a noun (B-D-F §399; Rob. 1062–66) τὸ (ἀνίπτοις χερσὶν) φαγεῖν Mt 15:20. τὸ (ἐκ νεκρῶν) ἀναστῆναι Mk 9:10. τὸ ἀγαπᾶν 12:33; cp. Ro 13:8. τὸ ποιῆσαι, τὸ ἐπιτελέσαι 2 Cor 8:11. τὸ καθίσαι Mt 20:23. τὸ θέλειν Ro 7:18; 2 Cor 8:10.—Freq. used w. preps. ἀντὶ τοῦ, διὰ τό, διὰ τοῦ, ἐκ τοῦ, ἐν τῷ, ἕνεκεν τοῦ, ἕως τοῦ, μετὰ τό, πρὸ τοῦ, πρὸς τό etc.; s. the preps. in question (B-D-F §402–4; Rob. 1068–75).
    β. The gen. of the inf. w. the art., without a prep., is esp. frequent (B-D-F §400; Mlt. 216–18; Rob. 1066–68; DEvans, ClQ 15, 1921, 26ff). The use of this inf. is esp. common in Lk and Paul, less freq. in Mt and Mk, quite rare in other writers. The gen. stands
    א. dependent on words that govern the gen.: ἄξιον 1 Cor 16:4 (s. ἄξιος 1c). ἐξαπορηθῆναι τοῦ ζῆν 2 Cor 1:8. ἔλαχε τοῦ θυμιᾶσαι Lk 1:9 (cp. 1 Km 14:47 v.l. Σαοὺλ ἔλαχεν τοῦ βασιλεύειν).
    ב. dependent on a noun (B-D-F §400, 1; Rob. 1066f) ὁ χρόνος τοῦ τεκεῖν Lk 1:57. ἐπλήσθησαν αἱ ἡμέραι τοῦ τεκεῖν αὐτήν 2:6. ἐξουσία τοῦ πατεῖν 10:19. εὐκαιρία τοῦ παραδοῦναι 22:6. ἐλπὶς τοῦ σῴζεσθαι Ac 27:20; τοῦ μετέχειν 1 Cor 9:10. ἐπιποθία τοῦ ἐλθεῖν Ro 15:23. χρείαν ἔχειν τοῦ διδάσκειν Hb 5:12. καιρὸς τοῦ ἄρξασθαι 1 Pt 4:17. τ. ἐνέργειαν τοῦ δύνασθαι the power that enables him Phil 3:21. ἡ προθυμία τοῦ θέλειν zeal in desiring 2 Cor 8:11.
    ג. Somet. the connection w. the noun is very loose, and the transition to the consecutive sense (=result) is unmistakable (B-D-F §400, 2; Rob. 1066f): ἐπλήσθησαν ἡμέραι ὀκτὼ τοῦ περιτεμεῖν αὐτόν Lk 2:21. ὀφειλέται … τοῦ κατὰ σάρκα ζῆν Ro 8:12. εἰς ἀκαθαρσίαν τοῦ ἀτιμάζεσθαι 1:24. ὀφθαλμοὺς τοῦ μὴ βλέπειν 11:8. τὴν ἔκβασιν τοῦ δύνασθαι ὑπενεγκεῖν 1 Cor 10:13.
    ד. Verbs of hindering, ceasing take the inf. w. τοῦ μή (s. Schwyzer II 372 for earlier Gk; PGen 16, 23 [207 A.D.] κωλύοντες τοῦ μὴ σπείρειν; LXX; ParJer 2:5 φύλαξαι τοῦ μὴ σχίσαι τὰ ἱμάτιά σου): καταπαύειν Ac 14:18. κατέχειν Lk 4:42. κρατεῖσθαι 24:16. κωλύειν Ac 10:47. παύειν 1 Pt 3:10 (Ps 33:14). ὑποστέλλεσθαι Ac 20:20, 27. Without μή: ἐγκόπτεσθαι τοῦ ἐλθεῖν Ro 15:22.
    ה. The gen. of the inf. comes after verbs of deciding, exhorting, commanding, etc. (1 Ch 19:19; ParJer 7:37 διδάσκων αὐτοὺ τοῦ ἀπέχεσθαι) ἐγένετο γνώμης Ac 20:3. ἐντέλλεσθαι Lk 4:10 (Ps 90:11). ἐπιστέλλειν Ac 15:20. κατανεύειν Lk 5:7. κρίνειν Ac 27:1. παρακαλεῖν 21:12. προσεύχεσθαι Js 5:17. τὸ πρόσωπον στηρίζειν Lk 9:51. συντίθεσθαι Ac 23:20.
    ו. The inf. w. τοῦ and τοῦ μή plainly has final (=purpose) sense (ParJer 5:2 ἐκάθισεν … τοῦ ἀναπαῆναι ὀλίγον; Soph., Lex. I 45f; B-D-F §400, 5 w. exx. fr. non-bibl. lit. and pap; Rob. 1067): ἐξῆλθεν ὁ σπείρων τοῦ σπείρειν a sower went out to sow Mt 13:3. ζητεῖν τοῦ ἀπολέσαι = ἵνα ἀπολέσῃ 2:13. τοῦ δοῦναι γνῶσιν Lk 1:77. τοῦ κατευθῦναι τοὺς πόδας vs. 79. τοῦ σινιάσαι 22:31. τοῦ μηκέτι δουλεύειν Ro 6:6. τοῦ ποιῆσαι αὐτά Gal 3:10. τοῦ γνῶναι αὐτόν Phil 3:10. Cp. Mt 3:13; 11:1; 24:45; Lk 2:24, 27; 8:5; 24:29; Ac 3:2; 20:30; 26:18; Hb 10:7 (Ps 39:9); 11:5; GJs 2:3f; 24:1.—The apparently solecistic τοῦ πολεμῆσαι Ro 12:7 bears a Semitic tinge, cp. Hos 9:13 et al. (Mussies 96).—The combination can also express
    ז. consecutive mng. (result): οὐδὲ μετεμελήθητε τοῦ πιστεῦσαι αὐτῷ you did not change your minds and believe him Mt 21:32. τοῦ μὴ εἶναι αὐτὴν μοιχαλίδα Ro 7:3. τοῦ ποιεῖν τὰ βρέφη ἔκθετα Ac 7:19. Cp. 3:12; 10:25.
    The art. is used w. prepositional expressions (Artem. 4, 33 p. 224, 7 ὁ ἐν Περγάμῳ; 4, 36 ὁ ἐν Μαγνησίᾳ; 4 [6] Esdr [POxy 1010 recto, 8–12] οἱ ἐν τοῖς πεδίοις … οἱ ἐν τοῖς ὄρεσι καὶ μετεώροις; Tat. 31, 2 οἱ μὲν περὶ Κράτητα … οἱ δὲ περὶ Ἐρατοσθένη) τῆς ἐκκλησίας τῆς ἐν Κεγχρεαῖς Ro 16:1. ταῖς ἐκκλησίαις ταῖς ἐν τῇ Ἀσίᾳ Rv 1:4. τῷ ἀγγέλῳ τῆς ἐν (w. place name) ἐκκλησίας 2:1, 8, 12, 18; 3:1, 7, 14 (on these pass. RBorger, TRu 52, ’87, 42–45). τοῖς ἐν τῇ οἰκίᾳ to those in the house Mt 5:15. πάτερ ἡμῶν ὁ ἐν τ. οὐρανοῖς 6:9. οἱ ἀπὸ τῆς Ἰταλίας Hb 13:24. οἱ ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ Ro 8:1. οἱ ἐξ ἐριθείας 2:8. οἱ ἐκ νόμου 4:14; cp. vs. 16. οἱ ἐκ τῆς Καίσαρος οἰκίας Phil 4:22. οἱ ἐξ εὐωνύμων Mt 25:41. τὸ θυσιαστήριον … τὸ ἐνώπιον τοῦ θρόνου Rv 8:3; cp. 9:13. On 1:4 s. ref in B-D-F §136, 1 to restoration by Nestle. οἱ παρʼ αὐτοῦ Mk 3:21. οἱ μετʼ αὐτοῦ Mt 12:3. οἱ περὶ αὐτόν Mk 4:10; Lk 22:49 al.—Neut. τὰ ἀπὸ τοῦ πλοίου pieces of wreckage fr. the ship Ac 27:44 (difft. FZorell, BZ 9, 1911, 159f). τὰ περί τινος Lk 24:19, 27; Ac 24:10; Phil 1:27 (Tat. 32, 2 τὰ περὶ θεοῦ). τὰ περί τινα 2:23. τὰ κατʼ ἐμέ my circumstances Eph 6:21; Phil 1:12; Col 4:7. τὰ κατὰ τὸν νόμον what (was to be done) according to the law Lk 2:39. τὸ ἐξ ὑμῶν Ro 12:18. τὰ πρὸς τὸν θεόν 15:17; Hb 2:17; 5:1 (X., Resp. Lac. 13, 11 ἱερεῖ τὰ πρὸς τοὺς θεούς, στρατηγῷ δὲ τὰ πρὸς τοὺς ἀνθρώπους). τὰ παρʼ αὐτῶν Lk 10:7. τὸ ἐν ἐμοί the (child) in me GJs 12:2 al.
    w. an adv. or adverbial expr. (1 Macc 8:3) τὸ ἔμπροσθεν Lk 19:4. τὸ ἔξωθεν Mt 23:25. τὸ πέραν Mt 8:18, 28. τὰ ἄνω J 8:23; Col 3:1f. τὰ κάτω J 8:23. τὰ ὀπίσω Mk 13:16. τὰ ὧδε matters here Col 4:9. ὁ πλησίον the neighbor Mt 5:43. οἱ καθεξῆς Ac 3:24. τὸ κατὰ σάρκα Ro 9:5. τὸ ἐκ μέρους 1 Cor 13:10.—Esp. w. indications of time τό, τὰ νῦν s. νῦν 2b. τὸ πάλιν 2 Cor 13:2. τὸ λοιπόν 1 Cor 7:29; Phil 3:1. τὸ πρῶτον J 10:40; 12:16; 19:39. τὸ πρότερον 6:62; Gal 4:13. τὸ καθʼ ἡμέραν daily Lk 11:3.—τὸ πλεῖστον at the most 1 Cor 14:27.
    The art. w. the gen. foll. denotes a relation of kinship, ownership, or dependence: Ἰάκωβος ὁ τοῦ Ζεβεδαίου Mt 10:2 (Thu. 4, 104 Θουκυδίδης ὁ Ὀλόρου [sc. υἱός]; Plut., Timol. 3, 2; Appian, Syr. 26 §123 Σέλευκος ὁ Ἀντιόχου; Jos., Bell. 5, 5; 11). Μαρία ἡ Ἰακώβου Lk 24:10. ἡ τοῦ Οὐρίου the wife of Uriah Mt 1:6. οἱ Χλόης Chloë’s people 1 Cor 1:11. οἱ Ἀριστοβούλου, οἱ Ναρκίσσου Ro 16:10f. οἱ αὐτοῦ Ac 16:33. οἱ τοῦ Χριστοῦ 1 Cor 15:23; Gal 5:24. Καισάρεια ἡ Φιλίππου Caesarea Philippi i.e. the city of Philip Mk 8:27.—τό, τά τινος someone’s things, affairs, circumstances (Thu. 4, 83 τὰ τοῦ Ἀρριβαίου; Parthenius 1, 6; Appian, Syr. 16 §67 τὰ Ῥωμαίων) τὰ τοῦ θεοῦ, τῶν ἀνθρώπων Mt 16:23; 22:21; Mk 8:33; cp. 1 Cor 2:11. τὰ τῆς σαρκός, τοῦ πνεύματος Ro 8:5; cp. 14:19; 1 Cor 7:33f; 13:11. τὰ ὑμῶν 2 Cor 12:14. τὰ τῆς ἀσθενείας μου 11:30. τὰ τοῦ νόμου what the law requires Ro 2:14. τὸ τῆς συκῆς what has been done to the fig tree Mt 21:21; cp. 8:33. τὰ ἑαυτῆς its own advantage 1 Cor 13:5; cp. Phil 2:4, 21. τὸ τῆς παροιμίας what the proverb says 2 Pt 2:22 (Pla., Theaet. 183e τὸ τοῦ Ὁμήρου; Menand., Dyscolus 633 τὸ τοῦ λόγου). ἐν τοῖς τοῦ πατρός μου in my Father’s house (so Field, Notes 50–56; Goodsp. Probs. 81–83; difft., ‘interests’, PTemple, CBQ 1, ’39, 342–52.—In contrast to the other synoptists, Luke does not elsewhere show Jesus ‘at home’.) Lk 2:49 (Lysias 12, 12 εἰς τὰ τοῦ ἀδελφοῦ; Theocr. 2, 76 τὰ Λύκωνος; pap in Mayser II [1926] p. 8; POxy 523, 3 [II A.D.] an invitation to a dinner ἐν τοῖς Κλαυδίου Σαραπίωνος; PTebt 316 II, 23 [99 A.D.] ἐν τοῖς Ποτάμωνος; Esth 7:9; Job 18:19; Jos., Ant. 16, 302. Of the temple of a god Jos., C. Ap. 1, 118 ἐν τοῖς τοῦ Διός). Mt 20:15 is classified here by WHatch, ATR 26, ’44, 250–53; s. also ἐμός b.
    The neut. of the art. stands
    α. before whole sentences or clauses (Epict. 4, 1, 45 τὸ Καίσαρος μὴ εἶναι φίλον; Prov. Aesopi 100 P. τὸ Οὐκ οἶδα; Jos., Ant. 10, 205; Just., D. 33, 2 τὸ γὰρ … [Ps 109:4]) τὸ Οὐ φονεύσεις, οὐ μοιχεύσεις κτλ. (quot. fr. the Decalogue) Mt 19:18; Ro 13:9. τὸ Καὶ μετὰ ἀνόμων ἐλογίσθη (quot. fr. Is 53:12) Lk 22:37. Cp. Gal 5:14. τὸ Εἰ δύνῃ as far as your words ‘If you can’ are concerned Mk 9:23. Likew. before indirect questions (Vett. Val. 291, 14 τὸ πῶς τέτακται; Ael. Aristid. 45, 15 K. τὸ ὅστις ἐστίν; ParJer 6:15 τὸ πῶς ἀποστείλης; GrBar 8:6 τὸ πῶς ἐταπεινώθη; Jos., Ant. 20, 28 ἐπὶ πείρᾳ τοῦ τί φρονοῖεν; Pel.-Leg. p. 20, 32 τὸ τί γένηται; Mel., Fgm. 8, 2 [Goodsp. p. 311] τὸ δὲ πῶς λούονται) τὸ τί ἂν θέλοι καλεῖσθαι αὐτό Lk 1:62. τὸ τίς ἂν εἴη μείζων αὐτῶν 9:46. τὸ πῶς δεῖ ὑμᾶς περιπατεῖν 1 Th 4:1. Cp. Lk 19:48; 22:2, 4, 23f; Ac 4:21; 22:30; Ro 8:26; Hs 8, 1, 4.
    β. before single words which are taken fr. what precedes and hence are quoted, as it were (Epict. 1, 29, 16 τὸ Σωκράτης; 3, 23, 24; Hierocles 13 p. 448 ἐν τῷ μηδείς) τὸ ‘ἀνέβη’ Eph 4:9. τὸ ‘ἔτι ἅπαξ’ Hb 12:27. τὸ ‘Ἁγάρ’ Gal 4:25.
    Other notable uses of the art. are
    α. the elliptic use, which leaves a part of a sentence accompanied by the art. to be completed fr. the context: ὁ τὰ δύο the man with the two (talents), i.e. ὁ τὰ δύο τάλαντα λαβών Mt 25:17; cp. vs. 22. τῷ τὸν φόρον Ro 13:7. ὁ τὸ πολύ, ὀλίγον the man who had much, little 2 Cor 8:15 after Ex 16:18 (cp. Lucian, Bis Accus. 9 ὁ τὴν σύριγγα [sc. ἔχων]; Arrian, Anab. 7, 8, 3 τὴν ἐπὶ θανάτῳ [sc. ὁδόν]).
    β. Σαῦλος, ὁ καὶ Παῦλος Ac 13:9; s. καί 2h.
    γ. the fem. art. is found in a quite singular usage ἡ οὐαί (ἡ θλῖψις or ἡ πληγή) Rv 9:12; 11:14. Sim. ὁ Ἀμήν 3:14 (here the masc. art. is evidently chosen because of the alternate name for Jesus).
    One art. can refer to several nouns connected by καί
    α. when various words, sing. or pl., are brought close together by a common art.: τοὺς ἀρχιερεῖς καὶ γραμματεῖς Mt 2:4; cp. 16:21; Mk 15:1. ἐν τοῖς προφήταις κ. ψαλμοῖς Lk 24:44. τῇ Ἰουδαίᾳ καὶ Σαμαρείᾳ Ac 1:8; cp. 8:1; Lk 5:17 al.—Even nouns of different gender can be united in this way (Aristoph., Eccl. 750; Ps.-Pla., Axioch. 12 p. 37a οἱ δύο θεοί, of Apollo and Artemis; Ps.-Demetr., Eloc. c. 292; PTebt 14, 10 [114 B.C.]; En 18:14; EpArist 109) κατὰ τὰ ἐντάλματα καὶ διδασκαλίας Col 2:22. Cp. Lk 1:6. εἰς τὰς ὁδοὺς καὶ φραγμούς 14:23.
    β. when one and the same person has more than one attribute applied to him: πρὸς τὸν πατέρα μου καὶ πατέρα ὑμῶν J 20:17. ὁ θεὸς καὶ πατὴρ τοῦ κυρίου Ἰ. Ro 15:6; 2 Cor 1:3; 11:31; Eph 1:3; 1 Pt 1:3. ὁ θεὸς καὶ πατὴρ (ἡμῶν) Eph 5:20; Phil 4:20; 1 Th 1:3; 3:11, 13. Of Christ: τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν καὶ σωτῆρος 2 Pt 1:11; cp. 2:20; 3:18. τοῦ μεγάλου θεοῦ καὶ σωτῆρος ἡμῶν Tit 2:13 (PGrenf II, 15 I, 6 [139 B.C.] of the deified King Ptolemy τοῦ μεγάλου θεοῦ εὐεργέτου καὶ σωτῆρος [ἐπιφανοῦς] εὐχαρίστου).
    γ. On the other hand, the art. is repeated when two different persons are named: ὁ φυτεύων καὶ ὁ ποτίζων 1 Cor 3:8. ὁ βασιλεὺς καὶ ὁ ἡγεμών Ac 26:30.
    In a fixed expression, when a noun in the gen. is dependent on another noun, the art. customarily appears twice or not at all: τὸ πνεῦμα τοῦ θεοῦ 1 Cor 3:16; πνεῦμα θεοῦ Ro 8:9. ὁ λόγος τοῦ θεοῦ 2 Cor 2:17; λόγος θεοῦ 1 Th 2:13. ἡ ἡμέρα τοῦ κυρίου 2 Th 2:2; ἡμ. κ. 1 Th 5:2. ὁ υἱὸς τοῦ ἀνθρώπου Mt 8:20; υἱ. ἀ. Hb 2:6. ἡ ἀνάστασις τῶν νεκρῶν Mt 22:31; ἀ. ν. Ac 23:6. ἡ κοιλία τῆς μητρός J 3:4; κ. μ. Mt 19:12.—APerry, JBL 68, ’49, 329–34; MBlack, An Aramaic Approach3, ’67, 93–95.—DELG. M-M.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία >

  • 5 frei

    I Adj.
    1. free; freier Bürger HIST. freeborn citizen, freeman; ein freier Mensch (der tun kann, was er will) a free agent; sie ist frei zu gehen, wenn sie will she is free to go if she wishes; ich bin so frei altm. oder hum. sich bedienend etc.: if I may; ich war so frei, Ihr Auto zu nehmen oder und nahm Ihr Auto I took the liberty of using your car, I helped myself to your car
    2. Wahl, Wille etc.: free; Zugang: unrestricted, unlimited; (unbehindert) unrestrained; „frei ab 16“ Film: 16 (= no admission to persons under 16 years), Am. etwa R(-rated); jetzt haben wir freie Fahrt mit Zug: the signal’s green now, the train can go now; mit Auto: the road’s clear now; fig. there’s nothing to stop us now; auf freiem Fuß sein be free; Verbrecher: be at large; jemanden auf freien Fuß setzen set s.o. free, let s.o. go; das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung the right of free speech ( oder of self-expression); aus freien Stücken oder freiem Willen of one’s own free will; die freie Wahl haben zwischen... und... be free to choose between... and...
    3. (unabhängig, selbstständig) Stadt etc.: free; Beruf, Tankstelle etc.: independent; (nicht gebunden) unattached; Journalist, Künstler etc.: freelance; die freien Künste the liberal arts; freier Mitarbeiter freelance(r); Freie2
    4. im Namen von Organisationen etc.: Freie Demokratische Partei (abgek. FDP) Free Democratic Party; Freie Deutsche Jugend (abgek. FDJ) HIST., ehem. DDR Free German Youth; Freier Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (abgek. FDGB) HIST., ehem. DDR Free German Trade Union Organization; die Freie Hansestadt Bremen the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen; die Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg the Free Hanseatic City of Hamburg
    5. WIRTS.: im freien Handel available in the shops (Am. in stores); freier Markt open market; Börse: unofficial market; freie Marktwirtschaft free market economy; freier Wechselkurs floating exchange rate; ( die) freie Wirtschaft free enterprise; die Rechte an diesem Buchtitel werden bald frei the rights in this title will soon be free ( oder available)
    6. (unbesetzt) Stuhl, Raum etc.: free, available; Leitung: vacant; Stelle: vacant, open; Straße etc.: clear, empty; (unbeschrieben) Seite etc.: blank; frei am WC: vacant; am Taxi: for hire; freie Stelle vacancy; ist hier oder der Platz noch frei? is this seat taken?, is anyone sitting here?; der Stuhl / die Zeile muss frei bleiben the chair must be kept free / the line must be left blank; Platz frei lassen / machen für leave / make space for; jemandem den Weg frei machen clear the way for s.o.; zwei Zeilen frei lassen leave two blank lines; Bahn, Ring, Zimmer
    7. (unbedeckt) bare; der Rock lässt die Knie frei the skirt is above the knee; den Oberkörper frei machen strip to the waist
    8. Feld, Himmel, Sicht: open; aufs freie Meer hinaus out into the open sea; auf freier Strecke on an open stretch (EISENB. of line, Straße: of road); in freier Wildbahn in the wild; unter freiem Himmel in the open (air), outside
    9. Tag, Zeit etc.: free; nachgestellt: off; Person: free, not busy; freie Zeit free ( oder leisure) time; nächsten Dienstag ist frei next Tuesday is a holiday; hast du morgen frei? do you have tomorrow off?; seitdem habe ich keine freie Minute mehr since then I haven’t had a free moment ( oder a moment to myself); sind Sie ( gerade) frei? Taxi: are you taken?; Verkäufer: are you serving someone?
    10. (kostenlos) free (of charge); freier Eintritt admission free ( für to); Kinder unter sechs sind frei umg. von Eintritt, Fahrgeld: children under six are free, no charge for children under six; 20 kg Gepäck sind frei there is a baggage (bes. Am. luggage) allowance of 20kg; frei Haus carriage paid; Lieferung frei Haus free delivery, no delivery charge; dazu bekommt sie auch noch einen Job frei Haus fig. what’s more she gets a job handed to her on a plate; du hast noch zwei Versuche frei fig. you have two tries left
    11. frei von (ohne) free from ( oder of), without; von Eis, Schneeschicht etc.: clear of; von Steuern etc. befreit: exempt from; frei von Schmerzen free from pain; frei von Schulden free from debt; frei von Zusätzen free of additives; niemand ist frei von Fehlern / Vorurteilen nobody is perfect / free from prejudice
    12. sich frei machen von free o.s. of; (herauskommen aus) get out of; (loswerden) get rid of
    13. fig. (ungezwungen) free and easy; (offen) open; (moralisch großzügig) liberal; freie Liebe free love; sie ist schon viel freier geworden she has loosened up a great deal
    14. fig. Übersetzung: free; freie Hand haben have a free hand ( bei with); jemandem freie Hand lassen give s.o. a free hand ( bei with); aus oder mit der freien Hand zeichnen (ohne Hilfsmittel) draw s.th. freehand
    15. Sport (ungedeckt) unmarked; zum nächsten freien Mitspieler passen pass to the nearest unmarked player; der freie Mann ( vor der Abwehr) the sweeper
    16. POST. (frankiert) prepaid, post paid
    17. PHYS.; Elektron, Fall, Radikal etc.: free; CHEM. uncombined; im freien Fall in free fall; frei werden Energie etc.: be released; freie Valenzen CHEM. free valencies
    II Adv.
    1. atmen, herumlaufen etc.: freely; frei geboren freeborn; frei laufende Hühner free-range hens; Eier von frei laufenden Hühnern free-range eggs; frei lebende Tiere wildlife Sg., animals living in the wild ( oder out of captivity); frei praktizierender Arzt doctor in private practice
    2. herumliegen etc.: openly; frei zugänglich von allen Seiten: freely accessible; für alle: open to all; frei stehen Baum, Haus etc.: stand by itself; SPORT, Spieler: be unmarked; frei stehend Baum: solitary; Haus, nicht angebaut: detached; einzeln: isolated; SPORT, Spieler: unmarked
    3. WIRTS.: frei erhältlich freely available; frei finanziert privately financed; frei konvertierbar freely convertible; frei verkäuflich on general sale, freely available (to buy)
    4. TECH.: frei beweglich freely moving, mobile; frei hängend oder schwebend unsupported
    5. frei ( und offen) openly, frankly, freely; frank, freiheraus
    6. frei sprechen Redner: speak without notes; mit Handy im Auto: phone ( oder talk) hands-free, use the speaker phone; ich möchte den Vortrag frei halten I want to give the lecture without notes; einen Kreis frei zeichnen draw a circle freehand; das Kind kann schon frei laufen / stehen the child can walk / stand unaided
    7. frei erfunden (entirely) fictitious; das hat er frei erfunden he made that up; frei nach ( einem Stück von) X freely adapted from (a play by) X
    8. (liberal) liberally; frei erzogen sein have had a liberal upbringing
    * * *
    at liberty (Adv.);
    (freimütig) frank (Adj.);
    (nicht versklavt) unenslaved (Adj.);
    (unbefahren) clear (Adj.);
    (unbesetzt) vacant (Adj.);
    (unentgeltlich) gratis (Adj.); free (Adj.);
    (ungebunden) independent (Adj.); free (Adj.); unfettered (Adj.); unattached (Adj.); unengaged (Adj.)
    * * *
    1) = unbehindert free

    frei von etw — free of sth

    sich von etw frei haltento avoid sth; von Vorurteilen etc to be free of sth; von Verpflichtungen to keep oneself free of sth

    die Straße frei geben/machen — to open/clear the road

    der Film ist frei ( für Jugendliche) ab 16 (Jahren) — this film is suitable for persons aged 16 years and over

    frei sein (Sport)to be free or not marked

    ich bin so frei (form)may I?diams; frei + SubstantivSiehe auch unter dem Eintrag für das jeweilige Substantiv.

    einem Zug freie Fahrt geben — to give a train the " go" signal

    jdm freie Hand lassento give sb free rein, to give sb a free hand

    das Recht der freien Rede or auf freie Rede — the right of free speech, the right to freedom of speech

    2) = unabhängig free; Schriftsteller, Journalist etc freelance; (= nicht staatlich) privatediams; frei + SubstantivSiehe auch unter dem Eintrag für das jeweilige Substantiv.

    Freie Deutsche Jugend (DDR)youth wing of the former East German Socialist Unity Party

    Freier Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (DDR)Trades Union Congress of the former East Germany

    Freie Hansestadt BremenFree Hansa Town of Bremen

    freier Mitarbeiter — freelance, freelancer

    freie Reichsstadt (Hist)free city of the Empire

    freie Tankstelleindependent petrol (Brit) or gas (US) station

    3) = verfügbar Mittel, Geld available; Zeit free

    ich bin jetzt frei für ihnI can see him now; (am Telefon) I can speak to him now


    = arbeitsfrei morgen/Mittwoch ist frei — tomorrow/Wednesday is a holiday


    = ohne Hilfsmittel etw aus freier Hand zeichnen — to draw sth freehand

    ein Vortrag in freier Redean extemporary talk

    6) = unbesetzt Zimmer, Toilette vacant; Taxi for hire

    ist hier noch frei?, ist dieser Platz noch frei? — is anyone sitting here?, is this seat free?

    im Kino/Flugzeug waren noch zehn freie Plätze — in the cinema/plane there were still ten seats free

    "frei" (an Taxi) — "for hire"; (an Toilettentür) "vacant"

    "Zimmer frei" — "vacancies"

    haben Sie noch etwas frei? (in Hotel)do you have any vacancies?

    bei HarperCollins sind einige Stellen freithere are some vacancies at HarperCollins

    "Ausfahrt/Einfahrt frei halten" — "keep clear"

    für etw Platz frei lassen/machen — to leave/make room for sth


    = offen unter freiem Himmel — in the open air

    eine Frage/Aussage im freien Raum stehen lassen — to leave a question/statement hanging in mid-air

    → Freie(s), Feld
    8) = kostenlos free

    frei Schifffree on board

    9) = unkonventionell Sitten, Erziehung liberal
    10) = unbekleidet bare
    11) = ungeschützt Autor out of copyright
    2. ADVERB
    1) = ungehindert freely; sprechen openly

    frei beweglich —

    das ist frei wählbaryou can choose as you please, it's completely optional

    frei laufend (Hunde, Katzen) — feral; Huhn free-range

    frei herumlaufen (inf) — to be free, to be running around free (inf)

    der Verbrecher läuft immer noch frei herum — the criminal is still at largediams; frei lebend Wölfe, Mustangherden etc living in the wild; Katzen, Stadttauben feral; Mikroorganismen free-livingdiams; frei stehen (Haus) to stand by itself; (Sport) to be free or not marked

    ein frei stehendes Gebäudea free-standing building → auch cdiams; frei nach based on

    frei nach Goethe (Zitat)as Goethe didn't say


    = ungezwungen sich frei und ungezwungen verhalten, frei und locker auftreten — to have a relaxed manner, to be easy-going

    3) = ohne Hilfsmittel unaided, without help

    das Kind kann frei stehenthe child can stand on its own or without any help

    frei sprechen —

    * * *
    1) (free from difficulty or obstacles: a clear road ahead.) clear
    2) ((often with of) without (risk of) being touched, caught etc: Is the ship clear of the rocks? clear of danger.) clear
    3) ((often with of) free: clear of debt; clear of all infection.) clear
    4) (allowed to move where one wants; not shut in, tied, fastened etc: The prison door opened, and he was a free man.) free
    5) (not forced or persuaded to act, think, speak etc in a particular way: free speech; You are free to think what you like.) free
    6) (frank, open and ready to speak: a free manner.) free
    7) (not working or having another appointment; not busy: I shall be free at five o'clock.) free
    8) (not occupied, not in use: Is this table free?) free
    9) free
    10) (not tied; free: The horses are loose in the field.) loose
    11) (not at work: He's taking tomorrow off; He's off today.) off
    12) (empty or unoccupied: a vacant chair; Are there any rooms vacant in this hotel?) vacant
    13) (empty or vacant: The room/seat was unoccupied.) unoccupied
    14) (not busy: I paint in my unoccupied hours / when I'm otherwise unoccupied.) unoccupied
    * * *
    I. adj
    1. (nicht gefangen, unabhängig) free
    \freier Autor/Übersetzer freelance writer/translator
    die \freie Hansestadt Hamburg the Free Hanseatic City of Hamburg
    \freie Kirche free church
    ein \freier Mann/eine \freie Frau a free man/woman
    ein \freier Gedanke free thought
    [Recht auf] \freie Meinungsäußerung [right to] freedom of speech
    ein \freier Mensch a free person
    \freier Mitarbeiter/ \freie Mitarbeiterin freelance[r]
    eine \freie Übersetzung a free translation
    etw zur \freien Verfügung haben to have sth at free disposal
    \freie Wahl haben to be free to choose
    aus \freiem Willen [o \freien Stücken] of one's own free will
    es war sein \freier Wille auszuwandern he emigrated of his own free will
    \frei und ungebunden footloose and fancy-free
    sich akk von etw dat \frei machen to free oneself from sth
    2. (freie Zeit) free
    ein \freier Tag a holiday; (von Schule, Job) a day off
    drei Tage/eine Woche \frei haben to have three days/a week off
    nächsten Donnerstag ist \frei, da ist Feiertag we've got next Thursday off - it's a holiday
    [sich dat] drei Tage/eine Woche \frei machen [o nehmen] to take three days/a week off
    er hat sich \frei genommen, da seine Tochter krank ist he's taken [some] time off because his daughter is ill
    \freie Zeit haben to have spare time
    3. (verfügbar) available
    es sind noch Mittel für kulturelle Veranstaltungen \frei there are still funds available for cultural events
    der Film ist ab 14 Jahren \frei the film is suitable for children from 14 years on
    sich akk [für jdn/etw] \frei machen to make oneself available [for sb/sth]
    \frei [für jdn] sein to be free [to see/speak to sb]
    4. (nicht besetzt/belegt) free; am WC vacant
    ist dieser Platz noch \frei? is this seat [already] taken?
    haben Sie noch ein Zimmer \frei? do you still have a room available?
    den Eingang \frei machen to clear the entrance
    einen Platz \frei lassen to keep a seat free
    einen Platz \frei machen to vacate a seat form
    eine \freie Stelle a vacant position
    ein \freies Zimmer a vacant room
    „Zimmer frei“ “rooms to rent”
    5. (kostenlos) free; Lieferung free [of charge]; Postsendung prepaid
    der Eintritt ist \frei entrance is free
    Kinder unter 6 Jahren sind \frei children below the age of six are admitted free
    20 kg Gepäck sind \frei 20 kg of luggage are allowed
    „Eintritt \frei“ “admission free”
    „Lieferung \frei Haus“ free home delivery
    \frei von etw dat sein to be free of sth
    die Straßen sind \frei von Eis the streets are clear of ice
    kein Mensch ist \frei von Fehlern nobody is perfect
    \frei von Konservierungsstoffen free from preservatives
    \frei von Schmerzen sein not to suffer any pain, to be free of pain
    \frei von Schuld blameless
    7. (ohne Hilfsmittel) off-the-cuff
    etw mit \freier Hand zeichnen to draw sth freehand
    \freie Rede/ \freier Vortrag impromptu speech/lecture
    eine \freie Rede halten to speak off-the-cut
    eine Zeile \frei lassen to leave a line free
    9. (offen) open
    der Zug hält auf \freier Strecke the train stops in the open country
    \freie Aussicht [o \freier Blick] unhampered view
    \freies Gelände open country
    unter \freiem Himmel open air
    das \freie Meer the open sea
    10. (ungezwungen) free and easy
    ihre Auffassungen sind mir doch etwas zu \frei her views are a little too liberal for me
    er ist viel \freier geworden he has loosened up a lot fam
    hier herrscht ein \freier Ton the atmosphere is very liberal here
    \freie Liebe free love
    ich bin so \frei (geh) if I may
    ich bin so \frei und nehme mir noch ein Stück I'll have another piece if I may
    11. (unbehindert) unhampered, unrestrained
    \freie Entwicklung free development
    12. (unbekleidet) bare
    machen Sie bitte Ihren Arm \frei please roll up your sleeve
    machen Sie bitte ihren Bauch \frei please uncover your stomach
    sich akk \frei machen to get undressed
    13. (unbeschrieben) blank
    ein \freies Blatt a blank sheet of paper
    Platz \frei lassen to leave a blank
    14. (nicht gebunden) free, single
    seit er sich von seiner Freundin getrennt hat, ist er wieder frei since he has split up with his girl-friend, he is single again
    15. ÖKON free
    \freier Kapital-/Warenverkehr free movement of capital/goods
    \freie Marktwirtschaft free market economy
    \freier Wechselkurs freely floating exchange rate
    16. CHEM, PHYS released
    Kräfte werden \frei forces are set free [or released]
    \freier Kohlenstoff/ \freie Wärme uncombined carbon/heat
    \freie Radikale free radicals
    17. (ungefähr)
    \frei nach... roughly quoting...
    II. adv
    1. (unbeeinträchtigt) freely
    das Haus steht ganz \frei the house stands completely on its own
    die Mörderin läuft immer noch \frei herum! the murderess is still on the loose!
    \frei atmen to breathe easy
    sich akk \frei entscheiden to decide freely
    \frei finanziert privately financed
    \frei stehen to stand alone [or by itself]
    \frei verkäuflich for sale without restrictions
    \frei zugänglich accessible from all sides
    2. (ungezwungen) freely, openly
    \frei erzogen liberally educated
    \frei heraus sprechen to speak frankly
    \frei improvisieren to improvise freely
    3. (uneingeschränkt) casually
    sich akk \frei bewegen können to be able to move in an uninhibited manner
    4. (nach eigenem Belieben)
    \frei erfunden to be completely made up
    5. (gratis) free
    Kinder unter 6 Jahren fahren \frei children below the age of six travel free
    etw \frei bekommen to get sth free
    ein Kabel \frei verlegen to lay a cable uncovered
    \frei in der Luft schweben to hover unsupported in the air
    \frei sprechen to speak off-the-cuff
    \frei laufend Tiere free-range
    Eier von \frei laufenden Hühnern eggs from free-range chickens
    \frei lebend living in the wild
    * * *
    1) free <man, will, life, people, decision, etc.>
    2) (nicht angestellt) freelance <writer, worker, etc.>
    3) (ungezwungen) free and easy; lax (derog.)
    4) (nicht eingesperrt, gefangen) free; at liberty pred.
    5) (offen) open

    unter freiem Himmel — in the open [air]; outdoors

    auf freier Strecke (Straße) on the open road; (Eisenbahn) between stations

    frei herumlaufen< person> run around scot-free

    6) (unbesetzt) vacant; unoccupied; free

    ein freier Stuhl/Platz — a vacant or free chair/seat

    Entschuldigung, ist hier noch frei? — excuse me, is this anyone's seat etc.?

    ein Bett ist [noch] frei — one bed is [still] free or not taken

    7) (kostenlos) free <food, admission>

    20 kg Gepäck frei habenhave or be allowed a 20 kilogram baggage allowance

    8) (ungenau)

    eine freie Übersetzunga free or loose translation

    9) (ohne Vorlage) improvised

    der freie Fall(Physik) free fall


    von etwas frei/frei von etwas sein — be free of something

    12) (verfügbar) spare; free

    ich habe heute frei/meinen freien Abend — I've got today off/this is my evening off

    sich (Dat.) frei nehmen(ugs.) take some time off

    er ist noch/nicht mehr frei — he is still/no longer unattached

    13) (ohne Hilfsmittel)
    14) (unbekleidet) bare
    15) (bes. Fußball) unmarked
    16) (Chemie, Physik) free

    frei werden(bei einer Reaktion) be given off

    freie Hand haben/jemandem freie Hand lassen — have/give somebody a free hand

    aus freien Stücken(ugs.) of one's own accord; voluntarily

    auf freiem Fuß(von Verbrechern etc.) at large

    adverbial <act, speak, choose> freely; < translate> freely, loosely
    * * *
    A. adj
    1. free;
    freier Bürger HIST freeborn citizen, freeman;
    ein freier Mensch (der tun kann, was er will) a free agent;
    sie ist frei zu gehen, wenn sie will she is free to go if she wishes;
    ich bin so frei obs oder hum sich bedienend etc: if I may;
    ich war so frei, Ihr Auto zu nehmen oder
    und nahm Ihr Auto I took the liberty of using your car, I helped myself to your car
    2. Wahl, Wille etc: free; Zugang: unrestricted, unlimited; (unbehindert) unrestrained;
    „frei ab 16“ FILM 16 (= no admission to persons under 16 years), US etwa R(-rated);
    jetzt haben wir freie Fahrt mit Zug: the signal’s green now, the train can go now; mit Auto: the road’s clear now; fig there’s nothing to stop us now;
    jemanden auf freien Fuß setzen set sb free, let sb go;
    das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung the right of free speech ( oder of self-expression);
    freiem Willen of one’s own free will;
    die freie Wahl haben zwischen … und … be free to choose between … and …
    3. (unabhängig, selbstständig) Stadt etc: free; Beruf, Tankstelle etc: independent; (nicht gebunden) unattached; Journalist, Künstler etc: freelance;
    die freien Künste the liberal arts;
    freier Mitarbeiter freelance(r); Freie2
    4. im Namen von Organisationen etc:
    Freie Demokratische Partei (abk FDP) Free Democratic Party;
    Freie Deutsche Jugend (abk FDJ) hist DDR Free German Youth;
    Freier Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (abk FDGB) hist DDR Free German Trade Union Organization;
    die Freie Hansestadt Bremen the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen;
    die Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg the Free Hanseatic City of Hamburg
    5. WIRTSCH:
    im freien Handel available in the shops (US in stores);
    freier Markt open market; BÖRSE unofficial market;
    freie Marktwirtschaft free market economy;
    freier Wechselkurs floating exchange rate;
    (die) freie Wirtschaft free enterprise;
    die Rechte an diesem Buchtitel werden bald frei the rights in this title will soon be free ( oder available)
    6. (unbesetzt) Stuhl, Raum etc: free, available; Leitung: vacant; Stelle: vacant, open; Straße etc: clear, empty; (unbeschrieben) Seite etc: blank;
    frei am WC: vacant; am Taxi: for hire;
    freie Stelle vacancy;
    der Platz noch frei? is this seat taken?, is anyone sitting here?;
    der Stuhl/die Zeile muss frei bleiben the chair must be kept free/the line must be left blank;
    Platz frei lassen/machen für leave/make space for;
    jemandem den Weg frei machen clear the way for sb;
    zwei Zeilen frei lassen leave two blank lines; Bahn, Ring, Zimmer
    7. (unbedeckt) bare;
    der Rock lässt die Knie frei the skirt is above the knee;
    den Oberkörper frei machen strip to the waist; auch freilassen
    8. Feld, Himmel, Sicht: open;
    aufs freie Meer hinaus out into the open sea;
    auf freier Strecke on an open stretch (BAHN of line, Straße: of road);
    in freier Wildbahn in the wild;
    unter freiem Himmel in the open (air), outside
    9. Tag, Zeit etc: free; nachgestellt: off; Person: free, not busy;
    freie Zeit free ( oder leisure) time;
    nächsten Dienstag ist frei next Tuesday is a holiday;
    hast du morgen frei? do you have tomorrow off?;
    seitdem habe ich keine freie Minute mehr since then I haven’t had a free moment ( oder a moment to myself);
    sind Sie (gerade) frei? Taxi: are you taken?; Verkäufer: are you serving someone?
    10. (kostenlos) free (of charge);
    freier Eintritt admission free (
    für to);
    Kinder unter sechs sind frei umg von Eintritt, Fahrgeld: children under six are free, no charge for children under six;
    20 kg Gepäck sind frei there is a baggage (besonders US luggage) allowance of 20kg;
    frei Haus carriage paid;
    Lieferung frei Haus free delivery, no delivery charge;
    dazu bekommt sie auch noch einen Job frei Haus fig what’s more she gets a job handed to her on a plate;
    du hast noch zwei Versuche frei fig you have two tries left
    frei von (ohne) free from ( oder of), without; von Eis, Schneeschicht etc: clear of; von Steuern etc befreit: exempt from;
    frei von Schmerzen free from pain;
    frei von Schulden free from debt;
    frei von Zusätzen free of additives;
    niemand ist frei von Fehlern/Vorurteilen nobody is perfect/free from prejudice
    sich frei machen von free o.s. of; (herauskommen aus) get out of; (loswerden) get rid of
    13. fig (ungezwungen) free and easy; (offen) open; (moralisch großzügig) liberal;
    freie Liebe free love;
    sie ist schon viel freier geworden she has loosened up a great deal
    14. fig Übersetzung: free;
    freie Hand haben have a free hand (
    bei with);
    jemandem freie Hand lassen give sb a free hand (
    bei with);
    15. Sport (ungedeckt) unmarked;
    zum nächsten freien Mitspieler passen pass to the nearest unmarked player;
    der freie Mann (vor der Abwehr) the sweeper
    16. Postwesen: (frankiert) prepaid, post paid
    17. PHYS; Elektron, Fall, Radikal etc: free; CHEM uncombined;
    im freien Fall in free fall;
    frei werden Energie etc: be released;
    freie Valenzen CHEM free valencies
    B. adv
    1. atmen, herumlaufen etc: freely;
    frei geboren freeborn;
    frei laufende Hühner free-range hens;
    frei lebende Tiere wildlife sg, animals living in the wild ( oder out of captivity);
    frei praktizierender Arzt doctor in private practice;
    frei halten (einen Platz) keep, save; (Straße, Einfahrt) keep clear; (Angebot, Stelle etc) keep open;
    „Eingang frei halten!“ keep clear;
    frei halten von keep free of; (Eingang, Straße etc) keep clear of;
    frei halten keep sb free ( oder protect sb) from colds etc, keep colds etc away from sb;
    sich frei halten keep o.s. free (
    für for);
    sich frei halten von ward off, avoid
    2. herumliegen etc: openly;
    frei zugänglich von allen Seiten: freely accessible; für alle: open to all;
    frei stehen Baum, Haus etc: stand by itself; (leer stehen) be unoccupied, be empty; SPORT, Spieler: be unmarked;
    frei stehend Baum: solitary; Haus, nicht angebaut: detached; einzeln: isolated; SPORT, Spieler: unmarked
    3. WIRTSCH:
    frei erhältlich freely available;
    frei finanziert privately financed;
    frei konvertierbar freely convertible;
    frei verkäuflich on general sale, freely available (to buy)
    4. TECH:
    frei beweglich freely moving, mobile;
    schwebend unsupported
    frei (und offen) openly, frankly, freely; frank, freiheraus
    frei sprechen Redner: speak without notes; mit Handy im Auto: phone ( oder talk) hands-free, use the speaker phone;
    ich möchte den Vortrag frei halten I want to give the lecture without notes;
    einen Kreis frei zeichnen draw a circle freehand;
    das Kind kann schon frei laufen/stehen the child can walk/stand unaided
    frei erfunden (entirely) fictitious;
    das hat er frei erfunden he made that up;
    frei nach (einem Stück von) X freely adapted from (a play by) X
    8. (liberal) liberally;
    frei erzogen sein have had a liberal upbringing; auch freibekommen, freigeben etc
    …frei im adj
    1. (ohne …) Inhalt: …-free; Krankheit: free from …;
    stickstofffrei nitrogen-free, non-nitrogenous;
    tuberkulosefrei free from tuberculosis
    2. nicht geschehend: non-…;
    blendfrei Beleuchtung: non-dazzle;
    repressionsfrei Erziehung: non-repressive;
    schrumpffrei Wäsche: non-shrink, shrink-free
    3. nicht verlangt: exempt from …, …-exempt;
    visumfrei not requiring a visa, visa-exempt;
    zuschlagfrei on which no supplement is payable, exempt from supplement
    4. nicht bedeckt: Person: with bare …; Kleid: leaving … bare;
    fesselfrei clear of the ankles;
    nabelfrei with a bare midriff;
    schulterfrei off-the-shoulder
    5. unabhängig: independent of …;
    bündnisfrei independent of any alliance, unallied;
    reichsfrei HIST under the direct rule of the Emperor;
    trustfrei non-trust
    * * *
    1) free <man, will, life, people, decision, etc.>
    2) (nicht angestellt) freelance <writer, worker, etc.>
    3) (ungezwungen) free and easy; lax (derog.)
    4) (nicht eingesperrt, gefangen) free; at liberty pred.
    5) (offen) open

    unter freiem Himmel — in the open [air]; outdoors

    auf freier Strecke (Straße) on the open road; (Eisenbahn) between stations

    frei herumlaufen< person> run around scot-free

    6) (unbesetzt) vacant; unoccupied; free

    ein freier Stuhl/Platz — a vacant or free chair/seat

    Entschuldigung, ist hier noch frei? — excuse me, is this anyone's seat etc.?

    ein Bett ist [noch] frei — one bed is [still] free or not taken

    7) (kostenlos) free <food, admission>

    20 kg Gepäck frei habenhave or be allowed a 20 kilogram baggage allowance

    eine freie Übersetzunga free or loose translation

    9) (ohne Vorlage) improvised

    der freie Fall (Physik) free fall


    von etwas frei/frei von etwas sein — be free of something

    12) (verfügbar) spare; free

    ich habe heute frei/meinen freien Abend — I've got today off/this is my evening off

    sich (Dat.) frei nehmen — (ugs.) take some time off

    er ist noch/nicht mehr frei — he is still/no longer unattached

    13) (ohne Hilfsmittel)
    14) (unbekleidet) bare
    15) (bes. Fußball) unmarked
    16) (Chemie, Physik) free

    freie Hand haben/jemandem freie Hand lassen — have/give somebody a free hand

    aus freien Stücken(ugs.) of one's own accord; voluntarily

    auf freiem Fuß(von Verbrechern etc.) at large

    adverbial <act, speak, choose> freely; < translate> freely, loosely
    * * *
    clear adj.
    detached adj.
    free adj.
    spare adj.
    uncommitted adj.
    unengaged adj.
    unenslaved adj.
    unfettered adj.
    unrestricted adj.
    untrapped adj. adv.
    freely adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > frei


    Мы приняли следующие сокращения для наиболее часто упоминаемых книг и журналов:
    IJP - International Journal of Psycho-analysis
    JAPA - Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
    SE - Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, ed. James Strachey (London: Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1953—74.)
    PSOC - Psychoanalytic Study of the Child (New Haven: Yale University Press)
    PQ - Psychoanalytic Quarterly
    WAF - The Writings of Anna Freud, ed. Anna Freud (New York: International Universities Press, 1966—74)
    PMC - Psychoanalysis The Major Concepts ed. Burness E. Moore and Bernard D. Fine (New Haven: Yale University Press)
    О словаре: _about - Psychoanalytic Terms and Concepts
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    4. Abraham, K. (1916) The first pregenital stage of libido. Selected Papers. London, Hogarth Press, 1948.
    5. Abraham, K. (1917) Ejaculatio praecox. In: selected Papers. New York Basic Books.
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    12. Abrams, S. (1971) The psychoanalytic unconsciousness. In: The Unconscious Today, ed. M. Kanzer. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
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    14. Abse, D W. (1985) The depressive character In Depressive States and their Treatment, ed. V. Volkan New York: Jason Aronson.
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    20. Allen, D. W. (1974) The Feat- of Looking. Charlottesvill, Va: Univ. Press of Virginia.
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    22. Allport, G. (1937) Personality. New York: Henry Holt.
    23. Almansi, R. J. (1960) The face-breast equation. JAPA, 6.
    24. Almansi, R. J. (1979) Scopophilia and object loss. PQ, 47.
    25. Altman, L. Z. (1969) The Dream in Psychoanalysis. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    26. Altman, L. Z. (1977) Some vicissitudes of love. JAPA, 25.
    27. American Psychiatric Association. (1987) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 3d ed. revised. Washington, D. C.
    28. Ansbacher, Z. & Ansbacher, R. (1956) The Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler. New York: Basic Books.
    29. Anthony, E. J. (1981) Shame, guilt, and the feminine self in psychoanalysis. In: Object and Self, ed. S. Tuttman, C. Kaye & M. Zimmerman. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    30. Arlow. J. A. (1953) Masturbation and symptom formation. JAPA, 1.
    31. Arlow. J. A. (1959) The structure of the deja vu experience. JAPA, 7.
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    33. Arlow. J. A. (1963) Conflict, regression and symptom formation. IJP, 44.
    34. Arlow. J. A. (1966) Depersonalization and derealization. In: Psychoanalysis: A General Psychology, ed. R. M. Loewenstein, L. M. Newman, M. Schur & A. J. Solnit. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    35. Arlow. J. A. (1969) Fantasy, memory and reality testing. PQ, 38.
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    42. Arlow. J. A. (1982) Problems of the superego concept. PSOC, 37.
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    44. Arlow. J. A. (1985) Some technical problems of countertransference. PQ, 54.
    45. Arlow, J. A. & Brenner, C. (1963) Psychoanalytic Concepts and the Structural Theory, New York: Int. Univ. Press.
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    47. Asch, S. S. (1966) Depression. PSOC, 21.
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    49. Atkins, N. (1970) The Oedipus myth. Adolescence, and the succession of generations. JAPA, 18.
    50. Atkinson, J. W. & Birch, D. (1970) The Dynamics of Action. New York: Wiley.
    51. Bachrach, H. M. & Leaff, L. A. (1978) Analyzability. JAPA, 26.
    52. Bacon, C. (1956) A developmental theory of female homosexuality. In: Perversions,ed, S. Lorand & M. Balint. New York: Gramercy.
    53. Bak, R. C. (1953) Fetishism. JAPA. 1.
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    55. Bak, R. C. & Stewart, W. A. (1974) Fetishism, transvestism, and voyeurism. An American Handbook of Psychiatry, ed. S. Arieti. New York: Basic Books, vol. 3.
    56. Balint, A. (1949) Love for mother and mother-love. IJP, 30.
    57. Balter, L., Lothane, Z. & Spencer, J. H. (1980) On the analyzing instrument, PQ, 49.
    58. Basch, M. F. (1973) Psychoanalysis and theory formation. Ann. Psychoanal., 1.
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    825. Stone, L. (1954) The widening scope of indications for psychoanalysis. JAPA, 2.
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    827. Stone, L. (1967) The psychoanalytic situation and transference. JAPA, 15.
    828. Stone, L. (1971) Reflections on the psychoanalytic concept of aggression. FQ, 40.
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    831. Strachey, J. (1934) The nature of the therapeutic action of psychoanalysis. IJP, 15.
    832. Strachey, J. (1962) The emergence of Freud's fundamental hypothesis. SE, 3.
    833. Strachey, J. (1963) Obituary (Joan Riviere). IJP, 44.
    834. Strachey, J. (1966) General preface. SE, 1.
    835. Swank, R. L. (1949) Combat exhaustion. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 109.
    836. Szekely, L. (1960) Success, success neurosis and the self. Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 33.
    837. Taylor, G. J. (1977) Alexithymia and countertranceference. Psychother & Psychosom., 28.
    838. Ticho, E. (1972) Termination of psychoanalysis. PQ, 41.
    839. Tolpin, M. (1970) The infantile neurosis. PSOC, 25.
    840. Tolpin, M. (1971) On the beginnings of a cohesive self. PSOC. 26.
    841. Tolpin, M. & Kohut, H. (1980) The disorders of the self. In: The Course of Life, ed. S. Greenspan & G. Pollock. Washington, B. C.: U. S. Dept. Health and Human Services.
    842. Turkle, S. (1986) A review of Grosskurth, P.: Molanie Klein. New York: Times Books, Review, May 18, 1986.
    843. Tyson, P. Development. PMC. Forthcoming.
    844. Tyson, P. (1982) A developmental line of gender identity, gender role, and choice of love object. JAPA, 30.
    845. Tyson, P. & Tyson, R. L. Development. PMC. Forthcoming.
    846. Tyson, P. & Tyson, R. L. The psychoanalitic theory of development. PMC. Forthcoming.
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    849. Valenstein, A. F. (1979) The concept of "classical" psycho-analysis. JAPA. 27. (suppl.).
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    857. Waldhorn, H. F. (1960) Assessment of analyzability. PQ, 29.
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    Словарь психоаналитических терминов и понятий > БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ

  • 7 Welt

    f; -, -en
    1. nur Sg. world (auch fig.); auf der Welt in the world; aus der ganzen Welt from all over ( oder all four corners of) the world; die Welt kennen lernen see the world; in der Welt herumkommen get around; in der ganzen Welt herumkommen go (a)round the world; die Dritte Welt the Third World; die Vierte Welt the Fourth World; die Alte / Neue Welt the Old / New World
    2. nur Sg.; (Leben): auf die Welt kommen be born; Kinder in die Welt setzen bring into the world; iro. Mann: sire; zur Welt bringen give birth to; er war damals noch gar nicht auf der Welt he wasn’t even born at that time; allein auf der Welt sein be all alone in the world; ich verstehe die Welt nicht mehr I don’t understand the world any more; aus der Welt schaffen get rid of; (Problem, Streit) settle; das ist der Lauf der Welt that’s the way of the world; mit sich und der Welt zufrieden sein be at peace with (oneself and) the world, be content with life; ihre Familie ist ihre ganze Welt her family is all the world to her
    3. nur Sg.; (Gesamtheit der Menschen): alle Welt everybody; vor aller Welt for all the world to see; von aller Welt verlassen completely forlorn; das hat die Welt noch nicht gesehen umg. nobody’s ever ( oder you’ve never) seen the like of it; ich könnte die ganze Welt umarmen I’d like to hug everyone in sight
    4. nur Sg.; fig.: was / wo etc. in aller Welt...? umg. what / where etc. on earth ( oder in the world)...?; nicht um alles in der Welt! not on your life!, not for the world!; das ist nicht aus der Welt umg. it isn’t 'that far away; für sie brach eine Welt zusammen the bottom fell out of her world; ( eine) verkehrte Welt a topsy-turvy world; die Welt erobern take the world by storm; was kostet die Welt? umg. what’s to stop him ( oder her etc.)?; es kostet doch nicht die Welt it won’t cost the earth; da ist die Welt mit Brettern vernagelt umg. that really is the end of the road; am Ende der Welt umg., wohnen etc.: at the back of beyond, out in the sticks, Am. auch in the boondocks; Arsch 1
    5. ASTRON. world; in fernen Welten on distant worlds; Welten trennen sie fig. they’re worlds apart; eine Welt für sich fig. a world apart ( oder of its own); er lebt in einer anderen Welt fig. he lives in another world ( oder a world of his own)
    6. nur Sg.; (feine Gesellschaft): ein Mann / eine Dame von Welt a man / woman of the world; Brett 1, Dorf, Geld 2, Gott 2, Nabel, untergehen 3 etc.
    * * *
    die Welt
    earth; world
    * * *
    Wẹlt [vɛlt]
    f -, -en (lit, fig)

    der höchste Berg der Welt — the highest mountain in the world, the world's highest mountain

    die Welt von heute/morgen — the world of today/tomorrow, today's/tomorrow's world

    die Welt der Oper/des Kindes — the world of opera/the child, the operatic/child's world

    die Alte/Neue/freie/Dritte Welt — the Old/New/Free/Third World

    alle Welt, Gott und die Welt — everybody, the whole world, the world and his wife (hum)

    eine Welt brach für ihn zusammenhis whole world collapsed about (Brit) or around him or his ears, the bottom fell out of his world

    zwischen uns/ihnen liegen Welten (fig) — we/they are worlds apart

    warum/wer in aller Welt...? — why/who on earth...?, why/who in the world...?

    so geht es nun mal in der Welt — that's the way of the world, that's the way things go

    um nichts in der Welt, nicht um alles in der Welt, um keinen Preis der Welt — not for love (n)or money, not at any price, not for all the tea in China (inf)

    ein Mann/eine Frau von Welt — a man/woman of the world

    vor aller Welt — publicly, in front of everybody, openly

    zur Welt bringen — to give birth to, to bring into the world

    auf die or zur Welt kommen — to come into the world, to be born

    → Brett, Ende
    * * *
    1) (the planet Earth: every country of the world.) world
    2) (the people who live on the planet Earth: The whole world is waiting for a cure for cancer.) world
    3) (any planet etc: people from other worlds.) world
    4) (a state of existence: Many people believe that after death the soul enters the next world; Do concentrate! You seem to be living in another world.) world
    5) (an area of life or activity: the insect world; the world of the international businessman.) world
    6) (the lives and ways of ordinary people: He's been a monk for so long that he knows nothing of the (outside) world.) world
    * * *
    <-, -en>
    1. kein pl (unsere Erde)
    die/unsere \Welt the/our world
    eine Reise um die \Welt a round-the-world tour
    der höchste Berg der \Welt the highest mountain in the world, the world's highest mountain
    Touristen aus aller \Welt tourists from all over the world [or from every corner of the globe]
    so geht es nun mal in der \Welt that's the way of the world, that's the way things go
    die \Welt ist klein (hum) it's a small world
    so was hat die \Welt noch nicht gesehen! it is/was fantastic [or incredible]!
    auf der \Welt in the world
    das ist auf der ganzen \Welt bekannt that's known all over the world
    in alle \Welt zerstreut scattered all over the world [or globe]
    die ganze \Welt the whole world
    3. (Bereich) world
    die \Welt des Films/Theaters the world of film/theatre, the film/theatre world
    die gelehrte \Welt the world of scholars
    die \Welt von heute/morgen the world of today/tomorrow, today's/tomorrow's world
    die \Welt des Kindes the child's world
    die \Welt der Mode the world of fashion
    die \Welt des Sports the sporting world
    die vornehme \Welt high society
    die \Welt the world [or cosmos] [or universe]
    Theorien über die Entstehung der \Welt theories of how the universe began
    die \Welt im Großen/Kleinen the microcosm/macrocosm
    alle \Welt, Gott und die Welt the whole world, everybody, the world and his wife hum
    um alles in der \Welt for heaven's sake
    vor aller \Welt in front of everybody, publicly
    was/warum/wer/wo in aller \Welt...? what/why/where/who on earth...?
    die Alte/Neue \Welt the Old/New World
    in einer anderen \Welt leben to live on another planet, in a different world
    nicht aus der \Welt sein to not be on the other side of the world
    eine \Welt bricht für jdn zusammen sb's whole world collapses about sb
    eine \Welt brach für ihn zusammen his whole world collapsed about him, the bottom fell out of his world
    etw mit auf die \Welt bringen to be born with sth
    jdn zur \Welt bringen to bring sb into the world, to give birth to sb
    er/sie ist nicht von dieser \Welt he/she is not of this world
    die Dritte/Vierte \Welt the Third/Fourth World
    in seiner eigenen \Welt leben to live in a world of one's own
    die \Welt erblicken (geh) to come into the world liter
    davon [o deswegen] geht die \Welt nicht unter it's not the end of the world
    eine heile \Welt an ideal [or a perfect] world
    auf die [o zur] \Welt kommen to be born
    das kostet nicht die \Welt it won't cost the earth
    das ist doch nicht die \Welt! it isn't as important as all that!
    um nichts in der \Welt, nicht um alles in der \Welt not [or never] for the world, not for all the tea in china
    nobel geht die \Welt zugrunde (prov) there's nothing like going out with a bang fam
    da prallen \Welten aufeinander this is where worlds collide
    etw aus der \Welt schaffen to eliminate sth
    etw in die \Welt setzen to spread sth
    ein Gerücht in die \Welt setzen to spread a rumour
    Kinder in die \Welt setzen to have children
    sie/uns trennen \Welten they/we are worlds apart
    eine Dame/ein Mann von \Welt a woman/man in the world
    eine verkehrte \Welt a topsy-turvy world
    die [große] weite \Welt the big wide world
    mit sich dat und der \Welt zufrieden sein to be happy all around [or BRIT a. round]; s.a. Brett, Ende, Kind
    * * *
    die; Welt, Welten
    1) o. Pl. world

    nicht die Welt kosten(ugs.) not cost the earth (coll.)

    davon geht die Welt nicht unter(ugs.) it's not the end of the world

    auf die od. zur Welt kommen — be born

    in aller Welt — throughout the world; all over the world

    um nichts in der Welt, nicht um alles in der Welt — not for anything in the world or on earth

    um alles in der Welt(ugs.) for heaven's sake

    die ganze Welt(fig.) the whole world

    alle Welt(fig. ugs.) the whole world; everybody

    Kinder in die Welt setzen(ugs.) have children

    zur Welt bringen — bring into the world; give birth to

    eine Dame/ein Mann von Welt — a woman/man of the world

    2) (Weltall) universe

    uns trennen Welten(fig.) we are worlds apart

    * * *
    Welt f; -, -en
    1. nur sg world (auch fig);
    auf der Welt in the world;
    aus der ganzen Welt from all over ( oder all four corners of) the world;
    die Welt kennenlernen see the world;
    in der ganzen Welt herumkommen go (a)round the world;
    die Dritte Welt the Third World;
    die Vierte Welt the Fourth World;
    die Alte/Neue Welt the Old/New World
    2. nur sg; (Leben):
    in die Welt setzen bring into the world; iron Mann: sire;
    zur Welt bringen give birth to;
    er war damals noch gar nicht auf der Welt he wasn’t even born at that time;
    allein auf der Welt sein be all alone in the world;
    ich verstehe die Welt nicht mehr I don’t understand the world any more;
    aus der Welt schaffen get rid of; (Problem, Streit) settle;
    das ist der Lauf der Welt that’s the way of the world;
    mit sich und der Welt zufrieden sein be at peace with (oneself and) the world, be content with life;
    ihre Familie ist ihre ganze Welt her family is all the world to her
    alle Welt everybody;
    vor aller Welt for all the world to see;
    von aller Welt verlassen completely forlorn;
    das hat die Welt noch nicht gesehen umg nobody’s ever ( oder you’ve never) seen the like of it;
    ich könnte die ganze Welt umarmen I’d like to hug everyone in sight
    4. nur sg; fig:
    was/wo etc
    in aller Welt …? umg what/where etc on earth ( oder in the world) …?;
    nicht um alles in der Welt! not on your life!, not for the world!;
    das ist nicht aus der Welt umg it isn’t 'that far away;
    für sie brach eine Welt zusammen the bottom fell out of her world;
    (eine) verkehrte Welt a topsy-turvy world;
    die Welt erobern take the world by storm;
    was kostet die Welt? umg what’s to stop him ( oder her etc)?;
    es kostet doch nicht die Welt it won’t cost the earth;
    da ist die Welt mit Brettern vernagelt umg that really is the end of the road;
    am Ende der Welt umg, wohnen etc: at the back of beyond, out in the sticks, US auch in the boondocks; Arsch 1
    5. ASTRON world;
    in fernen Welten on distant worlds;
    Welten trennen sie fig they’re worlds apart;
    eine Welt für sich fig a world apart ( oder of its own);
    er lebt in einer anderen Welt fig he lives in another world ( oder a world of his own)
    ein Mann/eine Dame von Welt a man/woman of the world; Brett 1, Dorf, Geld 2, Gott 2, Nabel, untergehen 3 etc
    * * *
    die; Welt, Welten
    1) o. Pl. world

    nicht die Welt kosten(ugs.) not cost the earth (coll.)

    davon geht die Welt nicht unter(ugs.) it's not the end of the world

    auf die od. zur Welt kommen — be born

    in aller Welt — throughout the world; all over the world

    um nichts in der Welt, nicht um alles in der Welt — not for anything in the world or on earth

    um alles in der Welt(ugs.) for heaven's sake

    die ganze Welt(fig.) the whole world

    alle Welt(fig. ugs.) the whole world; everybody

    Kinder in die Welt setzen(ugs.) have children

    zur Welt bringen — bring into the world; give birth to

    eine Dame/ein Mann von Welt — a woman/man of the world

    2) (Weltall) universe

    uns trennen Welten(fig.) we are worlds apart

    * * *
    -en f.
    earth n.
    world n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Welt

  • 8 monde

    monde [mɔ̃d]
    masculine noun
       a. world
    où va le monde ? whatever is the world coming to?
    envoyer or expédier qn dans l'autre monde to send sb to meet his (or her) maker
    c'est le monde à l'envers ! whatever next!
    le monde est petit ! it's a small world!
    c'est un monde ! (inf) it's just not right!
    musique/cuisine du monde world music/food
    pas le moins du monde ! not at all!
    ce village, c'est le bout du monde that village is in the middle of nowhere
    ce n'est pas le bout du monde ! ( = ce n'est rien) it won't kill you!
       b. ( = gens) est-ce qu'il y a du monde ? ( = quelqu'un) is there anybody there? ; ( = foule) are there many people there?
    il y a du monde ( = des gens) there are some people there ; ( = foule) there's quite a crowd
    il y avait un monde fou ! (inf) the place was packed!
       c. ( = milieu social) set
    le monde ( = la bonne société) society
    * * *
    nom masculin
    1) gén world

    aller or voyager de par le monde, parcourir le monde — to travel the world

    c'est le bout du monde!, c'est au bout du monde! — it's in the back of beyond!

    ce n'est pas le bout du monde!fig it' s not such a big deal!

    elle n'est plus de ce mondeeuph she's no longer with us euph

    quand je ne serai plus de ce mondeeuph when I have departed this world

    je n'étais pas encore au monde — I wasn't yet born; grand

    2) ( milieu) world

    un monde nous sépare — we are worlds apart; nouveau

    3) ( gens) people

    j'ai du monde ce soir — (colloq) I'm having people round GB ou over US tonight

    4) ( bonne société) society

    le beau or grand monde — high society


    c'est un monde! — (colloq) that's a bit much!

    * * *
    mɔ̃d nm
    1) (= planète) world
    2) (= bonne société)

    femme du monde — socialite, society woman

    3) (= milieu) world
    4) (= gens)

    beaucoup de monde — many people, a lot of people

    Il y avait beaucoup de monde au concert. — There were a lot of people at the concert.

    peu de monde — not many people, few people

    * * *
    monde nm
    1 ( terre) world; l'homme le plus grand/le plus riche du monde the tallest/the wealthiest man in the world; ce sont les meilleurs amis du monde they are the best of friends; expliquer le plus calmement/logiquement du monde que to explain quite calmly/logically that; pas le moins du monde not in the least ou slightest; si vous êtes le moins du monde soucieux if you are (in) the least bit worried; s'il souffrait le moins du monde if he felt any pain at all ou the slightest pain; se porter le mieux du monde to be fine; au monde gén on earth, in the world; personne/rien au monde ne la fera changer d'avis she won't change her mind for anybody/anything; pour rien au monde il ne raterait le match he wouldn't miss the match for anything; dans le monde entier all over the world; à travers le monde throughout the world; aller or voyager de par le monde liter, parcourir le monde to travel the world; il irait jusqu'au bout du monde pour la retrouver he would go to the ends of the earth to find her again; c'est le bout du monde!, c'est au bout du monde! it's miles from anywhere!, it's in the back of beyond!; mon père habite à l'autre bout du monde my father lives halfway around the world; ce n'est pas le bout du monde! fig it's not such a big deal!; comme le monde est petit! it's a small world!; ⇒ métier;
    2 ( société humaine) world; la faim/paix dans le monde world famine/peace; être les premiers au monde à faire to be the first in the world to do; vouloir refaire le monde to want to change the world ; être ouvert sur le monde to be aware of what is going on in the world; se retirer du monde to withdraw from the world; à la face du monde for all the world to see;
    3 ( ici-bas) les biens de ce monde worldly goods; en ce bas monde here below; l'autre monde the next world, the world to come; elle n'est plus de ce monde euph she's no longer with us euph; quand je ne serai plus de ce monde euph when I have departed this world; la perfection n'est pas de ce monde there is no such thing as perfection; le monde des vivants the land of the living; je n'étais pas encore au monde I wasn't yet born; ⇒ grand;
    4 (microcosme, section) world; le monde du travail/des idées the world of work/of ideas; le monde arabe/médical the Arab/medical world; le monde libre the free world; le monde moderne the modern world; le monde animal the animal kingdom; ils ne sont pas du même monde ( milieu) they are from different social backgrounds; c'est un monde à part it's a completely different world; cet événement marqua la fin d'un monde this event marked the end of an era; ⇒ ancien;
    5 ( gens) people; il y a du monde ( une foule) there are a lot of people; ( des gens) there's someone there; de plus en plus de monde more and more people; il n'y a pas grand monde there aren't many people; tout le monde everybody, everyone; voir beaucoup de monde to have a busy social life ; j'ai du monde ce soir I'm having people round GB ou over US tonight; elle se moque or se fout du monde! what does she take us for?; tout mon petit monde my family and friends (pl); réunir tout son monde ( entourage) to get everyone together;
    6 ( bonne société) society; sortir dans le monde to go out into society; le beau or grand monde high society;
    7 ( écart) il y a un monde entre there's a world of difference between; un monde nous sépare, il y a un monde entre nous we are worlds apart.
    mettre un enfant au monde to bring a child into the world; venir au monde to come into the world; se faire (tout) un monde de qch to get all worked up about sth; ainsi va le monde that's the way it goes; depuis que le monde est monde since the beginning of time; il faut de tout pour faire un monde Prov it takes all sorts to make a world Prov; c'est le monde à l'envers! the world's turned upside down!; c'est un monde! that's a bit much!
    [mɔ̃d] nom masculin
    1. [univers] world
    il n'est plus de ce monde he's no longer with us, he's gone to the next world
    en ce bas monde here on earth, here below
    depuis que le monde est monde since the beginning of time, since the world began
    2. [humanité] world
    tout le monde everybody, everyone
    tout le monde sait cela everybody ou the whole world knows that
    3. [pour intensifier]
    le plus simplement/gentiment du monde in the simplest/kindest possible way
    c'est ce que j'aime/je veux le plus au monde it's what I love/want most in the world
    pour rien au monde not for anything, not for the world
    nul ou personne au monde nobody in the world
    4. [communauté] world
    le monde de la finance the world of finance, the financial world
    le monde capitaliste/communiste the capitalist/communist world
    le monde animal/végétal the animal/plant world
    5. [gens] people (pluriel)
    il y a du monde? [en entrant chez quelqu'un] is there anybody home ou there?
    il y a un monde fou, c'est noir de monde the place is swarming ou alive with people
    ne t'en fais pas, je connais mon monde! don't worry, I know who I'm dealing with!
    tu te moques ou fiches (familier) ou fous (familier) du monde! you've got a nerve ou a bloody nerve!
    6. [société] world
    [groupe social] circle, set
    [classes élevées]
    le (beau) ou grand monde high society
    fréquenter le beau ou grand monde to mix with high society ou in society
    gens du monde socialites, society people
    7. [domaine] world, realm
    c'est un monde! (familier) that beats everything!, well I never!
    pourquoi ne ranges-tu jamais tes affaires, c'est un monde tout de même! (familier) why in the world ou why oh why don't you ever put your things away?

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > monde

  • 9 persona

    1 person (individuo).
    vinieron varias personas several people came
    cien personas a hundred people
    en persona in person
    por persona per head
    ser buena persona to be a good person o sort
    persona mayor adult, grown-up
    persona non grata persona non grata
    2 party (law).
    persona física private individual
    persona jurídica legal entity o person
    3 person (grammar).
    la segunda persona del singular the second person singular
    * * *
    1 person
    en persona in person
    persona física individual
    persona jurídica legal entity
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (=individuo) person

    en persona — in person, in the flesh

    por persona — per person

    dos dólares por persona — two dollars per person, two dollars a head

    tercera persona — third party

    persona de edad — elderly person, senior citizen

    persona de historia dubious individual

    persona no grata, persona non grata — persona non grata

    personas realesfrm royalty sing, king and queen

    2) (Jur)
    3) (Ling) person
    4) (Rel)
    PERSONA Mientras que persona en singular se traduce por person, el plural tiene dos traducciones: people y persons. People es la forma más utilizada, ya que persons se emplea solamente en el lenguaje formal o técnico. Las dos formas llevan el verbo en plural: Acaban de llegar tres personas preguntando por un tal Sr. Oliva Three people have just arrived asking for a Mr Oliva "Peso máximo: 8 personas" "Weight limit: 8 persons" Para otros usos y ejemplos ver la entrada
    * * *
    a) ( ser humano) person

    carga máxima: ocho personas — maximum capacity: eight persons

    ¿cuántas personas tiene a su cargo? — how many people do you have reporting to you?

    las personas interesadas... — all those interested...

    en persona<ir/presentarse> in person

    la tarea recayó en la persona de... — the task was allocated to...

    por persona: 20 dólares por persona 20 dollars a head; sólo se venden dos entradas por persona — you can only get two tickets per person

    2) (Ling) person
    * * *
    = fellow, figure, hand, individual, man [men, -pl.], party, person, character, chap, self.
    Ex. From the skimming he had given their writings he knew that something like a chemical agent was working in Balzac's defenseless mind, and that the hapless fellow was trying not to succumb to it.
    Ex. Much potentially valuable historical material is lost to posterity because of the attitude to the collection of primary sources which always gives pride of place to the ephemeral as long as it is compiled by a well-known figure.
    Ex. Even with such a limitation and many later supplementations by various hands, by way of addition, correction and amplification, it falls far short of completeness.
    Ex. Note that these provisions do not include research reports which have been prepared within a government agency but specifically authored by an individual = Nótese que estas disposiciones no afectan a informes de investigaciones procedentes de una agencia gubernamental aunque realizados concretamente por un individuo.
    Ex. No less prestigious an authority than a Royal Commission was appointed to inquire into the charges brought against the man principally responsible for that volume.
    Ex. Enter a brief, plea, or other formal record of one party to a case under the heading for that party.
    Ex. Apart from the names of subjects, the names of corporate bodies, persons, chemicals, trade products, and trade names are some other possibilities.
    Ex. All the same, I think the incident improbable because he has been represented up till then as a cold, careful character.
    Ex. In practice, however, such democratic attitudes among the mighty seem to have as little effect on the behaviour of those who serve them as did the remark made by King George V at his Jubilee in 1935, 'I'm really quite an ordinary sort of chap'.
    Ex. Education should relate more effectively to personal development, to individual coping and to the development of the free self.
    * a cargo de una sola persona = one-man band.
    * Algo a cargo de una sola persona = one-person operation.
    * algunas personas = some people.
    * atendido por varias personas = multi-staffed.
    * biografía de personas célebres = celebrity biography.
    * círculo de personas afines e influyentes = network.
    * como persona que = as one who.
    * conjunto de personas que reciben un servicio = constituency.
    * contra toda persona = all comers.
    * crucial para la vida de una persona = lifesaving.
    * cualquier otra persona = anybody else.
    * cualquier persona = anyone, any Tom, Dick or Harry.
    * cuidados para personas de la tercera edad = elderly care, elder care [eldercare].
    * cuidados para personas mayores = elderly care, elder care [eldercare].
    * de persona = personal.
    * de personas con autoridad moral = authoritative.
    * de primera persona = first-person.
    * de una sola persona = one-man.
    * dirigido a las personas = people-centred, people-oriented.
    * dominio de las personas con más edad = senior power.
    * el consejo de otra persona = a second opinion.
    * el sueño de toda persona = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * en persona = in person, walk-in, in the flesh, face-to-face [face to face].
    * grupo de personas o cosas de la misma edad o categoría = peer group.
    * inicial del segundo nombre de pila de una persona = middle initial.
    * la mayoría de las personas = most people, the majority of the people.
    * la misma persona = one and the same person.
    * la opinión de otra persona = a second opinion.
    * lista de personas de contacto = contact list.
    * lista de personas y cometidos = duty roster.
    * mala persona = rotten apple, a bad lot.
    * ninguna otra persona = no one else.
    * oír por segundas personas = hear + second-hand.
    * orientado a la persona = human-oriented.
    * orientado al servicio de las personas = people-centred.
    * otra persona = somebody else, someone else, somebody else, not me.
    * para algunas personas = to some people.
    * para personas con intereses similares = birds-of-a-feather.
    * pasar de una persona a otra = pass around.
    * pérdida de persona querida = emotional loss.
    * persona a cargo = dependent.
    * persona aprensiva = apprehensive.
    * persona atrevida = risk taker.
    * persona audaz = risk taker.
    * persona aún por determinar = nomen nominandum [N.N.].
    * persona becada = fundee.
    * persona civil = civilian.
    * persona competente = a good sport.
    * persona común = ordinary person.
    * persona con ahorros = saver.
    * persona con ambición = high flyer [high flier, -USA], go-getter.
    * persona con doble personalidad = Jekyll and Hyde.
    * persona con éxito = successful person.
    * persona con iniciativa = go-getter.
    * persona con la mejor nota = top scorer, top scorer.
    * persona con llave = keyholder.
    * persona con mala ortografía = speller.
    * persona con mucha ambición = social climber.
    * persona con nivel cultural medio = middlebrow [middle-brow].
    * persona con problemas de aprendizaje = learning disabled person.
    * persona de acción = doer.
    * persona de adentro = insider.
    * persona de altos vuelos = high flyer [high flier, -USA].
    * persona de color = non-white [nonwhite], coloured man, coloured woman, coloured [colored, -USA].
    * persona de conducta desviada = deviant.
    * persona de confianza = good old boy, sounding board.
    * persona de contacto = contact, correspondent, contact person, named contact.
    * persona de edad avanzada = elderly person.
    * persona de éxito = successful person.
    * persona de fuera = outsider.
    * persona dejada = slob.
    * persona de la alta sociedad = socialite.
    * persona de la propia empresa = insider.
    * persona de la tercera edad = elder.
    * persona de nivel cultural bajo = lowbrow [low-brow].
    * persona de nivel intelectual bajo = lowbrow [low-brow].
    * persona de raza blanca = white.
    * persona de raza negra = black.
    * persona designada = nominee, designate.
    * persona designada para un cargo = appointee.
    * persona destacada = standout.
    * persona divorciada = divorcee.
    * persona emprendedora = go-getter.
    * persona encargada de actualizar = maintainer.
    * persona encargada de hacer los trabajos sucios = hatchetman.
    * persona encargada de las relaciones públicas = PR man [PR men, -pl.].
    * persona encargada de recabar fondos = fundraiser [fund-raiser].
    * persona en prácticas = trainee, intern.
    * persona entusiasta y trabajadora = eager beaver.
    * persona estúpida = no-brainer.
    * persona famosa = famous person.
    * persona ilusa = daydreamer.
    * persona influyente = influencer, mover and shaker, heavy weight [heavyweight].
    * persona informada = insider.
    * persona innovadora = innovator.
    * persona inquieta = fidget.
    * persona inscrita = registrant.
    * persona interesada = taker.
    * persona joven = youth.
    * persona mañosa = handyman [handymen, pl.].
    * persona más destacada = top person [top people, -pl.].
    * persona más relevante = top person [top people, -pl.].
    * persona mayor = elder.
    * persona medianamente cultivada = middlebrow [middle-brow].
    * persona muy ocupada = busy beaver, busy bee.
    * persona muy trabajadora = hard-working person.
    * persona nacida después del baby boom = baby buster.
    * persona nacida durante el baby boom = baby boomer.
    * persona nacida en el fin del milenio = Millennial.
    * persona nerviosa = fidget.
    * persona no experta = non-scholar.
    * persona no grata = persona non grata.
    * persona no muy lista pero trabajadora = plodder.
    * persona normal = ordinary person.
    * persona obsesiva con el trabajo = workoholic [workholic], workaholic.
    * persona o mecanismo que resuelve problemas = solver.
    * persona opuesta a = resister (of/against).
    * persona problemática = troublemaker.
    * persona que abandona Algo = quitter.
    * persona que apoya una moción o propuesta = seconder.
    * persona que asigna el trabajo = assigner.
    * persona que busca y vive de lo que encuentra en las playas = beachcomber.
    * persona que cambia de trabajo con demasiada frecuencia = job-hopper.
    * persona que concede una franquicia = franchiser [franchisor].
    * persona que contempla o mira algo = beholder.
    * persona que convoca una reunión = convener [convenor].
    * persona que cruza la carretera por un sitio no autorizado = jaywalker.
    * persona que da consuelo = comforter.
    * persona que deja un trabajo = leaver.
    * persona que desfigura Algo = defacer.
    * persona que desprecia u odia = despiser.
    * persona que desvela escándalos o corrupción = muckraker.
    * persona que duerme bien = good sleeper.
    * persona que elabora el plan de estudios = syllabus maker.
    * persona que escucha a escondidas = eavesdropper.
    * persona que escucha en secreto = eavesdropper.
    * persona que está a dieta = dieter.
    * persona que está aprendiendo a conducir = learner driver.
    * persona que está de picnic = picnicker.
    * persona que hace encajes = tatter.
    * persona que hace striptease = stripper.
    * persona que hace una cita bibliográfica = citator.
    * persona que hace un comentario = commenter.
    * persona que hace un préstamo = loaner.
    * persona que ha llegado donde está por su propio esfuerzo = self-made-man, the.
    * persona que ha viajado mucho = seasoned traveller.
    * persona que intenta averiguar y resolver problemas = troubleshooter.
    * persona que le desea suerte a otra = well-wisher.
    * persona que le gusta flirtear = flirt.
    * persona que llama = caller.
    * persona que no le gusta leer = aliterate.
    * persona que no pertenece a la familia = nonrelative [non-relative].
    * persona que no se sale del lugar donde vive = stay-at-home.
    * persona que nunca se deshace de nada = packrat, hoarder, magpie.
    * persona que obtiene una franquicia = franchisee.
    * persona que paga impuestos = taxpayer [tax-payer].
    * persona que permanece en un puesto de trabajo = stayer.
    * persona que pide asilo = asylum seeker.
    * persona que pone en práctica Algo = adopter.
    * persona que practica el sillonball = couch potato.
    * persona que recibe asesoramiento = counselee.
    * persona que recoge algo = picker.
    * persona que reparte el trabajo = assigner.
    * persona que rinde más de lo esperado = overachiever.
    * persona que rinde por debajo de su capacidad = underachiever.
    * persona que sabe contar anécdotas = raconteur.
    * persona que se cree Algo = biter.
    * persona que se cuida la línea = weight watcher.
    * persona que se dedica a una tarea monótona = harmless drudge.
    * persona que se dedica a una terea monótona = harmless drudge.
    * persona que se desarrolla tarde = late bloomer.
    * persona que se opone a Algo = opponent.
    * persona que se promociona a sí misma = self-promoter.
    * persona que se queja = complainant, complainer.
    * persona que sólo habla una lengua = monoglot.
    * persona que sufre de insomio = insomniac.
    * persona que tira basura al suelo = litterbug, litter lout.
    * persona que toma la última decisión = decider.
    * persona que utiliza la biblioteca = non-library user.
    * persona que va al cine = moviegoer [movie-goer].
    * persona que va por libre = outsider.
    * persona que ve = sighted person.
    * persona que ve/observa = watcher.
    * persona que visita un servicio voluntariamente en sus ratos libres = drop-in.
    * persona que viste a la antigua = frump.
    * persona reacia a la lectura = aliterate.
    * persona recta = mensch.
    * personas = humans, party, people, public.
    * personas como = the likes of.
    * personas con ceguera parcial = partially-sighted.
    * personas con deficiencias auditivas, las = hearing impaired, the.
    * personas con deficiencias mentales corregibles = educably mentally handicapped (EMH).
    * personas con discapacidades mentales, las = intellectually disabled, the.
    * personas con discapacidades mentales = intellectually disabled people.
    * personas con éxito, las = successful, the.
    * personas con problemas de lectura = print handicapped people, print handicapped, the.
    * personas con problemas de lectura de la letra impresa = print disabled people.
    * personas con problemas de vista, las = visually impaired, the, visually disabled, the, visually handicapped, the, visually impaired people (VIPs), visually challenged, the.
    * personas con problemas mentales = disturbed people.
    * personas con trastornos emocionales = disturbed people.
    * personas de color = coloured people.
    * personas de la tercera edad, las = elderly, the.
    * personas de piel blanca, las = fair skinned, the.
    * personas en desventaja = disadvantaged, the.
    * personas faltas de servicios, las = underserved, the.
    * personas famosas = those held up for praise.
    * personas importantes = those held up for praise.
    * persona sin hogar = waif, homeless man [homeless people, -pl.].
    * persona sin problemas de vista = sighted person.
    * persona sin techo = homeless man [homeless people, -pl.].
    * personas mayores = older people, elderly people.
    * personas molestas, las = nuisance, the.
    * personas muy activas, las = those on the go.
    * personas muy ocupadas, las = those on the go.
    * personas no invitadas, las = uninvited, the.
    * persona solitaria = lone wolf.
    * personas que no pueden salir de casa = homebound, the.
    * personas que siempre están viajando, las = those on the go.
    * personas que son duras de oído, las = hard of hearing, the.
    * personas relevantes = those held up for praise.
    * personas sin conocimientos técnicos, las = non-technical, the.
    * personas sin hogar = homelessness.
    * personas sin hogar, las = homeless, the.
    * personas sin techo = homelessness.
    * personas sin trabajo remunerado, los = unwaged, the.
    * persona subvencionada = fundee.
    * persona temerosa = risk taker.
    * persona típica, la = average man, the.
    * persona u organismo que recorta presupuestos o ayuda a reducir gastos = cost-cutter.
    * persona vaga y mal vestida = slob.
    * por persona = per person.
    * préstamo para otra persona = proxy borrowing.
    * primera persona = first person.
    * representación de personas profanas en la materia = lay representation.
    * ser la persona ideal para = be the best placed to.
    * ser la persona más indicada para = be in a position to.
    * ser la última persona del mundo que + Infinitivo = be one of the last people in the world to + Infinitivo.
    * tipo de persona = public.
    * todas las personas implicadas = all concerned.
    * trabajar como persona en prácticas = intern.
    * tráfico de personas = foot fall.
    * tropezar una persona con otra = fall over + each other's feet.
    * usuario en persona = walk-in user.
    * visión contada por una persona de adentro = insider's look, insider's perspective.
    * visión de una persona de adentro = insider's look, insider's perspective.
    * * *
    a) ( ser humano) person

    carga máxima: ocho personas — maximum capacity: eight persons

    ¿cuántas personas tiene a su cargo? — how many people do you have reporting to you?

    las personas interesadas... — all those interested...

    en persona<ir/presentarse> in person

    la tarea recayó en la persona de... — the task was allocated to...

    por persona: 20 dólares por persona 20 dollars a head; sólo se venden dos entradas por persona — you can only get two tickets per person

    2) (Ling) person
    * * *
    = fellow, figure, hand, individual, man [men, -pl.], party, person, character, chap, self.

    Ex: From the skimming he had given their writings he knew that something like a chemical agent was working in Balzac's defenseless mind, and that the hapless fellow was trying not to succumb to it.

    Ex: Much potentially valuable historical material is lost to posterity because of the attitude to the collection of primary sources which always gives pride of place to the ephemeral as long as it is compiled by a well-known figure.
    Ex: Even with such a limitation and many later supplementations by various hands, by way of addition, correction and amplification, it falls far short of completeness.
    Ex: Note that these provisions do not include research reports which have been prepared within a government agency but specifically authored by an individual = Nótese que estas disposiciones no afectan a informes de investigaciones procedentes de una agencia gubernamental aunque realizados concretamente por un individuo.
    Ex: No less prestigious an authority than a Royal Commission was appointed to inquire into the charges brought against the man principally responsible for that volume.
    Ex: Enter a brief, plea, or other formal record of one party to a case under the heading for that party.
    Ex: Apart from the names of subjects, the names of corporate bodies, persons, chemicals, trade products, and trade names are some other possibilities.
    Ex: All the same, I think the incident improbable because he has been represented up till then as a cold, careful character.
    Ex: In practice, however, such democratic attitudes among the mighty seem to have as little effect on the behaviour of those who serve them as did the remark made by King George V at his Jubilee in 1935, 'I'm really quite an ordinary sort of chap'.
    Ex: Education should relate more effectively to personal development, to individual coping and to the development of the free self.
    * a cargo de una sola persona = one-man band.
    * Algo a cargo de una sola persona = one-person operation.
    * algunas personas = some people.
    * atendido por varias personas = multi-staffed.
    * biografía de personas célebres = celebrity biography.
    * círculo de personas afines e influyentes = network.
    * como persona que = as one who.
    * conjunto de personas que reciben un servicio = constituency.
    * contra toda persona = all comers.
    * crucial para la vida de una persona = lifesaving.
    * cualquier otra persona = anybody else.
    * cualquier persona = anyone, any Tom, Dick or Harry.
    * cuidados para personas de la tercera edad = elderly care, elder care [eldercare].
    * cuidados para personas mayores = elderly care, elder care [eldercare].
    * de persona = personal.
    * de personas con autoridad moral = authoritative.
    * de primera persona = first-person.
    * de una sola persona = one-man.
    * dirigido a las personas = people-centred, people-oriented.
    * dominio de las personas con más edad = senior power.
    * el consejo de otra persona = a second opinion.
    * el sueño de toda persona = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * en persona = in person, walk-in, in the flesh, face-to-face [face to face].
    * grupo de personas o cosas de la misma edad o categoría = peer group.
    * inicial del segundo nombre de pila de una persona = middle initial.
    * la mayoría de las personas = most people, the majority of the people.
    * la misma persona = one and the same person.
    * la opinión de otra persona = a second opinion.
    * lista de personas de contacto = contact list.
    * lista de personas y cometidos = duty roster.
    * mala persona = rotten apple, a bad lot.
    * ninguna otra persona = no one else.
    * oír por segundas personas = hear + second-hand.
    * orientado a la persona = human-oriented.
    * orientado al servicio de las personas = people-centred.
    * otra persona = somebody else, someone else, somebody else, not me.
    * para algunas personas = to some people.
    * para personas con intereses similares = birds-of-a-feather.
    * pasar de una persona a otra = pass around.
    * pérdida de persona querida = emotional loss.
    * persona a cargo = dependent.
    * persona aprensiva = apprehensive.
    * persona atrevida = risk taker.
    * persona audaz = risk taker.
    * persona aún por determinar = nomen nominandum [N.N.].
    * persona becada = fundee.
    * persona civil = civilian.
    * persona competente = a good sport.
    * persona común = ordinary person.
    * persona con ahorros = saver.
    * persona con ambición = high flyer [high flier, -USA], go-getter.
    * persona con doble personalidad = Jekyll and Hyde.
    * persona con éxito = successful person.
    * persona con iniciativa = go-getter.
    * persona con la mejor nota = top scorer, top scorer.
    * persona con llave = keyholder.
    * persona con mala ortografía = speller.
    * persona con mucha ambición = social climber.
    * persona con nivel cultural medio = middlebrow [middle-brow].
    * persona con problemas de aprendizaje = learning disabled person.
    * persona de acción = doer.
    * persona de adentro = insider.
    * persona de altos vuelos = high flyer [high flier, -USA].
    * persona de color = non-white [nonwhite], coloured man, coloured woman, coloured [colored, -USA].
    * persona de conducta desviada = deviant.
    * persona de confianza = good old boy, sounding board.
    * persona de contacto = contact, correspondent, contact person, named contact.
    * persona de edad avanzada = elderly person.
    * persona de éxito = successful person.
    * persona de fuera = outsider.
    * persona dejada = slob.
    * persona de la alta sociedad = socialite.
    * persona de la propia empresa = insider.
    * persona de la tercera edad = elder.
    * persona de nivel cultural bajo = lowbrow [low-brow].
    * persona de nivel intelectual bajo = lowbrow [low-brow].
    * persona de raza blanca = white.
    * persona de raza negra = black.
    * persona designada = nominee, designate.
    * persona designada para un cargo = appointee.
    * persona destacada = standout.
    * persona divorciada = divorcee.
    * persona emprendedora = go-getter.
    * persona encargada de actualizar = maintainer.
    * persona encargada de hacer los trabajos sucios = hatchetman.
    * persona encargada de las relaciones públicas = PR man [PR men, -pl.].
    * persona encargada de recabar fondos = fundraiser [fund-raiser].
    * persona en prácticas = trainee, intern.
    * persona entusiasta y trabajadora = eager beaver.
    * persona estúpida = no-brainer.
    * persona famosa = famous person.
    * persona ilusa = daydreamer.
    * persona influyente = influencer, mover and shaker, heavy weight [heavyweight].
    * persona informada = insider.
    * persona innovadora = innovator.
    * persona inquieta = fidget.
    * persona inscrita = registrant.
    * persona interesada = taker.
    * persona joven = youth.
    * persona mañosa = handyman [handymen, pl.].
    * persona más destacada = top person [top people, -pl.].
    * persona más relevante = top person [top people, -pl.].
    * persona mayor = elder.
    * persona medianamente cultivada = middlebrow [middle-brow].
    * persona muy ocupada = busy beaver, busy bee.
    * persona muy trabajadora = hard-working person.
    * persona nacida después del baby boom = baby buster.
    * persona nacida durante el baby boom = baby boomer.
    * persona nacida en el fin del milenio = Millennial.
    * persona nerviosa = fidget.
    * persona no experta = non-scholar.
    * persona no grata = persona non grata.
    * persona no muy lista pero trabajadora = plodder.
    * persona normal = ordinary person.
    * persona obsesiva con el trabajo = workoholic [workholic], workaholic.
    * persona o mecanismo que resuelve problemas = solver.
    * persona opuesta a = resister (of/against).
    * persona problemática = troublemaker.
    * persona que abandona Algo = quitter.
    * persona que apoya una moción o propuesta = seconder.
    * persona que asigna el trabajo = assigner.
    * persona que busca y vive de lo que encuentra en las playas = beachcomber.
    * persona que cambia de trabajo con demasiada frecuencia = job-hopper.
    * persona que concede una franquicia = franchiser [franchisor].
    * persona que contempla o mira algo = beholder.
    * persona que convoca una reunión = convener [convenor].
    * persona que cruza la carretera por un sitio no autorizado = jaywalker.
    * persona que da consuelo = comforter.
    * persona que deja un trabajo = leaver.
    * persona que desfigura Algo = defacer.
    * persona que desprecia u odia = despiser.
    * persona que desvela escándalos o corrupción = muckraker.
    * persona que duerme bien = good sleeper.
    * persona que elabora el plan de estudios = syllabus maker.
    * persona que escucha a escondidas = eavesdropper.
    * persona que escucha en secreto = eavesdropper.
    * persona que está a dieta = dieter.
    * persona que está aprendiendo a conducir = learner driver.
    * persona que está de picnic = picnicker.
    * persona que hace encajes = tatter.
    * persona que hace striptease = stripper.
    * persona que hace una cita bibliográfica = citator.
    * persona que hace un comentario = commenter.
    * persona que hace un préstamo = loaner.
    * persona que ha llegado donde está por su propio esfuerzo = self-made-man, the.
    * persona que ha viajado mucho = seasoned traveller.
    * persona que intenta averiguar y resolver problemas = troubleshooter.
    * persona que le desea suerte a otra = well-wisher.
    * persona que le gusta flirtear = flirt.
    * persona que llama = caller.
    * persona que no le gusta leer = aliterate.
    * persona que no pertenece a la familia = nonrelative [non-relative].
    * persona que no se sale del lugar donde vive = stay-at-home.
    * persona que nunca se deshace de nada = packrat, hoarder, magpie.
    * persona que obtiene una franquicia = franchisee.
    * persona que paga impuestos = taxpayer [tax-payer].
    * persona que permanece en un puesto de trabajo = stayer.
    * persona que pide asilo = asylum seeker.
    * persona que pone en práctica Algo = adopter.
    * persona que practica el sillonball = couch potato.
    * persona que recibe asesoramiento = counselee.
    * persona que recoge algo = picker.
    * persona que reparte el trabajo = assigner.
    * persona que rinde más de lo esperado = overachiever.
    * persona que rinde por debajo de su capacidad = underachiever.
    * persona que sabe contar anécdotas = raconteur.
    * persona que se cree Algo = biter.
    * persona que se cuida la línea = weight watcher.
    * persona que se dedica a una tarea monótona = harmless drudge.
    * persona que se dedica a una terea monótona = harmless drudge.
    * persona que se desarrolla tarde = late bloomer.
    * persona que se opone a Algo = opponent.
    * persona que se promociona a sí misma = self-promoter.
    * persona que se queja = complainant, complainer.
    * persona que sólo habla una lengua = monoglot.
    * persona que sufre de insomio = insomniac.
    * persona que tira basura al suelo = litterbug, litter lout.
    * persona que toma la última decisión = decider.
    * persona que utiliza la biblioteca = non-library user.
    * persona que va al cine = moviegoer [movie-goer].
    * persona que va por libre = outsider.
    * persona que ve = sighted person.
    * persona que ve/observa = watcher.
    * persona que visita un servicio voluntariamente en sus ratos libres = drop-in.
    * persona que viste a la antigua = frump.
    * persona reacia a la lectura = aliterate.
    * persona recta = mensch.
    * personas = humans, party, people, public.
    * personas como = the likes of.
    * personas con ceguera parcial = partially-sighted.
    * personas con deficiencias auditivas, las = hearing impaired, the.
    * personas con deficiencias mentales corregibles = educably mentally handicapped (EMH).
    * personas con discapacidades mentales, las = intellectually disabled, the.
    * personas con discapacidades mentales = intellectually disabled people.
    * personas con éxito, las = successful, the.
    * personas con problemas de lectura = print handicapped people, print handicapped, the.
    * personas con problemas de lectura de la letra impresa = print disabled people.
    * personas con problemas de vista, las = visually impaired, the, visually disabled, the, visually handicapped, the, visually impaired people (VIPs), visually challenged, the.
    * personas con problemas mentales = disturbed people.
    * personas con trastornos emocionales = disturbed people.
    * personas de color = coloured people.
    * personas de la tercera edad, las = elderly, the.
    * personas de piel blanca, las = fair skinned, the.
    * personas en desventaja = disadvantaged, the.
    * personas faltas de servicios, las = underserved, the.
    * personas famosas = those held up for praise.
    * personas importantes = those held up for praise.
    * persona sin hogar = waif, homeless man [homeless people, -pl.].
    * persona sin problemas de vista = sighted person.
    * persona sin techo = homeless man [homeless people, -pl.].
    * personas mayores = older people, elderly people.
    * personas molestas, las = nuisance, the.
    * personas muy activas, las = those on the go.
    * personas muy ocupadas, las = those on the go.
    * personas no invitadas, las = uninvited, the.
    * persona solitaria = lone wolf.
    * personas que no pueden salir de casa = homebound, the.
    * personas que siempre están viajando, las = those on the go.
    * personas que son duras de oído, las = hard of hearing, the.
    * personas relevantes = those held up for praise.
    * personas sin conocimientos técnicos, las = non-technical, the.
    * personas sin hogar = homelessness.
    * personas sin hogar, las = homeless, the.
    * personas sin techo = homelessness.
    * personas sin trabajo remunerado, los = unwaged, the.
    * persona subvencionada = fundee.
    * persona temerosa = risk taker.
    * persona típica, la = average man, the.
    * persona u organismo que recorta presupuestos o ayuda a reducir gastos = cost-cutter.
    * persona vaga y mal vestida = slob.
    * por persona = per person.
    * préstamo para otra persona = proxy borrowing.
    * primera persona = first person.
    * representación de personas profanas en la materia = lay representation.
    * ser la persona ideal para = be the best placed to.
    * ser la persona más indicada para = be in a position to.
    * ser la última persona del mundo que + Infinitivo = be one of the last people in the world to + Infinitivo.
    * tipo de persona = public.
    * todas las personas implicadas = all concerned.
    * trabajar como persona en prácticas = intern.
    * tráfico de personas = foot fall.
    * tropezar una persona con otra = fall over + each other's feet.
    * usuario en persona = walk-in user.
    * visión contada por una persona de adentro = insider's look, insider's perspective.
    * visión de una persona de adentro = insider's look, insider's perspective.

    * * *
    1 (ser humano) person
    es una persona muy educada/simpática he's/she's a very polite/likable person
    había tres personas esperando there were three people waiting
    en el coche caben cinco personas the car can take five people
    [ S ] carga máxima: ocho personas o 500 kilos maximum capacity: eight persons or 500 kilos
    como persona no me gusta I don't like him as a person
    ¿cuántas personas tiene a su cargo? how many people do you have reporting to you?
    en la persona del Rey se concentra el poder civil y militar civil and military power resides in the King himself
    se rindió homenaje a los ex-combatientes en la persona de … tribute was paid to the war veterans who were represented by …
    las personas interesadas pueden presentarse mañana a las diez all those interested may come along tomorrow at ten o'clock
    es una persona de recursos she's a resourceful person, she's resourceful
    2 ( en locs):
    de persona a persona person to person
    en persona in person
    vino en persona a traerme la carta she brought me the letter in person
    conozco su obra, pero no lo conozco en persona I know his work, but I don't know him personally
    deberán presentarse en persona you must come personally o in person
    es el orden/la estupidez en persona he is orderliness/stupidity personified
    por persona: la comida salió a 20 dólares por persona the meal came to 20 dollars a head
    sólo se venden dos entradas por persona you can only get two tickets per person o per head
    hay dos trozos por persona there are two pieces each
    displaced person
    persona jurídica or moral
    legal entity
    persona no or non grata
    persona non grata
    B ( Ling) person
    la primera persona del singular/plural the first person singular/plural
    * * *


    Del verbo personarse: ( conjugate personarse)

    se persona es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo

    persona sustantivo femenino

    dos o más personas two or more people;
    las personas interesadas … all those interested …
    b) ( en locs)

    en personair/presentarse in person;

    no lo conozco en persona I don't know him personally;
    por persona per person;
    solo se venden dos entradas por persona you can only get two tickets per person;
    la comida costó 20 dólares por persona the meal cost 20 dollars per o a head
    c) (Ling) person

    persona sustantivo femenino
    1 (individuo) person, people pl: es una persona muy sensible, he is a very sensitive person
    no es mala persona, he isn't a bad sort
    había demasiadas personas, there were too many people
    familiar persona mayor, grown-up
    persona non grata, persona non grata
    2 persona jurídica, legal entity
    3 Ling person
    tercera persona del singular, third person singular
    ♦ Locuciones: en persona, in person
    por persona, per person
    ' persona' also found in these entries:
    - abajo
    - abandonar
    - abandonada
    - abandonado
    - abierta
    - abierto
    - abordar
    - aborregarse
    - abrazarse
    - abrigada
    - abrigado
    - acaparar
    - acartonarse
    - acoger
    - acogedor
    - acogedora
    - acogida
    - acostarse
    - adaptable
    - adefesio
    - adusta
    - adusto
    - afanosa
    - afanoso
    - afianzarse
    - afortunada
    - afortunado
    - agobiante
    - aguatera
    - aguatero
    - ajena
    - ajeno
    - alcanzar
    - alevosa
    - alevoso
    - alhaja
    - alma
    - alquilar
    - alta
    - alto
    - alza
    - amén
    - amordazar
    - animar
    - animadversión
    - animal
    - animarse
    - anular
    - apaciguarse
    - absence
    - accept
    - accessible
    - acquaintance
    - act up
    - action
    - activity
    - adaptable
    - address
    - adjust
    - adjustment
    - admit
    - adult
    - advance
    - affect
    - affluent
    - agreeable
    - air
    - airy
    - aloof
    - am
    - angry
    - annoyance
    - appealing
    - appoint
    - approach
    - approachable
    - approve of
    - armchair
    - armor
    - armour
    - around
    - arrival
    - articulate
    - ask
    - ask for
    - ass
    - assassin
    - assassination
    - assign
    - astute
    - attractive
    - available
    - awkward
    - ax
    - axe
    - baby
    - background
    - backward
    * * *
    1. [individuo] person;
    vinieron varias personas several people came;
    cien personas a hundred people;
    la persona responsable the person in charge;
    necesitan la mediación de una tercera persona they need the mediation of a third party;
    ser buena persona to be nice;
    ha venido el obispo en persona the bishop came in person;
    este niño es el demonio en persona this child is the very devil;
    de persona a persona person to person, one to one;
    por persona per head
    persona de contacto contact person;
    persona mayor adult, grown-up;
    persona non grata persona non grata
    2. Der party
    persona física natural o legal person;
    persona jurídica legal entity o person
    3. Gram person;
    la segunda persona del singular the second person singular
    4. Rel person
    * * *
    f person;
    quince personas fifteen people;
    persona (humana) human being;
    persona mayor elderly person buena/mala persona nice/nasty person;
    en persona in person
    * * *
    : person
    * * *
    persona n person person se usa sobre todo en singular. Para el plural se dice people
    ¿cuántas personas había? how many people were there?

    Spanish-English dictionary > persona

  • 10 relevar

    1 to relieve, to take over from.
    Relevamos a María de su carga We relieved Mary of her burden.
    2 to dismiss.
    3 to free.
    4 to substitute (sport) (en partidos).
    5 to acquit.
    El juez relevó al demandado The judge acquitted the defendant.
    * * *
    1 (sustituir) to relieve, take over from
    2 (eximir) to exempt (de, from)
    3 (destituir) to dismiss, remove, relieve
    4 MILITAR to change, relieve
    5 figurado (engrandecer) to exaggerate
    1 to take turns
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (Mil) [+ guardia] to relieve; [+ colega] to replace, substitute for
    2) (=destituir)
    3) (=dispensar)

    relevar a algn de una obligación — to relieve sb of a duty, free sb from an obligation

    relevar a algn de la culpa — to exonerate sb, free sb from blame

    4) (Téc) to emboss
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) ( sustituir) to relieve

    relevar la guardia — (Mil) to change the guard

    relevó a Salinas como entrenadorhe took over from o replaced Salinas as coach

    2) ( destituir) to remove
    3) ( eximir) to exempt
    relevarse v pron to take turns, take it in turn(s)
    * * *
    = take over, put out to + grass, put out to + pasture.
    Ex. DOBIS/LIBIS can take over much of the housekeeping work necessary for a smoothly functioning library = DOBIS/LIBIS puede encargarse de la mayor parte del trabajo de gestión administrativa para que la biblioteca funcione sin problemas.
    Ex. The article 'Should the computer be put out to grass?' argues that successful transfer of information relies more on quality than quantity.
    Ex. Let the free market decide whether it wants to support Prince's way of doing business or it wants to put him out to pasture.
    * relevar de una obligación = relieve of + duty.
    * relevar de un cargo = relieve of + duty.
    * relevarse = take + a turn at, take + turns.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) ( sustituir) to relieve

    relevar la guardia — (Mil) to change the guard

    relevó a Salinas como entrenadorhe took over from o replaced Salinas as coach

    2) ( destituir) to remove
    3) ( eximir) to exempt
    relevarse v pron to take turns, take it in turn(s)
    * * *
    = take over, put out to + grass, put out to + pasture.

    Ex: DOBIS/LIBIS can take over much of the housekeeping work necessary for a smoothly functioning library = DOBIS/LIBIS puede encargarse de la mayor parte del trabajo de gestión administrativa para que la biblioteca funcione sin problemas.

    Ex: The article 'Should the computer be put out to grass?' argues that successful transfer of information relies more on quality than quantity.
    Ex: Let the free market decide whether it wants to support Prince's way of doing business or it wants to put him out to pasture.
    * relevar de una obligación = relieve of + duty.
    * relevar de un cargo = relieve of + duty.
    * relevarse = take + a turn at, take + turns.

    * * *
    relevar [A1 ]
    A (sustituir) to relieve
    relevar la guardia ( Mil) to change the guard
    relevamos a los soldados que hacían la guardia we relieved the soldiers on guard duty
    relevó a Salinas como entrenador he took over from o replaced Salinas as coach
    B (destituir) to remove
    fue relevado del cargo he was relieved of o removed from his post
    C (eximir) to exempt relevar a algn DE algo to exempt sb FROM sth
    lo relevaron de descargar los camiones he was exempted from unloading the trucks
    to take turns, take it in turn(s)
    las enfermeras se relevaron para atenderla toda la noche the nurses took turns at looking after her all night, the nurses took it in turn(s) to look after her all night
    * * *

    relevar ( conjugate relevar) verbo transitivo
    a) ( sustituir) ‹guarda/enfermera to relieve;

    jugador to replace, take over from;

    relevarse verbo pronominal
    to take turns, take it in turn(s)
    relevar verbo transitivo
    1 (de una carga u obligación) to exempt from, let off
    2 (de un puesto o cargo) to remove, relieve
    3 (una persona a otra en una función) to relieve, take over from
    4 Dep to substitute, replace
    ' relevar' also found in these entries:
    - take
    * * *
    1. [sustituir] to relieve, to take over from;
    [en deporte] to substitute;
    el presidente lo relevó por una mujer the president replaced him with a woman;
    los bomberos recién llegados relevaron a sus agotados compañeros the firemen who had just arrived relieved o took over from their exhausted colleagues;
    ¿quién lo va a relevar cuando se jubile? who's going to take over from him when he retires?
    2. [destituir] to dismiss (de from), to relieve (de of);
    lo relevaron de la presidencia del partido they dismissed him as leader of the party
    3. [eximir] to free (de from)
    4. [en relevos] to take over from
    * * *
    v/t MIL relieve;
    relevar a alguien de algo relieve s.o. of sth
    * * *
    1) : to relieve, to take over from
    relevar de : to exempt from

    Spanish-English dictionary > relevar

  • 11 make

    1. I
    the ebb was making начинался отлив; the tide making we weighed anchor во время прилива мы бросили якорь
    2. II
    1) make in some manner this toy makes easily эту игрушку легко сделать: hay ought to make well [in this drying breeze] [на таком сухом ветерке] сено должно хорошо просушиться /сохнуть/
    2) make somewhere make upstream (downstream) идти /плыть/ вверх (вниз) по течению
    3) make in some manner the tide is making fast вода быстро прибывает; winter is making earnestly наступает настоящая зима
    4) make in some manner make well (poorly, etc.) хорошо и т. д. зарабатывать; he always makes pretty handsomely он всегда недурно зарабатывает
    3. III
    1) make smth. make machines (tools, paper, chairs, hats, etc.) делать /производить/ машины и т. д., make bricks делать /обжигать/ кирпичи; make a boat (a bridge, a house, a road, etc.) (подстроить лодку и т. д.: make a dress (a coat, a blouse, etc.) делать /шить/ платье и т. д.; make a film снимать фильм: make lunch (jelly, a good supper, etc.) делать /готовить/ завтрак и т. д., make coffee варить кофе; make tea заварить чай; make bread (ис-)печь хлеб; make a garden (a park, flower-beds, etc.) разбивать сад и т. д.; make hay косить траву: make a path делать /прокладывать/ дорожку: where will they make a camp? где они раскинут /разобьют/ лагерь?; make beds стелить /заправлять/ постели; make a fire разжигать камин или раскладывать костер; make nests вить гнезда; beavers make their holes бобры роют норы
    2) make smth. make one's reputation (one's name) создать себе репутацию (имя); make smb.'s character формировать чей-л. характер; make one's own life строить свой собственную жизнь, самостоятельно строить свой жизнь; make haste торопиться; make progress делать успехи; make preparations делать приготовления; make plans разрабатывать / вынашивать/ планы; he is making plans to go away он собирается /намеревается/ уехать; who made this ridiculous rule? кто придумал это глупое правило?; make war вести войну, воевать; are they willing to make peace? a) они согласны заключить мир?; б) они готовы примириться? || make a stand занимать принципиальную позицию: make love а) ухаживать; говорить ласковые слова; б) ласкать, заниматься любовью
    3) make smb., smth. one big deal made the young man молодой человек добился успеха благодаря лишь всего одной крупной сделке; hard work made him он добился успеха упорным трудом; wars made and unmade this country эта страна возвеличилась благодаря войнам, и они же привели ее к гибели; industry has made Manchester Манчестер превратился в важный центр благодаря развитию промышленности
    4) make smth. make trouble (a fuss, a mess, etc.) создавать неприятности и т. д.; he made a terrible to-do он устроил ужасный скандал; don't make noise не делай шума, не шуми; make a change (a disturbance, a panic, etc.) вызывать изменение и т. д., make mischief а) наносить вред; б) шалить, безобразничать; this makes a great difference это совсем другое дело; it makes no difference это ничего не меняет. это все равно; make a great hit coll. иметь огромный успех
    5) make smth. make eighty miles (five kilometres, etc.) сделать / пройти/ восемьдесят миль и т. д.; make twenty knots идти со скоростью двадцать узлов; make good time а) идти /двигаться/ с хорошей скоростью; б) sport. показать хорошее время
    6) make smth. соll. make port (harbour, home, land, one's destination, etc.) добираться до /достигать/ порта и т. д., he's tired out, he'll never make the summit он уже выдохся, ему ни за что не добраться до вершины; make the tram (the bus, the next flight, etc.) успевать на /поймать/ трамвай и т. д.; I had hoped to get to the meeting but I found at the last minute that I couldn't make it я надеялся попасть на собрание, но в последнюю минуту понял, что не успею
    7) make smth. make good grades получать хорошие отметки, хорошо учиться; make the highest score получить больше всего очков; who made the score? кто выиграл /победил/?; I doubt whether he will make much сомневаюсь, чтобы он мог многого добиться, вряд ли он мог многого добиться, вряд ли он многого добьется; those plants will not make much, the soil is too poor эти растения не пойдут /не будут хорошо расти/, здесь плохая почва; do you think a table this wide can make the doorway? вы думаете такой ширины стол пройдет в дверь?; make the team (the best-seller list, the first ten, etc.) попасть в команду и т. д.; this news made the front page это известие поместили на первой полосе [газеты] || make it добиться успеха; make one's point доказать свою течку зрения; has he made his point? понятно, что он хотел сказать?
    8) make smth. make a good salary (three pounds a week, a profit, etc.) получать хорошее жалованье и т. д.; make a living зарабатывать на жизнь; make money а) зарабатывать деньги; б) разбогатеть; make a fortune приобрести состояние; make a loss потерпеть /понести/ убыток; make smb. make friends приобрести /завеете/ друзей; make enemies нажить врагов
    9) make smth. one hundred pence make a pound сто пенсов составляют фунт; twelve inches make one foot в одном футе двенадцать дюймов; that makes 40 cents you owe me итак, ты мне должен сорок центов; this made his tenth novel это был уже его десятый роман; how many people make a quorum? сколько человек требуется /необходимо/ для кворума?; how many players make а, football team? сколько человек в футбольной команде?; will you make one of the party? не составите ли вы нам компанию?, не присоединитесь ли вы к нам?; "mouse" makes "mice" in the plural множественное число от "mouse" - "mice"
    10) make smth. make a will (a deal of transfer, a promissory note, a bill of exchange, etc.) составлять завещание и т. д.; make a list составлять список; make a report написать отчет, подготовить доклад; make a contract (a bargain, an agreement, etc.) заключать /подписывать/ контракт и т. д.
    11) semiaux make smth. make a stop остановиться, сделать остановку; make a landing сделать посадку; make a pause сделать паузу; make a move а) стронуться с места, двинуться; it's ten o'clock, it's time we made a move уже десять часов, нам пора двигаться / отправляться/; don't make a move! ни с места!, не двигаться!; б) сделать ход; make a start начать; make a good start положить хорошее начало; make an early start рано отправиться в путь; make a jump прыгнуть; make a sign сделать /подать/ знак; make a bow поклониться; make a curtsey сделать книксен; make a call а) нанести короткий визит; I have to make a few calls мне надо забежать в несколько мест: б) позвонить по телефону; let me make a call first разрешите мне сначала позвонить по телефону; make a trip совершать /предпринимать/ поездку; make a speech произнести речь, выступить с речью; make an offer proposition/ внести предложение, предложить; make a proposal сделать предложение, предложить выйти замуж; make an answer reply/ дать ответ, ответить; make a denial отклонять; опровергать, помещать опровержение; make a joke отпустить шутку; make a complaint (по)жаловаться; make a vow дать клятву, поклясться; make a choice выбирать, делать выбор; make a mistake сделать /допустить/ ошибку, ошибиться; make inquiries наводить справки; make a sacrifice приносить жертву, жертвовать; make room /place/ подвинуться, освободить место; make way освободить дорогу /путь/, отойти в сторону; make a face скорчить рожу, гримасничать
    12) aux make smb. make a lawyer (a good teacher, a bad farmer, a waiter, an excellent husband, etc.) быть хорошим юристом и т. д., he makes a good carpenter он хороший плотник: he made a very poor musician из него получился очень плохой музыкант; one good verse doesn't make a poet одно хорошее стихотворение еще не дает права называться поэтом; he and his cousin would make a handsome couple он и его кузина составляют прекрасную пару; make smth. cold tea makes an excellent drink холодный чай make прекрасный напиток; dry wood makes a good fire сухое дерево хорошо горит; that makes a good answer! вот хороший ответ!; this makes no sense в этом нет никакого смысла; это бессмысленно; these plays (their letters to each other, etc.) make pleasant reading эти пьесы и т. д. приятно читать; his adventures make all exciting story рассказ о его приключениях слушаешь с волнением
    4. IV
    1) make smth. in some manner make smth. quickly (eventually, inevitably, unhesitatingly, etc.) делать что-л. быстро и т. д.; make smth. lawfully (scientifically. delicately, persistently, etc.) делать /осуществлять/ что-л. на законных основаниях и т. д.
    2) make some distance in some time make 200 miles an hour (ten miles a day, etc.) делать двести миль в час и т. д.; we made only three miles that day в тот день мы прошли /проделали/ только три мили; some airplanes can make over 500 miles an hour скорость некоторых самолетов превышает пятьсот миль в час
    3) make smth. at some time he will never make much он никогда не добьется успеха
    4) make sonic money in some time make L 2000 a year зарабатывать /получать/ две тысячи фунтов в год; how much money do you make a week (a month, a year, etc.)? сколько [денег] вы получаете /зарабатываете/ в неделю и т. д.?
    5. V
    1) make smb. smth. make him a new toy (her a dress, the children a swing in the garden, etc.) сделать ему /для него/ новую игрушку и т. д., make her a cup of tea приготовь /подай/ ей чашку чаю
    2) make smth. smth. make it a rule взять [что-л.] за правило; he made it a rule to get up early он взял себе за правило рано вставать; make it one's business считать это своим делом; don't make cheating a practice не привыкай обманывать; he made a certificate his object он поставил себе целью получить диплом
    3) make smb. smb. make smb. one's heir (him king, a page knight, him a teacher, etc.) сделать кого-л. своим наследником и т. д., make a priest a bishop возвести священника в сан епископа; make smb. a judge (one's spokesman, one's special envoy, etc.) назначать кого-л. судьей и т. д., they made him chairman его выбрали председателем; make a colonel general присвоить /дать/ полковнику звание генерала; произвести полковника в генералы; make smb. a duke (a peer, etc.) дать /пожаловать/ кому-л. титул герцога и т. д., he intended to make his son a barrister (a soldier, a carpenter, etc.) он хотел, чтобы его сын стал адвокатом и т. д.; he made her his wife он сделал ее своей женой, он женился на ней; make smb. prisoner взять кого-л. в плен; make oneself a martyr сделать из себя мученика, пойти на муки; make this character an important person (Hamlet a figure of tragic indecision, Shylock a tragic figure, her a figure of fun, etc.) делать из этого персонажа значительную личность и т. д.
    4) make smth. smth. add one more egg and make it a round dozen прибавь еще одно яйцо, и будет /получится/ дюжина
    5) make it smth. shall we make it Tuesday? договоримся на вторник?; can you come at six? - make it half past вы можете прийти в шесть? - Лучше условимся на половину седьмого; I shall make it tomorrow я договорись на завтра
    6) make smth. smth. make the distance about 70 miles полагать /считать/, что расстояние равно примерно семидесяти милям; I make the total about L 50 по-моему, общая сумма составит фунтов пятьдесят; how large do you make the crowd? как вы думаете, сколько в этой толпе человек?; what do you make the time? сколько, по-вашему, сейчас времени?; what time do you make it? - I make it half past four сколько сейчас времени, по-вашему? - Мне кажется, что сейчас примерно половина пятого
    7) semiaux make smb. smth. make smb. an offer (one or two attractive proposals, a bid for the antique table, etc.) сделать кому-л. какое-л. предложение и т. д.; I made her a present of the vase я подарил ей эту вазу; he made me a sign он сделал /подал/ мне знак; she made him a face она скорчила ему рожу
    8) 0 make smb. smb. she will make him a good wife (a good mother, a loyal friend, etc.) она будет ему хорошей женой и т. д.; make smb. smth. this cloth will make me a good suit из этого отреза мне выйдет хороший костюм
    6. VI
    1) make smb., smth. be of some nudity his upbringing made him selfish воспитание сделало его эгоистом; her eyes made her beautiful глаза делали ее прекрасной; he was trying to make himself agreeable он старался быть приятным; we shall try to make your stay here agreeable мы постараемся [сделать так], чтобы ваш визит сюда доставил вам удовольствие; make oneself responsible взять на себя ответственность; make children immune against this disease создать /выработать/ у детей иммунитет против /к/ этой болезни; this portrait makes him too old на портрете он выглядит гораздо старше [, чем он есть на самом деле]; this opera made him immortal эта опера принесла ему бессмертие; make his novels (the song, this new theory, the actress, etc.) popular (famous) сделать его романы и т. д. популярными, создать /принести/ популярность (славу) его романам и т. д.; don't stand about doing nothing - make yourself useful не стойте без дела, помогите [нам]; you've made my nose too big вы нарисовали мне слишком большей нос; make smb., smth. be in some state make smb. happy (rich, poor, etc.) сделать кого-л. счастливым и т. д., make the prisoners free освободить заключенных; make oneself comfortable удобно устроиться; they are coming, make yourselves ready они приближаются, будьте готовы; she is seeing it for the first time, we must make her ready такое она увидит впервые, надо ее подготовить; make smb. angry рассердить кого-л.; her answers made him furious ее ответы взбесили его: make smb. sick a) вызывать у кого-л. тошноту; what made you sick? отчего вам стало плохо?; б) coll. раздражать кого-л.: your questions make me sick мне надоели ваши вопросы, меня тошнит от ваших вопросов; hot weather makes some people sleepy в жару некоторых людей клонит ко сну; it will make you ridiculous in their eyes это выставит вас в смешном свете в их глазах; make it flat сплющить что-л. || make it worth smb.'s while компенсировать кому-л. что-л.; if you help me with this job I'll make it worth your while если вы поможете мне в этом [деле], я в долгу не останусь / вы не будете внакладе/: make oneself (one's point) clear ясно излагать свои мысли (аргументы)
    2) make smb. be in some state what makes you so late? что вас так задержало?, отчего вы так опоздали?; it made her more careful после этого она стала осторожнее
    7. VII
    1) make smb., smth. do smth. make smb. stop (go, laugh, cry, sign a statement, repeat a story, fall asleep, etc.) заставить кого-л. остановиться и т. д.: they made me feel ashamed они меня смутили; make smb. understand а) заставить кого-л. понять; б) дать кому-л. понять; don't make me do it не вынуждай меня это делать / к этому/; I can make him believe anything I choose я могу убедить его в чем угодно; it makes me think you are right это убеждает меня в вашей правоте; I can't make anyone hear не могу достучаться или дозваться, дозвониться к кому-л.; make an engine start завести мотор; make the kettle boil вскипятить чайник; make water boil довести воду до кипения; I can't make the fire burn никак не могу разжечь костер или развести огонь; what makes the grass grow so quickly? отчего трава растет так быстро?; the wind made the bells ring колокольчики звенели на ветру: onions make our eyes smart от лука [у нас] щиплет глаза; his account made our hair stand on end от его рассказа у нас волосы встали дыбом || make smth. do обходиться чем-л.: there is not much money but I'll make it do денег немного, но я постараюсь, чтобы их хватило; I shall have to make this coat do for a bit longer придется еще немного походить в старом пальто id make both ends meet сводить концы с концами
    2) make smb. do smth. most of the chronicles make the king die in 1026 согласно большинству хроник король умер в тысяча двадцать шестом году; some scholars make Homer come from one city, others from another ученые спорят о месте рождения Гомера
    8. IX
    make smth., smb. done make the results (the news, his arrival, the invention, etc.) known обнародовать результаты и т. д., сообщить о результатах и т. д., make smth. felt сделать что-л. ощутимым; make oneself known а) назвать себя; б) заставить о себе говорить, заявить о себе, добиться известности; make him known to my father познакомить его с моим отцом, представить его моему отцу; make oneself understood ясно изъясняться; сан you make yourself understood in English? вас понимают, когда вы говорите по-английски?; he couldn't make himself /his voice/ heard above the noise of the traffic он не мог перекричать уличный шум, его не было слышно из-за уличного шума; we must make him respected необходимо вызвать к нему уважение /заставить людей уважать его/
    9. XI
    1) be made somewhere be made in England (in France, etc.) производиться /выпускаться/ в Англии и т. д. ; made in USSR сделано в СССР; be made in a factory производиться /делаться/ на фабрике; be made of (with, from, into) smth. be made of wood (of silk, of plastic, etc.) быть [сделанным] из дерева и т. д., this cloth is made of cotton эта ткань делается из хлопка; what is this made of? из чего это сделано?; а bow is made of stick and string лук делается из палки и бечевки; cheese is made from milk (cereal is made from grain, rubber is made from sap, etc.) сыр делают из молока и т. д., gas is made from coal газ производят из каменного угля; wool is made into cloth из шерсти делают /ткут/ ткань; grapes are made into raisins из винограда сушат изюм; the skin of the walrus is made into leather из шкуры моржа выделывают кожу; their food is always made with garlic в пищу они всегда добавляют чеснок; I like my coffee made with milk я люблю кофе [приготовленный] с молоком; be made for smb., smth. these houses are made for our workers эти дома построены для наших рабочих; this hat was made for you эту шляпку сделали [специально] для вас; this car is made for speed эти автомашины производятся специально для скоростной езды; be made with /by/ smth. this can be made with a knife это можно сделать ножом; this tool is made by a very intricate process изготовление этого инструмента сопряжено с большими сложностями; this thing is made by hand (by machinery) эту вещь делают вручную (на машине); be made by smb., smth. this was made by my friend это сделал (построил, создал и т. п.) мой друг; these experiments are made by robots эти опыты выполняют роботы; this grotto was not made by nature, it was made by man это не естественный грот, он создан человеком || be made to order (to measure) быть сделанным /сшитым/ на заказ; all his clothes are made to order он шьет все свои вещи [у портного], он делает все свои вещи на заказ id be made of different stuff быть совсем другим человеком, make быть сделанным из другого теста; let them all see what you are made of пусть все видят, что ты за человек /чего ты стоишь/; а first-class job was made of his house его дом прекрасно отремонтировали
    2) be made the decision is made решение вынесено; be made at some time unless a move is made very soon, it will be too late если в ближайшее время что-либо не сделают, будет слишком поздно; be made by smb. the first move was made by my brother первый шаг сделал мой брат; be made of smth. effective use was made of this money эти деньги были потрачены с пользой; be made for smth. these rules were made for a special purpose эти правила были составлены с особой целью; be made to do smth. the regulations were made to protect children эти правила созданы /выработаны/ для защиты детей || note should be made следует обратить внимание; а careful note should be made of what he says нужно внимательно отнестись /прислушаться/ к тому, что он говорит
    3) be made smb. he was made commander-in-chief (general manager, president of the club, a judge, etc.) его назначили главнокомандующим и т. д., he was made an officer его произвели в офицеры; he was made a knight он был посвящен в рыцари; he was made prisoner его взяли в плен; be made by smb., smth. the recommendation was made by the committee эта рекомендация была предложена комиссией; the writer was made by his first book с первой же книги его признали настоящим писателем; be made for smb. they are made for each other они созданы друг для друга
    4) be made to be of some state be made known придать гласность; the results are to be made known on application результаты сообщают, если подано соответствующее заявление; the full story was never made public все подробности этой истории так и не стали достоянием общественности; be made about smth., smb. much fuss has been made about it (about the affair, about her, etc.) вокруг этого и т. д. была поднята большая шумиха; be made to do smth. the pupil was made to write his biography (to speak up, to stay after lessons, etc.) ученика заставили написать свою биографию и т. д.; the crowd was made to disperse толпу разогнали; these two statements cannot be made to agree эти два заявления противоречат друг другу
    5) be made on (out of, by, etc.) smth. how much will be made on the business? какой доход будет получен от этого предприятия /даст это предприятие/?; а good deal of capital will be made out of this это принесет солидный капитал: I have по desire for money that has been made by dishonest means я не хочу брать деньги, заработанные нечестным путем
    6) be made of smth. nothing could be made of the scribble in his note books (of her note, of his mumbling, etc,) ничего нельзя было понять из каракулей в его тетради и т. д.
    7) be made with smb. a treaty has been made with other countries был заключен договор с другими странами
    10. XII
    have smth. made for smth. I must have a coat made for the winter мне нужно отдать сшить зимнее пальто
    11. XIII
    1) || make believe делать вид; he made believe to work hard (to throw a ball, not to know anything, etc.) он делал вид, что он усердно работает и т. д., make believe to be a scholar воображать себя ученым
    2) semiaux make to do smth. he made to go он хотел было уйти; he made to stop me он попытался было остановить меня; he made to snatch her bag он рванулся вперед, чтобы вы хватить у нее сумку
    3) · make do with (without, on) smth. I will have to make do with cold meat for dinner (with a very short holiday, with an old wireless set, etc.) мне придется довольствоваться холодным мясом вместо обеда и т. д.; I shall have to make do without a coat придется мне обойтись без пальто; I don't know how she makes do on so small an income не знаю, как она сводит концы с концами при таком небольшом заработке; I shall make do on biscuits and cheese сыра и галет мне будет достаточно
    12. XV
    1) || make good coll. добиться успеха; I never believed that he would make good я никогда не верил, что он чего-нибудь добьется; talent and education are necessary to make good in this field чтобы добиться успеха в этой области, необходимы талант и образование
    2) || make good smth. оправдывать что-л.; he made good his promise он выполнил /сдержал/ свое обещание; she made good her claims она доказала справедливость или законность своих притязаний: you will have to make good your boast тебе придется доказать, что это не пустое хвастовство; make good its title tic) be ranked as an independent science обосновать /доказать/ свое право считаться самостоятельной наукой; make good the damage (the shortage, the loss, etc.) возмещать убытки и т. д. ; any money that you cannot account for you will have to make good тебе придется возместить /вернуть/ все деньги, за которые ты не сумеешь отчитаться
    3) 0 || make sure /certain/ быть уверенным или удостовериться; have you made sure of the facts (of the timetable, of the results, etc.)? вы проверили факты и т. д.?, вы убеждены в правильности фактов и т. д.?; if you want to make sure of a seat you had better book in advance если вы хотите наверняка иметь билет, закажите его заранее / заблаговременно/; first they made sure of him сначала они [проверили его и] убедились в его надежности; I want to make sure of catching her (of getting there in time, of having a good seat, of his answering the letter, etc.) я хочу быть уверенным, что застану ее и т. д.,make sure that the letter was delivered (that the doors are locked, that there is no one here, etc.) убедиться, что письмо доставлено и т. д.; will you please make sure that they are all here? проверьте, пожалуйста, все ли она пришли; I made certain that he would do so я был уверен, что он так и поступит; make bold осмеливаться; make bold to ask a favour (to call on you, to express my opinion, etc.) осмелиться просить об одолжении и т. д.; I make bold to say that he knows nothing about it осмелюсь утверждать, что он ничего об этом не знает; make light of smth. не придавать чему-л. особого значения; she made light of her troubles (of this accident, of a situation, of other people's illness, etc.) она легко относится к своим неприятностям и т. д., она особенно не переживает из-за своих неприятностей и т. д.; make ready подготовиться; make merry веселиться; make merry over his victory радоваться /веселиться/ по случаю его победы; make free with smth. пользоваться чем-л., не стесняясь
    13. XVI
    1) make after smb. make after the fox (after the rabbit, after the escaped convict, etc.) броситься /пуститься/ преследовать лису и т. д., she made after him like a mad woman она как безумная бросилась за ним; in the morning we made after them утром мы пустились за ними вслед; make at smb. he gave a shout and made at me он издал крик и (на)бросился на меня; the dog made at the postman собака накинулась на почтальона; the angry woman made at me with her umbrella рассерженная женщина (накинулась на меня с зонтиком; make for /toward/ smb., smth. make for the crowd (for the sea, for the nearest town, toward a distant hill, for home, etc.) двигаться по направлению /направляться/ к толпе и т. д., he quickly made for /toward/ the door он бросился к двери; she made for the sound of guns она пошла туда, откуда раздавались выстрелы; the dog made for the robber собака бросилась за грабителем; make for the open sea направиться в открытое море
    2) make on smth. coll. make on this business (on shares, on oil, etc.) заработать на этом деле и т. д., he made pretty handsomely on that bargain он неплохо заработал /нажился/ на этой сделке
    3) 0 make for smth. make for better understanding between countries ( for the happiness of all, for a friendly atmosphere in the club, for peace, for stability of marriage, etc.) способствовать лучшему взаимопониманию между странами и т. д.; does early rising make for good health? полезно ли для здоровья рано вставать?; that weather makes for optimism в такую погоду и настроение хорошее; new facts made for the prisoner's acquittal новые факты ускорили вынесение /помогли вынесению/ оправдательного приговора заключенному; make against smth. experience makes against this assertion опыт опровергает это утверждение; your behaviour makes against your chance of success ваше поведение не способствует /мешает/ вашему успеху
    14. XXI1
    1) make smth. out of /from, of, with/ smth. make bottles out of glass (bricks of clay, flour from wheat, a box out of a bit of mahogany, etc.) делать бутылки из стекла и т. д., make wreaths of daisies плести венки из маргариток; make a megaphone of one's hands сложить руки рупором; the cake was spoilt as she made it with a bad egg торт был испорчен, так как она положила в тесто несвежее яйцо; what do you make with flour (with the eggs, with these things, etc.)? что вы делаете из муки и т. д.?; what will you make with all these flowers? что вы будете делать с таким количеством цветов?; what can you make out of this stuff? что ты можешь сделать / сшить/ из этого материала?; make smth. in smth. make a hole in the ground выкопать яму в земле; make a gap in the hedge проделать лаз /дыру/ в изгороди; it made a hole dent/ in my savings (in my reserves, in smb.'s finances, etc.) от этого пострадали мои сбережения и т. д., make smth. for smth. make an opening for the wires сделать входное отверстие для проводов; make a hole for a tree выкопать яму под дерево; he made a bookcase for his apartment он сам сделал в своей квартире книжный шкаф; make smth. into smth. make milk into cheese and butter (hide into leather, wood into pulp, etc.) перерабатывать молоко на масло и сыр и т. д.; make these huts into temporary houses (it into a stock company, the desert into a garden, etc.) превращать эти хижины во временное жилье и т. д., make these books into bundles связать книги в пачки; make a story into a play переделать повесть в пьесу
    2) make smth. of smb. make an example of smb. ставить кого-л. в пример; make fun of smb. подшучивать или издеваться над кем-л.; make a laughing-stock of smb. сделать кого-л. посмешищем, выставлять кого-л. в смешном виде; make a fool /an ass/ of him (of her husband, etc.) делать из него и т. д. дурака; make a fool (a beast, a pig, etc.) of oneself вести себя как дурак и т. д., make a nuisance of oneself надоедать /докучать, досаждать/ кому-л.; make an exhibition spectacle, a show/ of oneself привлекать к себе внимание; make smth. of smth. make a profession of smth. сделать что-л. своей профессией; make a business of politics заниматься политикой профессионально; make a parade / a show/ of one's talents щеголять /кичиться/ своими талантами; make a boast of smth. хвастаться / хвалиться/ чем-л.; make a secret of smth. делать из чего-л. тайну /секрет/; he was asked to help but he made a hash /a muddle, a mess/ of everything его просили помочь, а он все испортил; make hell of smb.'s life превратить чью-л. жизнь в ад; make a note of his telephone number записать номер его телефона; make notes of a lecture записать лекцию; you must make a mental note of what he is saying вы должны запомнить /взять на заметку/, что он говорят; don't make a habit of it смотри, чтобы это не превратилось в привычку; make the most of smth. максимально использовать что-л.; make the best of one's delay (of this scanty information, of his absence, etc.) наилучшим образом /наиболее эффективно/ использовать задержку и т. д.; make a good thing of it извлечь из этого пользу; make good use of this opportunity воспользоваться предоставившейся возможностью; make a good (a bad) job of smth. хорошо (плохо) справиться с чем-л.; make smth. for smb., smth. make a name for oneself стать известным; make a reputation for oneself создать себе репутацию; make allowance (s) for circumstances (for smb.'s inexperience, for her age, etc.) делать скидку на обстоятельства и т. д.; make arrangements for a meeting (for a party, for a dance, for their departure, etc.) подготовить собрание и т. д., make much for the peace of the world много сделать для сохранения мира; make smb., smth. with smb. make friends with smb. подружиться с кем-л., наладить с кем-л. дружеские отношения; а quarrel with smb. поссориться с кем-л.; make peace with smb. помириться с кем-л.; make smth. in (on, etc.) smth., smb. make a name in the world снискать мировую славу, приобрести известность во всем мире; make an impression on smb. производить на кого-л. впечатление; make war upon smb., smth. a) идти войной на кого-л., что-л.; б) вести войну с кем-л., чем-л. || make love to smb. а) ласкать кого-л., заниматься любовью с кем-л., б) ухаживать за кем-л.; говорить кому-л. ласковые слова
    3) make smb. of smb. his parents want to make a doctor (a lawyer, a soldier, an actor, etc.) of their son родители хотят, чтобы их сын стал врачом и т. д., make a man of him сделать из него человека; make a friend of her children подружиться с ее детьми; make a friend of an enemy превратить врага в друга; make smb. into smb. make them into slaves (him into a bully, her into a sophisticated hostess, etc.) превратить их в /сделать из них/ рабов и т. д.
    4) make smth. over smth. make a fuss (a row, a scandal, etc.) over smth. поднимать шум и т. д. по какому-л. поводу; make a to-do over a trifle поднимать шумиху из-за пустяка
    5) make smth. for smth. make a dash for the open window (a bolt for the door, a bee-line for the gates, etc.) броситься к открытому окну и т. д., make smth. to smth. make one's way to the station (to the river, to the house, back to the tower, etc.) пойти /направиться/ к станции и т. д., make smth. by smth. make the crossing by ferry переправиться на пароме; make smth. at smb. make a grab at him попытаться схватить его || it's time we were making tracks for home нам уже пора повернуть к дому
    6) make some distance in some time we made the whole distance in ten days мы прошли весь путь /покрыли все расстояние/ за десять дней; we've made 80 miles since noon с полудня мы проделали восемьдесят миль
    7) make smth. in some time the train will make Moscow in five hours поезд будет в Москве через пять часов
    8) make smth. at /in/ smth. make good grades at school получать [в школе] хорошие отметки, хорошо учиться; make the highest score in the match получать в этом матче больше всех очков /самый лучший результат/; make one's way in the world преуспеть, добиться успеха || coll. he'll make it through college ему удастся окончить колледж; he made six towns on this trip во время этой поездки он посетил шесть городов /побывал в шести городах/
    9) make smth. by (out of, from, in, etc.) smth. make a good deal by it хорошо на этом заработать; make much profit out of this undertaking извлекать большую выгоду из этого предприятия; he made a great fortune out of tea он составил большое состояние на торговле чаем; make a great deal of money in oil много заработать на нефти; make a living from literary work зарабатывать [на жизнь] литературным трудом; make a loss on the transaction потерпеть /понести/ убытки на этой сделке
    10) make smth. of smth., smb. read this letter and tell me what you make of it прочтите это письмо и скажите, как вы его расцениваете; what do you make of the new assistant? какое у тебя впечатление /что ты думаешь/ о новом помощнике?; make much of this article ( of her work, of this man, etc.) быть высокого мнения об этой статье и т. д., newspapers made much of his achievements газеты превозносили его успехи; she makes too much of the boy уж слишком она носится с этим мальчиком; make little of smth., smb. относиться пренебрежительно к чему-л., кому-л., не считаться с чем-л., кем-л.; he made little of his feat он принижал значение своего героического поступка
    11) make smth. of smth. I could make nothing of his words (of all this scribble, of her letter, etc.) я ничего не мог понять из его слов и т. д., его слова были мне совершенно непонятны и т. д., you will make more of it than I вы в этом лучше разберетесь [, чем я]; I can make no sense of what he says я не вижу никакого смысла в том, что он говорит; what are we to make of his behaviour? как нам следует /нам прикажете/ понимать его поведение?
    12) make smth. with smb. they made a bargain with him они заключили с ним сделку || make a settlement on smb. распорядиться имуществом в пользу кого-л.
    13) semiaux make smth. for smb. make room for smb. [подвинуться и] дать кому-л. место; can you make room for one more man? найдется место еще для одного человека?; make way for others посторониться, дать дорогу другим; make smth. at smb. he made a face at them он состроил им рожу; don't make eyes at him не строй ему глазки
    14) 0 make smth. in some time he will make a sergeant in six months через шесть месяцев он станет сержантом
    15. XXII
    1) make smth. of doing smth. make a practice of working in his garden in the morning (of helping others, of doing his exercises in front of an open window, etc.) взять за правило по утрам работать в его саду и т. д.; he makes a practice of cheating он всегда обманывает; make a point of being on time у него принцип make не опаздывать /быть пунктуальным/; she made it a point of being very patient with these children она особенно старалась быть терпеливой с этими детьми
    2) make smth. by doing smth. make one's living by giving piano lessons (by writing books for children, by selling flowers, etc.) зарабатывать на жизнь уроками игры на фортепиано и т. д.; she makes money by nursing она зарабатывает деньги, ухаживая за больными; she made her name by writing memoirs она прославилась своими мемуарами
    16. XXIV1
    || make it as smb. coll. добиться успеха, будучи кем-л.; I wanted to make it as a writer мне хотелось добиться успеха на писательском поприще
    17. XXVI
    make smth. [that]... this makes the fifth time you've failed this examination ты уже [в] пятый раз проваливаешься на этом экзамене

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > make

  • 12 reprendre

    reprendre [ʀ(ə)pʀɑ̃dʀ]
    ➭ TABLE 58
    1. transitive verb
       a. [+ ville, prisonnier] to recapture ; [+ employé, objet prêté] to take back
    passer reprendre qn to go back or come back for sb
       b. [+ plat] to have some more
    voulez-vous reprendre des légumes ? would you like some more vegetables?
       c. ( = retrouver) [+ espoir, droits, forces] to regain
    reprendre confiance/courage to regain one's confidence/courage
    reprendre haleine or son souffle to get one's breath back
       d. [+ marchandise] to take back ; (contre un nouvel achat) to take in part exchange ; [+ fonds de commerce, entreprise] to take over
       e. ( = recommencer, poursuivre) [+ travaux, études, fonctions, lutte] to resume ; [+ livre, lecture] to go back to ; [+ conversation, récit] to carry on with ; [+ promenade] to continue ; [+ hostilités] to reopen ; [+ pièce de théâtre] to put on again
    reprendre la route [voyageur] to set off again ; [routier] to go back on the road again
    reprendre le travail (après maladie, grève) to go back to work ; (après le repas) to get back to work
       f. ( = saisir à nouveau) ses douleurs l'ont repris he is in pain again
    ça le reprend ! there he goes again!
       g. ( = attraper à nouveau) to catch again
    que je ne t'y reprenne pas ! (menace) don't let me catch you doing that again!
       h. ( = retoucher) [+ tableau] to touch up ; [+ article, chapitre] to go over again ; [+ manteau] to alter ; (trop grand) to take in ; (trop petit) to let out ; (trop long) to take up ; (trop court) to let down
       i. [+ élève] to correct ; (pour faute de langue) to pull up
       j. [+ refrain] to take up
       k. [+ idée, suggestion] to use again
    2. intransitive verb
       a. [plante] to recover ; [affaires] to pick up
       b. [bruit, pluie, incendie, grève] to start again ; [fièvre, douleur] to come back again
    l'école reprend or les cours reprennent le 5 septembre school starts again on 5 September
       c. ( = dire) « ce n'est pas moi », reprit-il "it's not me," he went on
    3. reflexive verb
       a. ( = se corriger) to correct o.s. ; ( = s'interrompre) to stop o.s.
    il allait plaisanter, il s'est repris à temps he was going to make a joke but he stopped himself in time
       c. ( = se ressaisir) to get a grip on o.s.
    * * *

    reprendre du pain/vin — to have some more bread/wine

    2) ( prendre de nouveau) to pick [something] up again [objet, outil]; to take [something] back [cadeau, objet prêté]; to recapture [ville, fugitif]; to go back on [parole, promesse]; ( aller chercher) to pick [somebody/something] up, to collect [personne, voiture]

    reprendre sa place — ( son siège) to go back to one's seat

    3) ( accepter de nouveau) to take [somebody] on again [employé]; Commerce to take [something] back [article]; ( contre un nouvel achat) to take [something] in part GB ou partial US exchange
    4) ( recommencer) to resume [promenade, récit, fonctions, études]; to pick up [something] again, to go back to [journal, tricot]; to take up [something] again [lutte]; to revive [pièce, tradition]

    reprendre le travail — (après un congé, une grève) to go back to work

    tu reprends le train à quelle heure? — ( de retour) what time is your train back?

    5) ( acquérir) to take over [cabinet, commerce, entreprise]

    on ne me reprendra plus à lui rendre service! — you won't catch me doing him/her any favours [BrE] again!

    7) ( recouvrer)
    8) ( retoucher) to alter [vêtement, couture]
    9) ( utiliser de nouveau) to take up [idée, politique]
    10) ( répéter) to repeat [argument]; to take up [slogan, chant]

    reprenons à la vingtième mesureMusique let's take it again from bar 20

    reprendre la leçon précédenteÉcole to go over the previous lesson again

    11) ( corriger) to correct [élève]
    12) ( resurgir)

    voilà que ça le reprend! — (colloq) there he goes again!

    verbe intransitif
    1) ( retrouver sa vigueur) [commerce, affaires] to pick up again; [plante] to recover
    2) ( recommencer) [cours, bombardements] to start again; [négociations] to resume

    nos émissions reprendront à 7 heures — Radio, Télévision we shall be back on the air at 7 o'clock

    3) ( continuer)

    ‘c'est bien étrange,’ reprit-il — ‘it's very strange,’ he continued

    se reprendre verbe pronominal
    1) ( se corriger) to correct oneself
    2) ( se ressaisir) [personne] to pull oneself together
    * * *
    1. vt
    1) [prisonnier, ville] to recapture
    2) [objet prêté, donné] to take back

    Il a repris son livre. — He's taken his book back.

    3) (= chercher)

    je viendrai te reprendre à 4 h — I'll come and fetch you at 4, I'll come back for you at 4

    4) (= se resservir de)

    reprendre du pain — to take more bread, to have more bread

    reprendre un œuf — to take another egg, to have another egg

    5) COMMERCE (= racheter) [article usagé] to take back, (sous condition d'achat) to take in part exchange, [firme, entreprise] to take over
    6) (après une interruption) [travail, promenade] to resume, [rôle, poste] to take up again

    reprendre la route — to resume one's journey, to set off again

    7) (= emprunter) [argument, idée] to take up, to use
    8) [article] to rework
    9) [jupe] to alter
    10) [émission, pièce] to put on again
    11) [chanson, refrain] to take up again
    12) [personne] (= corriger) to correct, to pick up, (= réprimander) to tell off

    Elle le reprend sur les fautes qu'il fait le plus souvent. — She picks him up on the mistakes he makes most often., She corrects him on the mistakes he makes most often.

    Elle le reprend constamment. — She's always telling him off.

    13) (= recouvrer)

    reprendre connaissance — to come to, to regain consciousness

    reprendre haleine; reprendre son souffle — to get one's breath back

    2. vi
    1) [classes, pluie] to start again, [activités, travaux, combats] to resume, to start again

    La réunion reprendra à deux heures. — The meeting will resume at two o'clock., The meeting will start again at two o'clock.

    2) [affaires, industrie] to pick up
    3) (= dire)
    * * *
    reprendre verb table: prendre
    A vtr
    1 ( se resservir) reprendre du pain/vin to have some more bread/wine; je reprendrais bien de ce ragoût I would love some more (of that) stew; reprenez un peu de poulet have some more chicken; j'en ai repris deux fois I had three helpings;
    2 ( prendre de nouveau) to pick up again [objet, outil]; to take [sth] back [cadeau, objet prêté]; to retake, to recapture [ville]; to recapture [fugitif]; to go back on [parole, promesse]; ( aller chercher) to pick [sb/sth] up, to collect [personne, voiture]; il reprit son balai et continua son travail he picked up his broom again and carried on GB ou continued with his work; tu passes me reprendre à quelle heure? what time will you come back for me?; reprendre sa place ( son siège) to go back to one's seat; reprendre sa place de numéro un/deux to regain one's position as number one/two; j'ai repris les kilos que j'avais perdus I've put back on the weight I'd lost; reprendre son nom de jeune fille to revert to one's maiden name;
    3 ( accepter de nouveau) to take [sb] on again [employé]; to take [sb] back [mari, élève]; Comm to take [sth] back [article]; ( contre un nouvel achat) to take [sth] in part GB ou partial US exchange; si on me reprend ma vieille voiture if I can trade in my old car, if they take my old car in part exchange; les marchandises ne sont ni reprises ni échangées goods cannot be returned or exchanged;
    4 ( recommencer) to resume, to continue [promenade, récit, conversation]; to pick up [sth] again, to go back to [journal, tricot]; to take up [sth] again, to resume [fonctions, études]; to take up [sth] again [lutte]; to reopen [hostilités]; to revive [pièce, opéra, tradition]; reprendre le travail or son service (après un congé, une grève) to go back to work; on quitte à midi et on reprend à 14 heures we stop at 12 and start again at 2; ils ont repris les travaux de rénovation the renovation work has started again ou has resumed; reprendre sa lecture to go back to one's book, to resume one's reading; reprendre (le chemin de) l'école to go back to school; on reprend le bateau ce soir ( après une escale) we're sailing again tonight; ( pour le retour) we're sailing back tonight; tu reprends le train à quelle heure? ( de retour) what time is your train back?; reprendre la parole to start speaking again; reprendre le fil de son discours/ses pensées to carry on with one's speech/one's original train of thought; reprendre le fil de la conversation to pick up the thread of conversation; reprendre une histoire au début to go back to the beginning of a story; reprendre les arguments un à un to go over the arguments one by one;
    5 ( acquérir) to take over [cabinet, commerce, entreprise]; reprendre une affaire à son compte to take over a firm, to take a firm over;
    6 ( surprendre de nouveau) reprendre qn à faire qch to catch sb doing sth again; que je ne t'y reprenne plus! don't let me catch you doing that again!; on ne m'y reprendra plus you won't catch me doing that again; on ne me reprendra plus à lui rendre service! you won't catch me doing him/her any favoursGB again!;
    7 ( recouvrer) reprendre confiance to regain one's confidence; reprendre ses vieilles habitudes to get back into one's old ways; la nature reprend ses droits nature reasserts itself; elle a repris sa liberté she's a free woman again; ⇒ bête;
    8 ( retoucher) to alter [vêtement, couture]; Constr to repair [mur]; reprendre le travail de qn to correct sb's work; reprendre cinq centimètres en longueur/largeur Cout to take sth up/in 5 cm; il y a tout à reprendre dans ce chapitre the whole chapter needs re-writing;
    9 ( utiliser de nouveau) to take up [idée, thèse, politique]; Littérat to re-work [intrigue, thème]; reprendre une thèse à son compte to adopt a theory as one's own;
    10 ( répéter) to repeat [argument]; to take up [slogan, chant]; reprenons à la vingtième mesure Mus let's take it again from bar 20; reprendre la leçon précédente Scol to go over the previous lesson again; tous les médias ont repris la nouvelle all the media took up the report; pour reprendre le vieil adage as the saying goes;
    11 ( corriger) to correct [élève]; ( pour langage grossier) to pull [sb] up; permettez-moi de vous reprendre excuse me, but that is not correct;
    12 ( resurgir) mon mal de dents m'a repris my toothache has come back; la jalousie le reprend he's feeling jealous again; les soupçons le reprirent he began to feel suspicious again; voilà que ça le reprend! iron there he goes again!
    B vi
    1 ( retrouver sa vigueur) [commerce, affaires] to pick up again; [plante] to recover, to pick up; les affaires ont du mal à reprendre business is only picking up slowly; mon camélia reprend bien ( après une maladie) my camellia is recovering nicely; ( après transplantation) my camellia has taken nicely; la vie reprend peu à peu life is gradually getting back to normal;
    2 ( recommencer) [école, cours, bombardement, bruit, pluie] to start again; [négociations] to resume; le froid a repris it's turned cold again; la pluie a repris it's started raining again; nos émissions reprendront à 7 heures Radio, TV we shall be back at 7 o'clock;
    3 ( continuer) ‘c'est bien étrange,’ reprit-il ‘it's very strange,’ he continued.
    1 ( se corriger) to correct oneself; se reprendre à temps to stop oneself in time;
    2 ( se ressaisir) [personne] to pull oneself together; Fin [action, titre] to rally, to pick up;
    3 ( recommencer) s'y reprendre à trois fois pour faire qch to make three attempts to do ou at doing sth; j'ai dû m'y reprendre à plusieurs fois pour allumer le feu it took me several attempts to get the fire going; il se reprend à penser/espérer que c'est possible he's gone back to thinking/hoping it might be possible; se reprendre à craindre le pire to begin to fear the worst again.
    [rəprɑ̃dr] verbe transitif
    1. [saisir à nouveau - objet] to pick up (separable) again, to take again
    2. [s'emparer à nouveau de - position, ville] to retake, to recapture ; [ - prisonnier] to recapture, to catch again
    3. [suj: maladie, doutes] to take hold of again
    ça y est, ça le reprend! there he goes again!
    4. [aller rechercher - personne] to pick up (separable) ; [ - objet] to get back (separable), to collect
    [remporter] to take back (separable)
    tu peux reprendre ton parapluie, je n'en ai plus besoin I don't need your umbrella anymore, you can take it back
    je te reprendrai à la sortie de l'école I'll pick you up ou I'll collect you ou I'll come and fetch you after school
    5. [réengager - employé] to take ou to have back (separable)
    [réadmettre - élève] to take ou to have back
    6. [retrouver - un état antérieur] to go back to
    reprendre courage to regain ou to recover courage
    si tu le fais sécher à plat, il reprendra sa forme if you dry it flat, it'll regain its shape ou it'll get its shape back
    7. [à table]
    [chez un commerçant] to have ou to take more (of)
    8. [recommencer, se remettre à - recherche, combat] to resume ; [ - projet] to take up again ; [ - enquête] to restart, to reopen ; [ - lecture] to go back to, to resume ; [ - hostilités] to resume, to reopen ; [ - discussion, voyage] to resume, to carry on (with), to continue
    reprendre ses études to take up one's studies again, to resume one's studies
    je reprends l'école le 15 septembre I start school again ou I go back to school on September 15th
    a. [après des vacances] to go back to work, to start work again
    b. [après une pause] to get back to work, to start work again
    c. [après une grève] to go back to work
    reprendre la plume/la caméra/le pinceau to take up one's pen/movie camera/brush once more
    reprendre la route ou son chemin to set off again, to resume one's journey
    9. [répéter - texte] to read again ; [ - argument, passage musical] to repeat ; [ - refrain] to take up (separable)
    a. [que j'avais déjà chanté] when I took on the part of Tosca again
    b. [que je n'avais jamais chanté] when I took on ou over the part of Tosca
    [récapituler - faits] to go over (inseparable) again
    10. [dire] to go ou to carry on
    "et lui?", reprit-elle "what about him?" she went on
    11. COMMERCE [article refusé] to take back (separable)
    nous vous reprenons votre vieux salon pour tout achat de plus de 2000 euros your old lounge suite accepted in part exchange for any purchase over 2,000 euros
    ils m'ont repris ma voiture pour 1000 euros I traded my car in for 1,000 euros
    [prendre à son compte - cabinet, boutique] to take over (separable)
    12. [adopter - idée, programme politique] to take up (separable)
    13. [modifier - texte] to rework, to go over (inseparable) again ; [ - peinture] to touch up (separable)
    c'était parfait, je n'ai rien eu à reprendre it was perfect, I didn't have to make a single correction ou alteration
    COUTURE [généralement] to alter
    [rétrécir] to take in
    [en tricot]
    14. [réprimander] to pull up, to reprimand (soutenu), to tell off (separable)
    [corriger] to correct, to pull up (separable)
    15. [surprendre]
    [rəprɑ̃dr] verbe intransitif
    1. [s'améliorer - affaires] to improve, to recover, to pick ou to look up
    [repousser - plante] to pick up, to recover
    2. [recommencer - lutte] to start (up) again, to resume ; [ - pluie, vacarme] to start (up) again ; [ - cours, école] to start again, to resume ; [ - feu] to rekindle ; [ - fièvre, douleur] to return, to start again
    3. [retourner au travail - employé] to start again
    se reprendre verbe pronominal intransitif
    [retrouver son calme] to settle down
    2. SPORT [au cours d'un match] to make a recovery, to rally
    après un mauvais début de saison, il s'est très bien repris he started the season badly but has come back strongly ou has staged a good comeback
    3. [se ressaisir - après une erreur] to correct oneself
    se reprendre à verbe pronominal plus préposition

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > reprendre

  • 13 ÓÐAL

    (pl. óðul), n. ancestral property, patrimony, inheritance (in land); family homestead; native place; flýja óðul sín, to abandon one’s home, go into exile.
    * * *
    n., pl. óðul; in Norse MSS. it is usually contracted before a vowel (whence arose the forms öðli eðli), and owing to a peculiarity in the Norse sound of ð an r is inserted in contracted forms, örðla, orðlom, N. G. L. passim: [akin to aðal, öðli, eðli, = nature; öðlask = adipisci; oðlingr, q. v.; A. S. êðel = patrimony; it is also the parent word of Germ. edel, adel, = noble, nobility, for the nobility of the earliest Teut. communities consisted of the land-owners. From this word also originated mid. Lat. allodium, prob. by inverting the syllables for the sake of euphony (all-od = od-al); oðal or ethel is the vernacular Teut. form, allodium the Latinised form, which is never found in vernacular writers; it may be that the transposition of syllables was due to the th sound in oðal; and hence, again, the word feudal is a compd word, fee-odal, or an odal held as a fee or feif from the king, and answering to heið-launað óðal of the Norse law (heið = fee = king’s pay), N. G. L. i. 91.]
    B. Nature, inborn quality, property, = aðal, eðli, öðli, q. v.; this seems to be the original sense, þat er eigi at réttu mannsins óðal, Sks. 326 B; þat er helzt byrjar til farmanns óðals, a seaman’s life, 52; þat er kaupmanna óðal (= mercatorum est), 28; jörlum öllum óðal batni, Gh. 21.
    II. a law term, an allodium, property held in allodial tenure, patrimony. The condition which in the Norse law constitutes an oðal was either an unbroken succession from father to son (er afi hefir afa leift) through three or more generations, N. G. L. i. 91, 237, Gþl. 284; or unbroken possession for thirty or more years, N. G. L. i. 249; or sixty years, Gþl. 284; or it might be acquired through brand-erfð (q. v.), through weregild, barn-fóstr (q. v.); and lastly heið-launað óðal, an allodial fief, was granted for services rendered to the king, see N. G. L. i. 91: the oðal descended to the son, and was opp. to útjarðir ( out-lands), and lausa-fé ( movables), which descended to the daughter, Gþl. 233; yet even a woman, e. g. a baugrygr (q. v.), could hold an oðal, in which case she was called óðals-kona, 92, jörð komin undir snúð ok snældu = an estate come under the rule of the spindle, N. G. L. i. 237; the allit. phrase, arfr ok óðal, 31, Gþl. 250: brigða óðal, N. G. L. i. 86; selja óðal, to sell one’s óðal, 237. The oðal was in a certain sense inalienable within a family, so that even when parted with, the possessor still retained a title (land-brigð, máldagi á landi). In the ancient Scandin. communities the inhabited land was possessed by free oðalsmen (allodial holders), and the king was the lord of the people, but not of the soil. At a later time, when the small communities were merged into great kingdoms, through conquest or otherwise, the king laid hold of the land, and all the ancient oðals were to be held as a grant from the king; such an attempt of king Harold Fairhair in Norway and the earls of Orkney in those islands is recorded in Hkr. Har. S. Hárf. ch. 6, Eg. ch. 4, cp. Ld. ch. 2, Orkn. ch. 8, 30, 80 (in Mr. Dasent’s Ed.); cp. also Hák. S. Goða ch. 1. Those attempts are recorded in the Icel. Sagas as acts of tyranny and confiscation, and as one of the chief causes for the great emigration from the Scandinavian kingdoms during the 9th century (the question of free land here playing the same part as that of free religion in Great Britain in the 17th century). The attempt failed in Norway, where the old oðal institution remains in the main to the present day. Even the attempts of king Harold were, according to historians (Konrad Maurer), not quite analogous to what took place in England after the Conquest, but appear to have taken something like the form of a land-tax or rent; but as the Sagas represent it, it was an attempt towards turning the free odal institution into a feudal one, such as had already taken place among the Teutons in Southern Europe.
    III. gener. and metaph. usages, one’s native land, homestead, inheritance; the land is called the ‘oðal’ of the reigning king, á Danr ok Danpr dýrar hallir, æðra óðal, en ér hafit, Rm. 45; eignask namtú óðal þegna, allan Noreg, Gauta spjalli, Fms. vi. 26 (in a verse); banna Sveini sín óðul, St. Olave will defend his óðal against Sweyn, 426 (in a verse); flýja óðul sín, to fly one’s óðal, go into exile, Fms. iv. 217; flýja óðul eðr eignir, vii. 25; koma aptr í Noreg til óðala sinna, 196; þeim er þar eru útlendir ok eigi eigu þar óðul, who are strangers and not natives there, Edda 3; öðlask Paradísar óðal, the inheritance of Paradise, 655 viii. 2; himneskt óðal, heavenly inheritance, Greg. 68; njóta þeirra gjafa ok óðala er Adam var útlægr frá rekinn, Sks. 512: allit., jarl ok óðal, earl (or franklin) and odal, Gh. 21.
    2. spec. phrase, at alda óðali, for everlasting inheritance, i. e. for ever and ever, D. N. i. 229: contr., at alda öðli, id., Grág. i. 264, D.I. i. 266; til alda óðals, for ever, iii. 88: mod., frá, alda öðli, from time immemorial.
    C. COMPDS: óðalsborinn, óðalsbréf, óðalsbrigð, óðalsjörð, óðalskona, óðalsmaðr, óðalsnautr, óðalsneyti, óðalsréttr, óðalsskipti, óðalstuptir, óðalsvitni.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > ÓÐAL

  • 14 hrísungr

    * * *
    m. a law term, a kind of bastard, one begotten in the woods, but of a free mother, N. G. L. i. 48, 228: in the Grágás, a son born of a free woman, but begotten whilst she was a bondwoman; he could not inherit, and, though called free born, had to be declared free personally ( pro formâ), Grág. i. 178; cp. rishöfde in the old Swed. law. The heipt hrísungs = stones, Ýt. 19, refers to the tale of the Sons of Jormunrek, of which one (Erp) is in Hðm. called hornungr.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > hrísungr

  • 15 play

    1. verb
    1) (to amuse oneself: The child is playing in the garden; He is playing with his toys; The little girl wants to play with her friends.) jugar
    2) (to take part in (games etc): He plays football; He is playing in goal; Here's a pack of cards - who wants to play (with me)?; I'm playing golf with him this evening.) jugar (a)
    3) (to act in a play etc; to act (a character): She's playing Lady Macbeth; The company is playing in London this week.) representar, actuar
    4) ((of a play etc) to be performed: `Oklahoma' is playing at the local theatre.) ser representado
    5) (to (be able to) perform on (a musical instrument): She plays the piano; Who was playing the piano this morning?; He plays (the oboe) in an orchestra.) tocar
    6) ((usually with on) to carry out or do (a trick): He played a trick on me.) gastar una broma (a alguien)
    7) ((usually with at) to compete against (someone) in a game etc: I'll play you at tennis.) jugar contra
    8) ((of light) to pass with a flickering movement: The firelight played across the ceiling.) rielar, bailar
    9) (to direct (over or towards something): The firemen played their hoses over the burning house.) dirigir
    10) (to put down or produce (a playing-card) as part of a card game: He played the seven of hearts.) jugar

    2. noun
    1) (recreation; amusement: A person must have time for both work and play.) diversión
    2) (an acted story; a drama: Shakespeare wrote many great plays.) obra
    3) (the playing of a game: At the start of today's play, England was leading India by fifteen runs.) partido
    4) (freedom of movement (eg in part of a machine).) juego
    - playable
    - playful
    - playfully
    - playfulness
    - playboy
    - playground
    - playing-card
    - playing-field
    - playmate
    - playpen
    - playschool
    - plaything
    - playtime
    - playwright
    - at play
    - bring/come into play
    - child's play
    - in play
    - out of play
    - play at
    - play back
    - play down
    - play fair
    - play for time
    - play havoc with
    - play into someone's hands
    - play off
    - play off against
    - play on
    - play a
    - no part in
    - play safe
    - play the game
    - play up

    play1 n
    1. obra de teatro
    2. juego
    play2 vb
    1. jugar
    2. tocar
    1 (recreation) juego
    2 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (action) juego; (match) partido; (move) jugada
    3 SMALLTHEATRE/SMALL obra (de teatro), pieza (teatral)
    4 (free and easy movement, slack) juego
    5 (action, effect, interaction) juego
    1 (game, sport) jugar a
    do you play the Stock Exchange? ¿juegas a la Bolsa?
    2 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (compete against) jugar contra; (in position) jugar de; (ball) pasar; (card) jugar; (piece) mover
    have you played David at tennis? ¿has jugado al tenis con David?
    1 (joke, trick) gastar, hacer
    1 SMALLTHEATRE/SMALL (part) hacer el papel de, hacer de; (play) representar, dar
    2 (record, song, tape) poner
    3 (direct - light, water) dirigir
    1 (amuse oneself) jugar (at, a), ( with, con)
    2 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (at game) jugar
    3 SMALLTHEATRE/SMALL (cast) actuar, trabajar; (show) ser representado,-a
    4 (pretend) pretender, jugar a
    what are you playing at? ¿qué pretendes?, ¿a qué estás jugando?
    6 (move) recorrer
    a play on words un juego de palabras
    to be in play estar dentro de juego
    to be out of play estar fuera de juego
    to be played out estar agotado,-a, estar rendido,-a
    to bring something into play poner algo en juego
    to come into play entrar en juego
    to give full play to something dar rienda suelta a algo
    to make a play for something/somebody intentar conseguir algo/conquistar a alguien
    to play by ear (music) tocar de oído
    to play dead hacerse el/la muerto,-a
    to play for time tratar de ganar tiempo
    to play hard to get hacerse de rogar, hacerse el/la interesante
    to play into somebody's hands hacerle el juego a alguien
    to play it by ear (improvise) decidir sobre la marcha, improvisar
    to play it cool hacer como si nada
    to play one's cards right jugar bien sus cartas
    to play safe / play it safe ir a lo seguro, no arriesgarse
    to play the fool hacer el indio, hacer el tonto
    to play the game jugar limpio
    to play truant hacer novillos, hacer campana
    to play with an idea dar vueltas a una idea
    to play with fire jugar con fuego
    fair play / foul play juego limpio / juego sucio
    play ['pleɪ] vi
    1) : jugar
    to play with a doll: jugar con una muñeca
    to play with an idea: darle vueltas a una idea
    2) fiddle, toy: jugar, juguetear
    don't play with your food: no juegues con la comida
    3) : tocar
    to play in a band: tocar en un grupo
    4) : actuar (en una obra de teatro)
    play vt
    1) : jugar (un deporte, etc.), jugar a (un juego), jugar contra (un contrincante)
    2) : tocar (música o un instrumento)
    3) perform: interpretar, hacer el papel de (un carácter), representar (una obra de teatro)
    she plays the lead: hace el papel principal
    play n
    1) game, recreation: juego m
    children at play: niños jugando
    a play on words: un juego de palabras
    2) action: juego m
    the ball is in play: la pelota está en juego
    to bring into play: poner en juego
    3) drama: obra f de teatro, pieza f (de teatro)
    4) movement: juego m (de la luz, una brisa, etc.)
    5) slack: juego m
    there's not enough play in the wheel: la rueda no da lo suficiente
    drama s.m.
    holgura s.f.
    huelgo s.m.
    juego s.m.
    jugada s.f.
    obra dramática s.f.
    pieza s.f.
    recreo s.m. (A role)
    desempeñar v. (An instrument)
    tocar v. (To drum)
    tañer v.
    divertirse v.
    jugar v.
    juguetear v.
    representar v.
    reproducir (Electrónica) v.
    sonar v.
    a) u ( recreation) juego m
    b) u ( Sport) juego m

    to bring something/come into play — poner* algo/entrar en juego

    c) c (AmE Sport) ( maneuver) jugada f

    to make a play for somebody/something — (also BrE)

    he made a play for hertrató de ganársela or de conquistársela

    2) u ( interplay) juego m
    3) u ( slack) ( Tech) juego m
    4) c ( Theat) obra f (de teatro), pieza f (teatral), comedia f

    radio playobra f radiofónica

    5) c ( pun)

    a) \<\<cards/hopscotch\>\> jugar* a

    to play a jokeick on somebody — hacerle* or gastarle una broma/una jugarreta a alguien

    b) \<\<football/chess\>\> jugar* (AmL exc RPl), jugar* a (Esp, RPl)
    a) ( compete against) \<\<opponent\>\> jugar* contra

    to play somebody AT something: I used to play her at chess — jugaba ajedrez or (Esp, RPl) al ajedrez con ella

    b) \<\<ball\>\> pasar; \<\<card\>\> tirar, jugar*; \<\<piece\>\> mover*
    c) ( in particular position) jugar* de
    d) ( use in game) \<\<reserve\>\> alinear, sacar* a jugar
    4) ( gamble on) jugar* a

    to play the market — ( Fin) jugar* a la bolsa

    5) ( Theat)
    a) \<\<villain/Hamlet\>\> representar el papel de, hacer* de, actuar* de

    to play the innocent — hacerse* el inocente

    b) \<\<scene\>\> representar

    to play it cool — hacer* como si nada

    to play (it) safe — ir* a la segura, no arriesgarse*

    to play (it) straight — ser* sincero or honesto

    c) \<\<theater/town\>\> actuar* en
    6) ( Mus) \<\<instrument/note\>\> tocar*; \<\<piece\>\> tocar*, interpretar (frml)
    7) ( Audio) \<\<tape/record\>\> poner*
    8) ( move) (+ adv compl)

    1) vi
    2) ( amuse oneself) \<\<children\>\> jugar*

    to play AT something — jugar* a algo

    what are you playing at? — ¿a qué estás jugando?, ¿qué es lo que te propones?

    to play WITH something/somebody — jugar* con algo/alguien

    3) (Games, Sport) jugar*

    to play fair — jugar* limpio

    to play fair with somebody — ser* justo con alguien

    a) ( Theat) \<\<cast\>\> actuar*, trabajar; \<\<show\>\> ser* representado
    b) ( pretend)

    to play dead — hacerse* el muerto

    to play hard to gethacerse* el (or la etc) interesante

    5) ( Mus) \<\<musician\>\> tocar*
    6) ( move)
    Phrasal Verbs:
    1. N
    1) (=recreation) juego m

    to be at play — estar jugando

    to do/say sth in play — hacer/decir algo en broma

    2) (Sport) juego m; (=move, manoeuvre) jugada f, movida f

    to be in play[ball] estar en juego

    to be out of play[ball] estar fuera de juego

    fair I, 1., 1), foul 5.
    3) (Theat) obra f (de teatro), pieza f
    plays teatro msing

    the plays of Lope — las obras dramáticas de Lope, el teatro de Lope

    radio/television play — obra f para radio/televisión

    to be in a play[actor] actuar en una obra

    4) (Tech etc) juego m
    5) (fig) (=interaction)

    to bring or call into play — poner en juego

    to come into play — entrar en juego

    to make a play for sth/sb — intentar conseguir algo/conquistar a algn

    to make (a) great play of sth — insistir en algo, hacer hincapié en algo

    a play on wordsun juego de palabras

    2. VT
    1) [+ football, tennis, chess, bridge, cards, board game etc] jugar a; [+ game, match] jugar, disputar

    do you play football? — ¿juegas al fútbol?

    what position does he play? — ¿de qué juega?

    to play centre-forward/centre-half etc — jugar de delantero centro/medio centro etc

    to play a game of tennis — jugar un partido de tenis

    don't play games with me! — (fig) ¡no me vengas con jueguecitos!, ¡no trates de engañarme!

    - play the field
    - play the game
    2) [+ team, opponent] jugar contra

    last time we played Sunderland... — la última vez que jugamos contra Sunderland...

    to play sb at chess — jugar contra algn al ajedrez

    3) [+ card] jugar; [+ ball] golpear; [+ chess piece etc] mover; [+ fish] dejar que se canse, agotar

    he played the ball into the net — (Tennis) estrelló or golpeó la pelota contra la red

    to play the market — (St Ex) jugar a la bolsa

    - play one's cards right or well
    - play ball
    4) (=perform) [+ role, part] hacer, interpretar; [+ work] representar; (=perform in) [+ town] actuar en

    what part did you play? — ¿qué papel tuviste?

    when we played "Hamlet" — cuando representamos "Hamlet"

    to play the peacemaker/the devoted husband — (fig) hacer el papel de pacificador/de marido amantísimo

    we could have played it differently — (fig) podríamos haber actuado de otra forma

    - play it cool
    - play it safe
    book 1., 1), fool, trick 1., 1)
    5) (Mus etc) [+ instrument, note] tocar; [+ tune, concerto] tocar, interpretar more frm; [+ tape, CD] poner, tocar

    to play the piano/violin — tocar el piano/el violín

    they played the 5th Symphonytocaron or more frm interpretaron la Quinta Sinfonía

    they were playing Beethoventocaban or more frm interpretaban algo de Beethoven

    6) (=direct) [+ light, hose] dirigir

    to play a searchlight on an aircraft — dirigir un reflector hacia un avión, hacer de un avión el blanco de un reflector

    3. VI
    1) (=amuse o.s.) [child] jugar; [puppy, kitten etc] jugar, juguetear

    to play with an idea — dar vueltas a una idea, barajar una idea

    to play with fire — (fig) jugar con fuego

    how much time/money do we have to play with? — ¿con cuánto tiempo/dinero contamos?, ¿de cuánto tiempo/dinero disponemos?

    to play with o.s. *euph tocarse, masturbarse

    2) (Sport) (at game, gamble) jugar

    play! — ¡listo!

    who plays first? — ¿quién juega primero?

    are you playing today? — ¿tu juegas hoy?

    England are playing against Scotland in the final — Inglaterra jugará contra or se enfrentará a Escocia en la final

    to play at chess — jugar al ajedrez

    what are you playing at? * — pero ¿qué haces?, ¿qué te pasa?

    to play by the rules — (fig) acatar las normas

    to play fairjugar limpio

    he plays for Liverpool — juega en el Liverpool

    to play for high stakes — (lit) apostar muy alto; (fig) poner mucho en juego

    to play in defence/goal — (Sport) jugar de defensa/de portero

    he played into the trees — (Golf) mandó la bola a la zona de árboles

    - play for time
    - play into sb's hands
    - play to one's strengths
    3) (Mus) [person] tocar; [instrument, record etc] sonar

    do you play? — ¿sabes tocar?

    will you play for us? — ¿nos tocas algo?

    to play on the piano — tocar el piano

    to play to sb — tocar para algn

    4) (Theat, Cine) (=act) actuar
    - play hard to get
    - play dead
    5) (=move about, form patterns) correr
    6) [fountain] correr, funcionar

    play clothes NPLropa f para jugar

    play reading Nlectura f (de una obra dramática)

    * * *
    a) u ( recreation) juego m
    b) u ( Sport) juego m

    to bring something/come into play — poner* algo/entrar en juego

    c) c (AmE Sport) ( maneuver) jugada f

    to make a play for somebody/something — (also BrE)

    he made a play for hertrató de ganársela or de conquistársela

    2) u ( interplay) juego m
    3) u ( slack) ( Tech) juego m
    4) c ( Theat) obra f (de teatro), pieza f (teatral), comedia f

    radio playobra f radiofónica

    5) c ( pun)

    a) \<\<cards/hopscotch\>\> jugar* a

    to play a joke/trick on somebody — hacerle* or gastarle una broma/una jugarreta a alguien

    b) \<\<football/chess\>\> jugar* (AmL exc RPl), jugar* a (Esp, RPl)
    a) ( compete against) \<\<opponent\>\> jugar* contra

    to play somebody AT something: I used to play her at chess — jugaba ajedrez or (Esp, RPl) al ajedrez con ella

    b) \<\<ball\>\> pasar; \<\<card\>\> tirar, jugar*; \<\<piece\>\> mover*
    c) ( in particular position) jugar* de
    d) ( use in game) \<\<reserve\>\> alinear, sacar* a jugar
    4) ( gamble on) jugar* a

    to play the market — ( Fin) jugar* a la bolsa

    5) ( Theat)
    a) \<\<villain/Hamlet\>\> representar el papel de, hacer* de, actuar* de

    to play the innocent — hacerse* el inocente

    b) \<\<scene\>\> representar

    to play it cool — hacer* como si nada

    to play (it) safe — ir* a la segura, no arriesgarse*

    to play (it) straight — ser* sincero or honesto

    c) \<\<theater/town\>\> actuar* en
    6) ( Mus) \<\<instrument/note\>\> tocar*; \<\<piece\>\> tocar*, interpretar (frml)
    7) ( Audio) \<\<tape/record\>\> poner*
    8) ( move) (+ adv compl)

    1) vi
    2) ( amuse oneself) \<\<children\>\> jugar*

    to play AT something — jugar* a algo

    what are you playing at? — ¿a qué estás jugando?, ¿qué es lo que te propones?

    to play WITH something/somebody — jugar* con algo/alguien

    3) (Games, Sport) jugar*

    to play fair — jugar* limpio

    to play fair with somebody — ser* justo con alguien

    a) ( Theat) \<\<cast\>\> actuar*, trabajar; \<\<show\>\> ser* representado
    b) ( pretend)

    to play dead — hacerse* el muerto

    to play hard to gethacerse* el (or la etc) interesante

    5) ( Mus) \<\<musician\>\> tocar*
    6) ( move)
    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > play

  • 16 give

    1. I
    the door gave дверь подалась; the ice gave лед сломался /не выдержал/; the foundations are giving фундамент оседает; at the height of the storm the bridge gave в самый разгар бури мост не выдержал и рухнул; his knees seemed to give ему казалось, что у него подкашиваются ноги; the branch gave but did not break ветка прогнулась, но не сломалась; а soft chair (a bed, a mattress, etc.) gives [when one sits on it] мягкий стул и т. д. проминается [, когда на него садятся]; the frost is beginning to give мороз начинает слабеть
    2. II
    1) give in some manner. give generously /unsparingly, abundantly/ щедро и т. д. давать /дарить, одаривать/; give grudgingly нехотя делать подарки
    2) give in some manner this chair (the mattress, the bed, etc.) gives comfortably (a lot) этот стул и т. д. приятно (сильно) проминается; the springs won't give enough /much/ пружины довольно тугие; the горе has given a good deal веревка сильно растянулась /ослабла/; give for some time the frost did not give all day мороз не отпускал весь день
    3. III
    give smth.
    1) give food (medicine, L 3, etc.) давать еду и т. д., give presents дарить /делать/ подарки; give a grant давать дотацию /пособие/; give a scholarship предоставлять стипендию; give a medal награждать медалью; give alms подавать милостыню
    2) give a message передавать записку /сообщение/; give one's regards передать привет
    3) give a large crop (10 per cent profit, etc.) приносить / давать/ большой урожай и т. д.; give fruit плодоносить; give milk давать молоке; give heat излучать тепло; the lamp gives a poor light лампа светит тускло /дает, излучает тусклый свет/; his work gives good results его работа дает хорошие результаты; two times two /two multiplied by two/ gives four дважды два give четыре
    4) give facts (news, details, the following figures, etc.) приводить /сообщать/ факты и т. д.; give an example /an instance/ приводить /давать/ пример: the dictionary doesn't give this word в словаре нет этого слова; the list gives ten names в списке [приведено /указано/] / список содержит/ десять имен; he gave a full account of the event он все рассказал /дал полный отчет/ об этом событии; he gave no particulars он не сообщил никаких подробностей; give a portrait (a character, the scenery of the country, etc.) нарисовать портрет и т. д.; in his book he gives a description of their customs в своей книге он описывает их нравы; give evidence /testimony/ давать показания; give one's name and address дать /назвать/ свой фамилию и адрес
    5) the thermometer gives forty degrees термометр показывает сорок градусов; the barometer gives rain барометр пошел на дождь; give no sign of life не подавать признаков жизни; give no sign of recognition a) не подать виду, что узнал; б) не узнать; give no sign of embarrassment нисколько не смутиться
    6) give a dinner (a dinner party, a ball, a party, a concert, a performance, etc.) давать /устраивать/ обед и т. д.
    7) give lessons (instruction, exact information, etc.) давать уроки и т. д., give smth. in smth. give lessons in mathematics (instruction in golf, etc.) давать уроки по математике и т. д.; give smth. on smth. give lectures on psychology (on biology, on various subjects, etc.) читать лекции по психологии и т. д., give a lecture прочитать лекцию, выступить с лекцией; give a song (one of Beethoven's sonatas, a concerto, etc.) исполнять песню и т. д., give a recital (a recitation) выступать с сольным концертом (с художественным чтением)
    8) give one's good wishes желать всего доброго / хорошего/; give one's blessing давать свое благословение: give a toast провозглашать тост; give smb.'s health /the health of smb./ поднимать тост за чье-л. здоровье
    9) give a point in the argument уступить по одному какому-л. вопросу в споре; give way /ground/ отступать, сдавать [свои] позиции; the army (our troops, the crowd, etc.) gave way армия и т. д. отступила; the door (the axle, the railing, etc.) gave way дверь и т. д. подалась; the bridge (the ice, the floor, the ground, etc.) gave way мост и т. д. провалился; the rope /the line/ gave way веревка лопнула; my legs gave way у меня подкосились ноги; his health is giving way его здоровье пошатнулось; his strength is giving way силы оставляют его; if he argues don't give way если он будет спорить, не уступайте
    10) give a decision сообщать решение; give judg (e)ment выносить приговор; give notice а) предупреждать о предстоящем увольнении; б) уведомлять
    11) semiaux give a look glance/ взглянуть, бросить взгляд; give a jump leap/ (под)прыгнуть, сделать прыжок; give a push (a pull) толкнуть (потянуть); give a kick ударить ногой, лягнуть; give a smile улыбнуться; give a kiss поцеловать; give a loud laugh громко засмеяться /рассмеяться/; give a cry shout/ издавать крик; give a sigh вздохнуть; give a groan застонать; give a sob всхлипнуть; give a start вздрогнуть; give a nod кивнуть; give a shake [of one's head] отрицательно покачать головой; give an injection делать укол; give a shrug of the shoulders пожать плечами; give a wave of the hand махнуть рукой; give a blow ударить; give a rebuff давать отпор; give a beating задать порку, избить; give chase пускаться в погоню; give a wag of the tail вильнуть хвостом; give an order (a command, instructions, etc.) отдавать приказ /распоряжение/ и т. д.; give an answer reply/ давать ответ, отвечать; give help оказывать помощь; give the alert объявлять тревогу; give a warning делать предупреждение; give advice советовать, давать совет; give a suggestion предлагать, выдвигать предложение; give a promise (one's word, one's pledge, etc.) давать обещание и т. д.; give shelter давать /предоставлять/ убежище; give a volley дать залп; the gun gave a loud report раздался громкий ружейный выстрел; give offence обижать, наносить обиду; give battle давать бой; give a chance (an opportunity, power, etc.) предоставлять /давать/ возможность и т. д.
    4. IV
    give smth. somewhere
    1) give back the books you borrowed (my pen, my newspaper, etc.) возвращать книги, которые вы взяли и т. д.; give smth. in some manner give money generously (grudgingly, freely, etc.) щедро и т. д. давать деньги; regularly give presents регулярно делать подарки
    2) give smth. at some time give a message immediately немедленно передать записку
    3) give smth. at some time give profit (10 per cent, etc.) regularly (annually, etc.) регулярно и т. д. приносить прибыль и т. д.
    4) give smth. in some manner give an extract in full (at length, in detail, etc.) приводить отрывок полностью и т. д.
    5) semiaux give smth. in some manner give aid willingly охотно оказывать помощь; give one's answers loudly (distinctly, etc.) давать ответы /отвечать/ громко и т. д.
    5. V
    1) give smb. smth. give me your pencil (him this book, her your hand, me a match, the child a glass of milk, the boy his medicine, etc.) дайте мне ваш карандаш и т. д., give smb. a present сделать кому-л. подарок; give him watch (her a ring, etc.) подарить ему часы и т. д.; give her a bunch of flowers преподнести ей букет цветов; what has he given you? что он вам подарил /преподнес/?; give him a letter from his mother (her a note from me, etc.) передавать ему письмо от матери и т. д.; give an actor a role (him a job, etc.) предлагать /давать/ актеру роль и т. д.; give smb. the place of honour отвести кому-л. почетное место; give me long distance дайте мне междугородную; I give you my word (my promise, my consent, etc.) 'даю вам слово и т. д.; give smb. smth. for smth. give smb. a watch for a present преподнести кому-л. часы в качестве подарка; give women equal pay with men for their work оплачивать труд женщин наравне с трудом мужчин; give smb. smth. in smth. give them parts in his new play распределять между ними роли в его новой пьесе; give smb. smb. she gave him a beautiful baby boy она родила ему прекрасного мальчика
    2) give smb. smth. give him the message (me the letter, etc.) передавать ему записку и т. д.; give smb. one's love (one's compliments, one's kind regards, etc.) передавать кому-л. привет и т. д.; give him my thanks передайте ему мою благодарность; I give you my very best wishes желаю вам всего самого лучшего
    3) give smb. smth. give smb. an illness (measles, a sore throat, etc.) заразить кого-л. какой-л. болезнью и т. д.; you've given me your cold вы заразили меня насморком, я от вас заразился насморком
    4) give smb., smth. smth. give us warmth and light (us fruit, people meat, us milk, us wool and leather, etc.) давать нам тепло и свет и т. д.; give men pleasure (him joy, the children enjoyment, her satisfaction, etc.) доставлять людям удовольствие и т. д.; give smb. [much] pain (much trouble, sorrow, etc.) причинять кому-л. боль и т. д.; too much noise gives me a headache от сильного шума у меня начинается головная боль; give smb. courage (me patience, him strength, her more self-confidence, etc.) придавать кому-л. мужество и т. д.; that gave me the idea of travelling это навело меня на мысль о путешествии; give smth. flavour придавать чему-л. вкус
    5) give smb. smth. give the commission an account of his trip (us a good description of the man, him wrong information, him good proof, etc.) давать комиссии отчет /отчитываться перед комиссией/ о своей поездке и т. д.; give me your opinion сообщите мне свое мнение; give us human nature truthfully (the reader a true picture of his age, etc.) описать /воссоздать/ для нас подлинную картину человеческой природы и т. д.
    6) give smb. smth. give the child a name дать ребенку имя; give smth. smth. give the book a strange title дать книге странное заглавие /название/; this town gave the battle its name эта битва получила название по городу, близ которого она произошла
    7) give smb. smth. give smb. lessons (music lessons, lessons in French, consultations, instruction, etc.) давать кому-л. уроки и т. д., give smb. a concerto (a play, etc.) исполнить для кого-л. концерт и т. д.; give us Bach (us another song, etc.) исполните нам /для нас/ Баха и т. д.; who will give us a song? кто вам споет? || give smb. an example служить кому-л. примером; give the other boys an example подавать другим мальчикам пример
    8) give smb. smth. give smb. good morning (him good day, us good evening, etc.) пожелать кому-л. доброго утра и т. д., give smb. one's blessing благословлять кого-л.; give smb. smth., smb. give them our country (our host, the Governor, etc.) предложить им выпить за нашу страну и т. д.
    9) give smb. smth. give smb. six months' imprisonment (five years, two years of hard labour, etc.) приговорить кого-л. к пяти месяцам тюремного заключения и т. д.
    10) semiaux give smb., smth. smth. give smb. a look (a fleeting glance, etc.) бросить на кого-л. взгляд и т. д.; give smb. a smile улыбнуться кому-л.; give smb. a kiss поцеловать кого-л.; give smb. a blow нанести кому-л. удар, стукнуть кого-л.; give smb. a push толкнуть кого-л.; give smb. a kick лягнуть, ударить кого-л. ногой; give smb. a nod кивнуть кому-л. [головой]; give smb. a beating избить /поколотить/ кого-л.; give one's hat a brush почистить шляпу; give a blackboard a wipe стереть с доски; give smb.'s hand a squeeze сжать или пожать кому-л. руку; give them our support (him help, him a hand, them every assistance, etc.) оказать им поддержку и т. д.; give the matter every care внимательно отнестись к вопросу; give smb. a warning предупреждать кого-л.; give smb. an order (instructions, etc.) отдать кому-л. приказ и т. д.; give smb. an answer reply/ давать кому-л. ответ, отвечать кому-л.; my old coat gives me good service мое старое пальто все еще служит мне; give me a chance (him another opportunity, etc.) предоставьте мне возможность и т. д.
    6. VII
    1) give smth. to do smth. give a signal to start (notice to leave, etc.) давать сигнал к отправлению и т. д.; give a push to open the door толкнуть дверь, чтобы она открылась; give a lot to know it (anything to know what happened, the world to have it, the world to secure such a thing, etc.) многое отдать, чтобы узнать это и т. д. || give smb. to understand дать кому-л. понять
    2) give smb. smth. to do give him a book to read (me something to eat, her a glass of water to drink, him the right to complain, him a week to make up his mind, us an hour to get there, myself time to think it over, etc.) дать ему прочесть книгу и т. д.; give a porter one's bags to carry (a groom one's horse to hold, etc.) попросить носильщика отнести вещи и т. д.; give him a letter to mail дать /велеть/ ему отправить письмо; give her a message to deliver дать ей записку для передачи
    7. XI
    1) be given smth. he was given a job (quarters, a rest, etc.) ему дали /предложили/ работу и т. д., he was given a book (a watch, L 50, a ring, etc.) ему подарили книгу и т. д.; be given to smb., smth. a book (a watch, etc.) was given to him ему подарили книгу и т. д., he was given a contract с ним заключили контракт; be given in some manner our services are given free of charge мы оказываем услуги бесплатно; invitations are given gratuitously (periodically, willingly, etc.) приглашения рассылаются бесплатно и т. д., be given somewhere articles (books, etc.) must be given back статьи и т. д. должны быть возвращены
    2) be given to smb. of all the books that have been given to the public on the problem из всех выпущенных по данному вопросу книг
    3) || semiaux I was given to understand that... мне дали понять, что...
    4) be given to smth. be given to idleness (to luxury and pleasure, to drink, to these pursuits, etc.) иметь склонность к безделью и т. д., he is much given to music он увлекается музыкой; be given in so me manner I am not given that way у меня не такой склад /характер/; be given to doing smth. be given to drinking (to day-dreaming, to lying, to contradicting, to swearing, to shooting and hunting, etc.) любить выпить, иметь пристрастие к выпивке и т. д.; he is given to stealing он нечист на руку; he is given to boasting он хвастлив || semiaux (not) be given to smb. to do smth. it is not given to him to understand it (to appreciate beauty, to express his thoughts eloquently, to become famous, etc.) ему не дано понять это и т. д.
    5) be given somewhere the figures (the data, the results, etc.) are given below ( above) цифры и т. д. приведены ниже (выше); as given below (above) как показано /сказано/ ниже (выше); the word (this phrase, etc.) is not given in the dictionary словарь не дает /не приводит/ этого слова и т. д., be given in some manner the prices are given separately цены даются отдельно; this is given as a hypothesis это приводится в виде гипотезы
    6) be given smth. he was given the name of John его назвали Джоном; be given in some manner the subtitle is given rather grandiloquently дан очень пышный подзаголовок
    7) be given at some place the opera (the play, etc.) was first given in Paris (on this stage, etc.) эта опера и т. д. была впервые поставлена в Париже и т. д.; be given at some time the play is to be given again next month пьеса вновь пойдет /пьесу снова покажут/ в следующем месяце
    8) be given smth. be given six years' imprisonment (a severe punishment, a stiff sentence, a reprieve, etc.) получить шесть лет тюрьмы и т. д.; be given for (against) smb. the decision (the judg(e)ment, etc.) was given for (against) the defendant ( the plaintiff, etc.) решение и т. д. было вынесено в пользу (против) обвиняемого и т. д.
    8. XVI
    1) give to /for/ smth., smb. give to the Red Cross (to charity, to the poor, for the relief of the victims of the flood, etc.) жертвовать [средства] в пользу Красного Креста и т. д.
    2) give under smth. the fence (the beam, etc.) may give under the weight забор и т. д. может рухнуть под такой тяжестью; the earth /the soil/ (the marshy ground, etc.) gave under the vehicle под тяжестью машины почва и т. д. осела; the step gave under his feet ступенька сломалась у него под ногами; the lock gave under hard pushing мы напирали на дверь, пока замок не сломался; give on smth. we can't negotiate until each side is willing to give on some points успешные переговоры невозможны [до тех пор], пока каждая сторона не пойдет на определенные уступки
    3) give (up)on (into, onto) smth. the window ( the door, the gate, etc.) gives (up)on the street (on the garden, on the side street, into /on(to)/ the yard, on the sea, etc.) окно и т. д. выходит на улицу и т. д., the road gave onto the highway дорога выходила на шоссе
    9. XVIII
    give oneself to smth. give oneself to mathematics (to study, to science, etc.) посвятить себя математике и т. д.; give oneself to thought (to meditation, to prayer, etc.) предаваться размышлениям и т. д.; the invaders gave themselves to plunder захватчики занимались грабежом
    10. XXI1
    1) give smth. to smb., smth. give a book to each of the boys (food to the hungry, medicine to a patient, money to a beggar, etc.) давать каждому мальчику по книге и т. д.; money to the Red Cross (all his books to the library, his collection to the college, etc.) передать /( пожертвовать/ деньги Красному Кресту и т.
    ; give one's hand to the visitor подать / пожать, протянуть/ руку посетителю; give a part to an actor дать актеру роль; give place to the old woman (to new methods, etc.) уступить место пожилой женщине и т. д.; give her face to the sun подставить лицо солнцу; give smth. for smb., smth. give his life for his friends (for his country, for a cause, etc.) отдать свою жизнь за друзей и т. д.; give smth. to smth., smb. give (no) thought to it (не) задумываться над этим; give [one's] attention to smb. оказывать кому-л. внимание; give credit to smth. прислушиваться к чему-л.; give credit to the report доверять сообщению || give one's ear to smb., smth. прислушиваться к кому-л., чему-л.; give ear to the rumour прислушиваться к тому, что говорят; give one's daughter in marriage выдавать /отдавать/ дочь замуж
    2) give smth. to smb. give the command of the regiment to him поручить ему командование полком; give my love /my kind regards, my compliments/ to her (to your family, etc.) передавать ей и т. д. привет; give smb., smth. into smb., smth. give the children into smb.'s hands (into smb.'s care, into smb.'s charge, etc.) передавать детей в чьи-л. руки и т. д., поручать детей кому-л. и т. д., give the thief into the hands of the police передать вора в руки полиции; give the prisoner into custody отдать заключенного под стражу
    3) give smth. to smth., smb. give perfume to the linen (an edge to the appetite, brilliance to the thing, etc.) придавать белью аромат и т. д.; give a disease to smb. (a cold to the boy, measles to a whole school, etc.) заразить кого-л. какой-л. болезнью и т. д.; give motion to the wheel привести колесо в движение; give currency to smth. пускать что-л. в обращение; give currency to rumours распускать слухи; his novel gave currency to this phrase после выхода в свет его романа это выражение стало крылатым; give rise to smth. породить /вызвать/ что-л.; his behaviour gave rise to rumours его поведение дало повод разговорам
    4) give smth. for smth. give five pounds for the hat (as much as L 3 for this book, a good price for the car, etc.) (заплатать пять фунтов за шляпу и т. д.; how much /what/ did you give for that? сколько вы за это заплатили?; give prizes /premiums/ for the best exhibits выдавать призы за лучшие экспонаты; give smth. to smb. give good wages to the workers хорошо платить рабочим
    5) give smth. to smth., smb. give one's free time to golf (one's mind to scientific research, one's attention to study, one's heart to art, one's energy to political affairs, one's love to her, etc.) отдавать все свое свободное время игре в гольф и т. д.; give one's life to science (to the cause of peace, to study, to one's duty, etc.) отдать /посвятить/ свой жизнь науке и т. д.
    6) give smth. with smth. give the story with many unnecessary particulars (a description with many side remarks, evidence with no trace of bias, etc.) рассказать эту историю со многими ненужными подробностями и т. д.; give the scenery with great fidelity описывать /воспроизводить/ пейзаж с большой точностью; give smth. for smth. give his reasons for his absence (for the delay, for her lateness, etc.) объяснять свое отсутствие и т. д.
    7) give smth. at smth. the bulletin gives the population of the country at 90 millions (the average number of attempts at 3, the number of instances at 8, etc.) в бюллетене указывается, что население этой страны ранки девяноста миллионам и т. д.; give smth. in smth. give 30° in the shade (in the sun) показывать /регистрировать/ тридцать градусов в тени (на солнце)
    8) give smth. to smth. the city gave its name to the battle эта ботва получила название по городу, близ которого она произошла; the largest city gave its name to the province эта область названа по самому большому городу
    9) give smth. for smb. give a dinner (a party, etc.) for 20 guests давать обед и т. д. на двадцать человек /персон/
    10) give smth. to smb. give instruction to a class of adults (lessons to children, interviews to journalists, etc.) давать уроки группе взрослых и т. д., give a talk to the recruits провести беседу с новобранцами
    11) give smth. to smb. give three hearty cheers to the winners встречать победителей троекратным "ура"
    12) || give way to smth., smb. отступать перед чем-л., кем-л.; give way to а саг (to traffic coming in from the right, to the man, etc.) пропускать автомобиль и т. д., давать дорогу автомобилю и т. д.; give way to despair впасть в отчаяние; give way to temptation (to grief, etc.) поддаться соблазну и т. д.; give way to emotions уступить чувствам, быть не в состоянии справиться со своими чувствами; give way to tears не сдержать слезы, расплакаться; give way to his whims (to him, to these impudent demands, etc.) уступать его капризам и т. д., give way to anger не сдержать гнева, дать волю гневу; give place to smth., smb. отступать перед чем-л., кем-л.; spring gave place to summer на смену весне пришло лето
    13) semiaux give smth., to smb., smth. give a blow to smb. нанести кому-л. удар; give a signal to the guard подавать сигнал часовому; give a turn to a key in the lock повернуть ключ в замке; give help to the needy оказывать помощь нуждающимся; give an order to the servants (a command to the soldiers. etc.) отдать распоряжение слугам и т. д.; give an answer to the man ответить этому человеку; give encouragement to the boy ободрить /подбодрить/ мальчика; give chase to a ship [начать] преследовать корабль
    11. XXIV1
    give smth. as smth. give a book (a jack-knife, etc.) as a present давать книгу и т. д. в качестве подарка, дарить книгу и т. д., give smth. as a keepsake дарить что-л. на память

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > give

  • 17 individuo

    1 individual.
    2 indivisible.
    individual, single, single man, subject.
    * * *
    1 person
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino individuo,-a
    1 peyorativo (gen) character, individual; (hombre) bloke, guy, chap; (mujer) woman
    1 person
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    * * *
    noun m.
    individual, guy, person
    * * *
    2. SM
    1) (=persona) [gen] individual; pey individual, character
    2) (=socio) member, fellow
    * * *
    b) (pey) ( tipo) character (colloq), individual (colloq)
    c) (Fil, Sociol)
    d) ( de una especie) individual
    * * *
    = individual, self, subject.
    Ex. Note that these provisions do not include research reports which have been prepared within a government agency but specifically authored by an individual = Nótese que estas disposiciones no afectan a informes de investigaciones procedentes de una agencia gubernamental aunque realizados concretamente por un individuo.
    Ex. Education should relate more effectively to personal development, to individual coping and to the development of the free self.
    Ex. For example, in psychology, S for subject, and E for experimenter are common parlance.
    * adaptado a cada individuo = individually-tailored.
    * derecho del individuo = individual's right.
    * individuo que continúa aprendiendo a lo largo de su vida = lifelong learner.
    * por individuo = per capita, per person.
    * reconocimiento del individuo = affirmation.
    * * *
    b) (pey) ( tipo) character (colloq), individual (colloq)
    c) (Fil, Sociol)
    d) ( de una especie) individual
    * * *
    = individual, self, subject.

    Ex: Note that these provisions do not include research reports which have been prepared within a government agency but specifically authored by an individual = Nótese que estas disposiciones no afectan a informes de investigaciones procedentes de una agencia gubernamental aunque realizados concretamente por un individuo.

    Ex: Education should relate more effectively to personal development, to individual coping and to the development of the free self.
    Ex: For example, in psychology, S for subject, and E for experimenter are common parlance.
    * adaptado a cada individuo = individually-tailored.
    * derecho del individuo = individual's right.
    * individuo que continúa aprendiendo a lo largo de su vida = lifelong learner.
    * por individuo = per capita, per person.
    * reconocimiento del individuo = affirmation.

    * * *
    (persona indeterminada): el presunto ladrón, un individuo alto, de mediana edad the suspected thief, a tall, middle-aged man
    no podemos centrarlo en el idiolecto de un individuo we cannot base it on the idiolect of one individual o one person
    2 ( pey) (tipo) character ( colloq), individual ( colloq)
    dos individuos un tanto extraños two somewhat strange characters o individuals
    ¿quién era ese individuo que iba contigo? who was that guy you were with? ( colloq)
    3 ( Fil, Sociol):
    el individuo the individual
    4 (de una especie) individual
    * * *

    individuo sustantivo masculino

    b) (pey) ( tipo) character (colloq), individual (colloq);

    individuo sustantivo masculino
    1 (de una especie) individual
    2 (persona) man: es un individuo algo raro, he's a strange sort of chap
    familiar guy, character
    ' individuo' also found in these entries:
    - aquel
    - aquella
    - comando
    - GAL
    - GEO
    - hombre
    - impermeable
    - individual
    - persona
    - recomendable
    - sujeta
    - sujeto
    - tipo
    - cabeza
    - cada
    - contra
    - costumbre
    - maje
    - quiebra
    - rechazar
    - rechazo
    - ser
    - tío
    - individual
    - person
    * * *
    individuo, -a nm,f
    1. [ser individual] person, individual;
    los derechos del individuo the rights of the individual
    2. [persona desconocida] person, individual;
    dos individuos atracaron un banco two people o individuals robbed a bank
    3. [mala persona] individual;
    no me gusta nada el individuo con el que sales I don't like that individual o character you're going out with at all
    4. [de especie]
    quedan sólo 200 individuos de esta especie only 200 individuals remain of this species;
    algunos individuos de la especie some members of the species;
    cada individuo ocupa un territorio each animal occupies its own territory
    * * *
    m individual
    * * *
    : individual, person
    * * *
    1. (en general) person [pl. people] / individual
    2. (hombre) man [pl. men]

    Spanish-English dictionary > individuo

  • 18 למד II

    לָמֵדII m., לְמֵדָה, לְמֵידָה f. 1) accustomed. Tanḥ. Noah 2 (מה של׳) מה שהיה ל׳ what each was used to eat (ed. Bub. ib. לָמוּד). 2) (of persons) learning, arguing.Pl. לְמֵדִין, לְמֵי׳. Nidd.22b כלג״ש … אין ל׳ הימנה from an analogy of textual words (v. גְּזֵרָה) which are not free for interpretation (being necessary to the subject proper), you cannot derive any general rule; ib. ל׳ ומשיבין we may derive a rule, but it is open to argument; a. fr.הל׳ לפני חכמים those who were permitted to argue before the scholars (e. g. Levi before Rabbi). Meil.9b; Snh.17b (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 3). Men.80b ל׳ לפני רבי. 3) (of subjects) having light thrown upon, defined. Pes.25b, a. e. הרי זה בא לְלַמֵּד ונמצא לָמֵד (a proverbial phrase: behold this one comes as a teacher and turns out a learner) this is intended to throw light (on the case of a violated betrothed) and is at the same time receiving light.Sifra introd. דבר הל׳ מעניינו something which is clearly understood from the context; a. fr.Y.Kidd.I 59a עבריה למידה מבת חורין ועברי ל׳ מעבריה the case of the Ibriya (that a Hebrew handmaid can be acquired by a written deed) is learned from that of a free woman, and that of the Ibri (the Hebrew bondsman) from the Ibriya; נמצא לָ׳ מלָּ׳ consequently a case may be illustrated by one itself defined (only indirectly) by analogy; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > למד II

  • 19 לָמֵד

    לָמֵדII m., לְמֵדָה, לְמֵידָה f. 1) accustomed. Tanḥ. Noah 2 (מה של׳) מה שהיה ל׳ what each was used to eat (ed. Bub. ib. לָמוּד). 2) (of persons) learning, arguing.Pl. לְמֵדִין, לְמֵי׳. Nidd.22b כלג״ש … אין ל׳ הימנה from an analogy of textual words (v. גְּזֵרָה) which are not free for interpretation (being necessary to the subject proper), you cannot derive any general rule; ib. ל׳ ומשיבין we may derive a rule, but it is open to argument; a. fr.הל׳ לפני חכמים those who were permitted to argue before the scholars (e. g. Levi before Rabbi). Meil.9b; Snh.17b (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 3). Men.80b ל׳ לפני רבי. 3) (of subjects) having light thrown upon, defined. Pes.25b, a. e. הרי זה בא לְלַמֵּד ונמצא לָמֵד (a proverbial phrase: behold this one comes as a teacher and turns out a learner) this is intended to throw light (on the case of a violated betrothed) and is at the same time receiving light.Sifra introd. דבר הל׳ מעניינו something which is clearly understood from the context; a. fr.Y.Kidd.I 59a עבריה למידה מבת חורין ועברי ל׳ מעבריה the case of the Ibriya (that a Hebrew handmaid can be acquired by a written deed) is learned from that of a free woman, and that of the Ibri (the Hebrew bondsman) from the Ibriya; נמצא לָ׳ מלָּ׳ consequently a case may be illustrated by one itself defined (only indirectly) by analogy; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > לָמֵד

  • 20 бабник

    3) American: jelly-roll, lover-boy
    4) Australian slang: slut
    5) Rude: pussy-hound (He's a total pussy hound.)
    7) Student language: big-time operator
    8) Taboo: Handsome Harry, John, banger, big-dame hunter (см. big-game hunter), big-time operator (см. small-time operator), body-snatcher, broad-chaser (см. broad), candy kid, chicken butcher, chippy chaser, come-on, cunt-chaser, educated fox, eye-gazer, eye-giver, fast operator, fast worker, fem follower, fleece-hunter, flower-fancier (см. flower), free-lance, gal-sneaker, gash hound, gay Lothario, heavy cake, hen's egg, holer, home blaster, killer, knave of hearts, ladies' man, man of affairs, man on the make, masher, scammer, sharp-shooter, sheik, skirt-chaser, snake, squaw man, stepson, sugar-chaser, supper-jet, tail-chaser, thriller, travelling salesman, wild-oats sower, winker, woman's home companion

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > бабник

См. также в других словарях:

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